Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
The Unlived Life
I’m finding social media so contentious and full of such nasty political rhetoric (on both sides) that, for the first time ever, I’m thinking about deleting all of my accounts. Here’s something I’ve been contemplating. It’s short. Read the whole thing at the link above.
“…..It means that our lives exist on two levels.
The first level is the material plane. The practical world. The level of kids and cars and mortgages and taxes.
The second is the plane of potentiality.
The unlived life within us.
The books we might write, the enterprises we might initiate, the realized self we might become.
Are you unhappy? Frustrated? Miserable? Do you engage in rants on Facebook and Twitter? Do you take your frustrations out on loved ones, rivals at work, shoppers in the produce aisle at Piggly Wiggly? Have you recently bought a gun? Are you looking for ways to move to Zamboanga?
I’m not saying things aren’t crazy out there.
I’m not saying that dark energies haven’t been loosed upon the world.
I’m as freaked out as the next guy.
But what I am saying is that some of our angst, some of our anguish comes not from the travails of the moment, however dire they may be, but from something deeper.
I mean the gap between our lived lives and our unlived lives.
I mean Resistance.
When you and I know … when we feel in our bones the unrealized self we are or could become and know that we’re not living it out … the result is pain. The result is shame and anguish and self-reproach.
What we hate is not our fellow citizens across the political aisle.
What we hate is our own failure to step up to that unlived level.”
Sinister Manipulations – Pistols
As an instructor, you must master weapon manipulations with either hand so that you can best instruct your students. I’m betting that some of you have some significant work to do if you honestly evaluate your ambidextrous skill sets.
It’s NOT your Trigger Control
Any of you who teach shooting classes or coach shooters casually should really pay attention to what Mike Seeklander is discussing in this article. I use this trick quite regularly to fix those low left shots.
Meditations on Crowds
Some damn good advice about violent crowds.
Illustrated: The Ballistics of Contact Gunshot Wounds
The author is right. Contact shots do more damage. One death investigation class I took in my police career stressed that the hot gasses escaping the muzzle at contact distance generally increased tissue damage by 50%.
Yes, contact shots work well, but there is some nuance that most people don’t understand. In almost every case, shoving the gun into your attacker’s body makes you very prone to being disarmed. I’d rather keep my gun in a tight retention position than extend it away from my body to make the contact shot. I’ll accept a smaller bullet hole if it keeps the attacker from taking my gun.
J Frame of Mind: The Snubby’s Guide to Life
Carrying a snubnose revolver for defense requires different tactics and a different mindset than carrying a full sized semi-automatic pistol.