Links to some of the best reading on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend.
Criminal Assaults Woman Holding Her Baby To Steal Her Phone
A short video that highlights a few important crime prevention issues. You can clearly see how being distracted sets the victim up for the crime. You can also see how truly brutal most street criminals are. This guy kicked the young mother in the back to take her down…as she was holding her baby. Finally, you get to see one of the most obvious pre-assault indicators that criminals display…the “look around.” watch as the criminal looks all around before committing the crime. He’s looking for cops, security, or anyone else who will interfere. He’s also evaluating escape routes. When you see this, it’s very late in the attack planning phase. You have at most a couple of seconds to prepare yourself before the attack commences.
How do you avoid a “friendly fire” shooting in your home?
Good advice to avoid shooting a friend or family member in your home.
A Lifter’s Guide To Marijuana
I’m not a smoker, but I know some of you are. Here’s how pot affects your gains in the gym. In my opinion we need more legitimate information like this rather than merely sticking to the “drugs are bad” rhetoric.
Snipers and Mirage: Tip of the Week
Some excellent tips for dealing with the issue of mirage when shooting a scope-sighted rifle.
Tension pneumothorax – time to change the old mantra?
For those of you trained in Tactical Combat Casualty Care, recognize that ideas are slowly changing about the best site to perform a needle decompression of a tension pneumothorax. With heavier or more muscular patients (or short IV catheters) the traditional placement in the chest (2nd intercostal space, mid-clavicular line) may not work. Read the emergency medicine literature and familiarize yourself with the alternate site suggested.
While we are talking about TCCC issues, THIS ARTICLE would be a very useful review for most of you. As would this video on how to perform a surgical cric.
One Handed Shooting
A public service announcement from Modern Service Weapons…practice your one handed shooting!
Who Is In Your Scene?
A very important concept explained by James Altrucher. What are you doing to create and add value to your “scene?”
The Top 10 Reasons Why Your Shooting Pics and Vids Suck
With folks taking time off for the holidays we are sure to see the deluge of shooting pictures pop up on Facebook. Most of them will be laughable. Take a look at the advice from my friends at Adaptive Defensive Concepts and learn how to take pictures that your gun-knowledgeable friends won’t make fun of.
TPR5 – Winter 2014 – Released!!!
A very well written (and free) survival journal.
The 5 Most Overrated Guns of All Time
It’s written to provide some comic relief by making fun of the cult-like following that each of these guns has….but it’s not far off!
Hold that Forend!
I admit to resting my precision rifle on a pack (or bipod) and using the crossed arm hold. It’s always worked well for me, but the heaviest rifle I regularly shoot this way is a .308. I’ll have to give the author’s position a try and see if it gives me better results.
In The Future, Our Attention Will Be Sold
“Limitless access to knowledge brings limitless opportunity. But only to those who learn to manage the new currency: their attention. In the new economy, the most valuable asset you can accumulate may not be money, may not be wealth, may not even be knowledge, but rather, the ability to control your own attention, and to focus.
Because until you are able to limit your attention, until you are able to turn away, at will, from all of the shiny things and nipple slips, until you are able to consciously choose what has value to you and what does not, you and I and everyone else will continue to be served up garbage indefinitely. And it will not get better, it will get worse.
In the future, your attention will be sold. And it may be that the only people able to capitalize, are the people that can control their own.”
You Can’t Fight Fantasy!
Dave Spaulding talks about the distinction between real training and a “gun vacation.” It’s important to understand the difference.
Proctor Belt Loop for Safariland ALS Holsters
I like the Safariland ALS as an outside the waistband security holster. It works well, is relatively inexpensive, and offers a quick draw. Some folks (especially uniformed cops and competition shooters) would like the holster to sit a little lower and farther away from the body. If concealment isn’t your prime objective, these modifications generally make for a faster draw. This new holster shank provides a dropped and offset attachment to your belt. Women with wide hips will also like it because it places the gun farther down the leg so that the swell of the hips doesn’t angle the butt of the gun into the waist.
Field Guide to Reading Kalashnikov Markings
A lot of good information for you AK fans.
Review: New Gemtech .22lr Suppressor Upgrades
Do you have a Gemtech .22 suppressor? If so, check this offer out. Gemtech will upgrade your Outback or Outback II to their new G-Core design with removable internals. That means you will no longer have a sealed can and will be able to clean the inside when if gets fouled with lead. For $249 and no additional transfer stamps needed, this is a great deal. I’ll be sending my old Outback can for an upgrade soon.
How To Be Tacticool
One of the funniest “tactical” videos on the internet. NSFW.
Urban Counter-Ambush Tactics
Considering the ambush attacks on police officers last week, my cop friends should vow to enhance their officer safety practices. Here is a good refresher on how to avoid being ambushed. This article from the ITOA is a good reference as well.