Three different runs on this drill with my Glock 21. From ready. From holster. Right hand only from holster.
Reader “Franky2Shoes” sent in this description of a shooting drill he developed for an instructor class at the Sig Academy. I ran it last week and found it quite beneficial. Here is “Franky’s” description of how to shoot it:
This drill uses the “Press Six” target from pistol-training.com. It is six two-inch circles on a single sheet of paper. You can download and print the target at this link.
The drill was developed as a way for me to work on my fundamentals and make sure I was pushing myself hard to execute them perfectly as related to accuracy. I had to present and run a drill in the instructor class at Sig Sauer Academy last week. Everyone was challenged. I called it “Aim small hit small” for the class as the term was discussed.
Objective: Make tight shots at increasing distances.
Rules: touch the line its a hit. Make half or more of your shots, try the next distance to challenge yourself but don’t go beyond it. Make less than half of your shots you are probably at your maximum.
5 shots each dot for SA or DAO guns, DA/SA guns 3 pairs per dot. No time pressure, draw if you want to.
Top left dot @ 3 yds 1 hole drill. Try to have all shots in one hole or at least touching.
Bottom left @ 5 yds hit the dot.
Top center @ 7 hit the dot.
Bottom center @ 10 hit the dot.
Top right @ 15 hit the dot.
Last @ 20 hit the dot.
I always shoot top dots before the bottom ones because shooters usually pull shots down.
Additional note: If you can shoot 1 hole @ 3 yards, try shooting 1 hole @ 5 then 7. If you can clean it @ 20 add time pressure.
Variation: Whatever you do with 2 hands you should work on with each hand. For single handed I shoot 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 and 15 yards. (personally 12 is pushing my limits but that’s the point) For instructors I recommend also trying it with different actions than the one you primarily shoot.
Fundamentals must be solid. POA/POI consistency, sights, and trigger all need to be perfect.
This will be a challenging drill for novice shooters, but it will provide good practice and a measurable way to track increasing performance. Here’s how I would suggest that you alter the drill to make it progressively more difficult.
1st Run- all shots fired at each dot in a single string of fire starting with gun aimed at target
2nd Run- all shots fired at each dot one at a time, returning to your ready position of choice between each shot
3rd Run- all shots fired at each dot one at a time, drawing from the holster for each shot
4th Run- all shots fired at each dot in a single string of fire starting with gun aimed at target with strong hand only
5th Run- all shots fired at each dot in a single string of fire starting with gun aimed at target with weak hand only
Give it a try and let me know how you like it. Special thanks goes out to “Franky2Shoes” for developing and sending me the drill!