I got a question from a reader about short barrelled, stockless “shotguns” that are technically classified as “firearms” allowing them to have shorter barrels than weapons classified as “shotguns.” They are very popular weapons and have been made in mass quantities by both Mossberg and Remington. “What are your thoughts on a ‘hipfire’ […]
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Articles posted by Greg Ellifritz
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 29, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Blast from the Past: Popular Police Speedloaders of the 1970s School is in session if you want to learn about the historical evolution of revolver speedloaders. For the latest evolution of the concept, check […]
Free Books- Part 250

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
Maybe You Should Reconsider Your Active Killer Response Strategy

Just a short post today to share a few of my most recent thoughts on how best to respond if you are caught up in an active killer attack. The Washington DC sniper attack last week got me thinking quite a bit about things. If you haven’t seen news about the attack, read the […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 22, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Making the J-Frame .38 Snub Work Some exceptionally solid snubby advice. “Clint Smith is reputed to have said something to the effect, “Handguns are meant to be comforting, not comfortable”. I tend to agree […]
“Survivalist Lite”- Survival Book Recommendations for Reluctant Spouses and Families

Written by Greg Ellifritz My obsession started early. As a teenager in the 1980’s I would annoy my school teachers by using class time to catch up on my fictional reading. The late Jerry Ahern’s “Survivalist” series was always a favorite. Ahern wrote entertaining stories about living in the USA following a nuclear bombing […]
Modifying the Rangemaster 6/5/4 Drill

I haven’t given you any new shooting drills for awhile, so I thought I’d write up one that I shot last week. I got the drill from Tom Givens’ most recent Rangemaster monthly news letter (opens to PDF). It’s called the 6/5/4 Drill. Tom’s drill instructions follow: “You will need […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 15, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. ANOTHER ROUND OF LOW LIGHT CONSIDERATIONS Things you should know about “tactical” flashlights. You should also read CAN ANY ONE FLASHLIGHT TECHNIQUE LOWER YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING SHOT? Jon Hauptman Talks PHLster […]
Free Books- Part 249

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
The NYC Subway Active Shooter Attack

I’ve written about the phenomenon of active killer attacks for more than two decades. One of the most important themes I’ve identified is the fact that active killers want a large body count and are willing to constantly alter or change their tactics in order to achieve that goal. Yesterday’s mass shooting on a […]
Teaching Tip- “I Can’t Do It”

Written by: Greg Ellifritz If you’ve been teaching for any time at all, you will have undoubtedly had a frustrated student who has uttered the phrase “I can’t do it.” How do you deal with this problem? The first thing to recognize is that the “I can’t” response comes from the emotional brain. […]
Tactical Training Scenario- A Reanimated Active Killer

I haven’t written a new Tactical Training Scenario post in quite a while. I missed providing quality analysis of real-life criminal attacks and giving you folks good advice about how best to avoid or survive those attacks. The idea of this series of posts (see Tactical Training Scenarios links to other similar articles) is to […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 8, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Some thoughts on speeding up that mount! Mike Seeklander provides some quality advice. 3 Practical Pistol Drills for People Who Don’t Go to the Range Enough You need to shoot more […]
2022 Rangemaster Tactical Conference Round Up

I spent last weekend teaching at the Rangemaster Tactical Training Conference in Dallas. I’ve now taught at the last nine Tactical conferences and my TacCon blocks are regularly the most fun classes I teach every year. The conference is three days of material taught by 40 different world-class instructors. Each instructor teaches blocks on a […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 1, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. So You’ve Decided To Prepare for World War III This is phenomenally sound advice that I urge you all to read. Paul is doing a lot of quality work in the preparedness community. “Note […]
Shooting Through Bags and Purses

Although I generally don’t advise my students to carry their firearms off body, I recognize that lots of folks carry guns in purses and bags. One of the stated “advantages” of such a carry method is the fact that you can fire the gun from inside the bag or purse without removing it in […]
Free Books- Part 248

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
Situational Awareness for Concealed Carry

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Now that most states have a process allowing citizens to legally carry concealed handguns, many of you may be carrying a firearm more frequently, or just starting to carry for the first time. A common mistake I see with a great number of my students is an obsessive focus on […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- March 25, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. You Weren’t Built for Safety “Life isn’t about risk elimination, it’s about risk management. Some rewards are worth the risk, and we instinctually know that. When as society values safety over everything else, then […]
Celebrating 10 Years of Blogging

I’ve been so busy teaching on the road (in nine different states so far since February) that I forgot my blogging anniversary. Last week marked the completion of 10 full years of blogging about self defense, firearms, and personal safety topics. I started this website on March 18, 2012 and have posted 2248 total […]