Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Carrying At Home “In the end, you are pretty much left with two options. Improvised weapons strategically staged throughout your home. Or, you can carry on body. Truthfully, I encourage you to do both. […]
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Articles posted by Greg Ellifritz
Unique Perspectives on COVID-19- Part Five

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Since I don’t have TV in my house, I spend a lot more time reading than the average American. I have more than 400 websites programmed into my RSS reader. On the average day I scan about 1200 articles in my feed. I deeply read more than 100. You can […]
Reporting “Social Distancing” Violations

Written by: Greg Ellifritz *This article is the personal opinion of one grumpy old policeman and most certainly does not express the view of any police supervisor, police agency, or municipal jurisdiction with whom I am employed. My writing should not be considered professional advice. Instead, it should be viewed in the proper context […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 3, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Things You May Do That Give Away You’re Carrying A Gun These are the “tells” people like me look for when we see you in public. You won’t have to worry if I notice […]
Shooting Drill- The Mini Casino Drill

Written by: Greg Ellifritz The Casino Drill was devised by Rangemaster’s Tom Givens as an exercise designed to evaluate/train multiple skill sets in the context of defensive handgun shooting. Tom provides a description of this drill in his September 2017 Rangemaster news letter (opens to PDF). If you are a video person, watch […]
Unique Perspectives on COVID-19- Part Four

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Since I don’t have TV in my house, I spend a lot more time reading than the average American. I have more than 400 websites programmed into my RSS reader. On the average day I scan about 1200 articles in my feed. I deeply read more than 100. You can […]
Pepper Spray- How to Choose it and How to Use it

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Many of the questions I receive from students involve the use of chemical sprays. It seems that nearly everyone carries or is contemplating the carrying of some type of Mace or chemical irritant. Accurate information about the selection and use of these chemicals exists, but it is often difficult to […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- March 27, 2019

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Dirty Cans Tips for cleaning all your different suppressors. How Do I Use a Handheld Flashlight and Handgun at The Same Time? The author of this article demonstrates some common flashlight shooting […]
The 10,000 Kettlebell Swing Workout

Written by: Greg Ellifritz * Realizing that most of you reading this have lost access to commercial gyms due to the viral pandemic, I decided to reprint this article about my favorite home workout. I’ve been working out at my police gym, but there is talk of that closing as well. When it does, I […]
Unique Perspectives on COVID-19- Part Three

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Since I don’t have TV in my house, I spend a lot more time reading than the average American. I have more than 400 websites programmed into my RSS reader. On the average day I scan about 1200 articles in my feed. I deeply read more than 100. You can […]
Book Review- Survival Mom by Lisa Bedford

Lots of folks are asking me questions about the best way to hunker down and survive the pandemic lock down. There are lots of survival books on the market, but most of them focus on “bug out” scenarios and surviving in the wilderness with nothing but a knife and some paracord. That isn’t the […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- March 20, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Stuff You Should Know About Buckshot [Part 1] Shotguns have been on the “back burner” as compared with AR-15s in the last 15 years. When the federal “assault rifle” ban was not renewed in […]
Unique Perspectives on COVID-19- Part 2

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Since I don’t have TV in my house, I spend a lot more time reading than the average American. I have more than 400 websites programmed into my RSS reader. On the average day I scan about 1200 articles in my feed. I deeply read more than 100. You can […]
The Perils of Open Carry

Written by: Greg Ellifritz As of today, every state in the USA has some type of provision to allow citizens obtain a permit to carry a concealed handgun while engaged in lawful activity. In some states, that permit is easy to get. In others (like California or Hawaii) it is almost impossible unless you […]
Unique Perspectives on COVID-19

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Since I don’t have TV in my house, I spend a lot more time reading than the average American. I have more than 400 websites programmed into my RSS reader. On the average day I scan about 1200 articles in my feed. I deeply read more than 100. You can […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- March 13, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. It’s NOT your Trigger Control Any of you who teach shooting classes or coach shooters casually should really pay attention to what Mike Seeklander is discussing in this article. I use this trick […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario-Look Out for Lookouts

Written by Greg Ellifritz You are standing in line at the grocery store one night when you realize that two men are robbing one of the clerks at gunpoint. Before you can even begin to think through your response options, the robbers have grabbed the money and are running out the door. What […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- March 6, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Odd But Good? Some historical firearms technology that you’ve likely never seen before. FILLING THE GAP BETWEEN TOO LITTLE AND TOO MUCH FORCE Pepper spray is an incredibly valuable bit of gear […]
Active Shooter Incidents 2000-2018

Written by: Greg Ellifritz The US Department of Justice recently released a useful new publication titled Active Shooter Incidents: Topical One-Pagers 2000-2018. The publication is an 18-page summary of active shooter statistics for every attack that met the FBI definition between the years 2000 and 2018. It is a valuable reference for anyone who […]
Born to Intervene?

Written by Greg Ellifritz Read the story and take a look at the video below. A convenience store customer named CJ Stout was chatting with a store clerk when a robber entered the store. The robber pointed a gun at both the clerk and Mr. Stout before demanding money from the cash register and […]