Written by: Greg Ellifritz I was recently re-reading Mark MacYoung’s book “In the Name of Self Defense.” It’s an amazing resource for anyone interested in better protecting himself.. I want to share a quote from the book: “Until you: 1. Develop the ability to take a hit without having an emotional meltdown 2. Have […]
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Articles posted by Greg Ellifritz
New Website

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Hey folks! I just wanted to give you all a heads up on my latest writing venture. I started a second blog. This one will provide daily links and commentary about travel in general and travel safety in particular. The blog is designed to support my current book and […]
Resistance to Violent Crime: What Does the Research Show?

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Take a moment to imagine one of the following scenarios: – While stopped in traffic at an inner-city intersection, a man with a gun approaches you. He begins striking your closed window with the weapon, demanding that you give him your car. You fear that if you get out […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 19, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Jeff Cooper on .40 handguns For those of you interested in the history or cartridge development. Hidden History: The Carcano is the Rifle Used to Assassinate President John F. Kennedy A little […]
The Rayshard Brooks Shooting

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Lots of folks have contacted me asking for my perspective on the recent police shooting of Rayshard Brooks. For those of you unfamiliar with the incident, police received a 911 call about a man unconscious behind the wheel in the drive through lane of a Wendy’s restaurant. A cop arrived, […]
Defending Police Departments and Government Buildings from Active Killer Attacks

Written by: Greg Ellifritz You are probably watching the news about the frequent protests about policing in the United States. Police stations across the country are being attacked and looted. Officers are being injured and killed. Rioters took over a Minneapolis police substation. Rioters also took over the Seattle East Precinct police station after […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 12, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. A letter to the American public: Why you must decide what you want from cops Do you want the pit bull or the golden retriever? You can’t have both. For more information about the […]
Image-Based Decisional Skills

Written by: Greg Ellifritz My friends Brian and Shelley Hill from The Complete Combatant have recently introduced a new product that I think many of you will find incredibly valuable. Image Based Decisional Drills comes as a kit which includes: 1 Water resistant carry bag 5 IBDD business cards to pass out 1 Instruction […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 5, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Overview of gun laws by nation A lot of Americans think that no one can own guns in other countries. It’s simply not true. There are nearly 40 countries that have some type of […]
Playing with Fire

Written by: Greg Ellifritz In a Weekend Knowledge Dump a couple of weeks ago I mentioned the fact that police officers have been increasingly under attack from flammable objects and incendiaries. Police officers on riot duty are regularly getting pelted by Molotov Cocktails and other flaming devices. Looking for a solution to such a […]
Busy With Riot Stuff…

Sorry, folks. Writing output this week will be a little slower than usual. With all the riots, I’m on mandatory overtime at work every day this week. That doesn’t leave me much spare time to research and write. I’ll get back to my normal four articles per week as soon as people […]
Stockpiling Ammunition

Written by: Greg Ellifritz With the recent COVID-19 pandemic and lots of civil unrest, I’m getting more and more people asking questions about stockpiling ammunition. Online ammunition outlets have been sold out of popular products lately. Ammo availability at local gun stores is starting to increase, but prices are high and many stores are […]
Surviving Riots and Political Demonstrations

*This is an excerpt from the chapter “Surviving Third World Riots and Political Demonstrations” from my book Choose Adventure. With the riots we’ve seen over the last couple days, and calls for more rioting this weekend, the information will be useful for you. As our country descends into chaos, the advice from a third-world safety […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 29, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Small-Caliber Handguns for Self-Defense? I’m looking forward to picking up a Ruger LCP in .22 long rifle after they’ve been on the market for a few more months. SKS: Variations, Upgrades, & […]
“Watching a Murder”

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I had a friend send me a message yesterday. He wanted to know how a bystander might intervene in a situation like what happened in Minneapolis. My friend told me he didn’t want to stand around “watching a murder.” How does one safely intervene when cops are mistreating a prisoner? […]
Unique Perspectives on COVID-19-Part 12

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I’ve been posting Covid-19 weekly updates for the past three months. The very first update had 7,304 page views. Last week’s update had 2, 217 pageviews. People are getting sick of reading about the pandemic. This will be my last weekly coronavirus update. Since I don’t have TV in my […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Brutal Attack on Senior Citizen

I was searching for an old email I had sent when I found a correspondence with Marcus Wynne from several years back. Marcus sent me the video linked below. Watch the video . It’s short, but very violent. Don’t watch it if you have a weak stomach for extreme brutality. An elderly woman […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 22, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. The Ammo Equation: How Much Ammo Do You Really Need? Those of us who have lived through ammo shortages in the past are not surprised that ammunition is getting harder to find and more […]
Unique Perspectives on COVID-19-Part 11

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Since I don’t have TV in my house, I spend a lot more time reading than the average American. I have more than 400 websites programmed into my RSS reader. On the average day I scan about 1200 articles in my feed. I deeply read more than 100. You can […]
Rangemaster Defensive Shotgun Course- A First-Timer’s Perspective.

*This article is a guest post from my friend Jonathan Willis. Jonathan is a retired paramedic and fire lieutenant who teaches with Dave Spaulding for Handgun Combatives. Jonathan has extensive firearms training experience, but this was the first shotgun course he took. I took the class as well and echo the author’s comments. The class […]