Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. When Your Run Fu Runs Out You Need A Plan I’ve written about the issues with running away from a criminal attacker in the past. Running can be a good plan, if you can […]
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Articles posted by Greg Ellifritz
Flanking Tactics for Active Killer Response

Written by Greg Ellifritz Last week I was reading a forum post about the utility of the flanking maneuver in a battlefield context. Flanking is a critical battle strategy and even the greenest of soldiers understands its importance. Yet the idea is generally not taught in a law enforcement context. Ask a cop […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 21, 2018

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Filthy Firearm: AR Accuracy Testing at 10,000 Rounds How accurate would your rifle be after firing 10,000 rounds without cleaning? You might be surprised. Your rifle will last even longer if you regularly inspect […]
Solve the Problem Before You Need Your Gun

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I was reading a news account of a defensive gun use yesterday when I was struck by two things. Before I get to my insights, read the short article: Armed Portland Woman Fends Off Flasher High on Crystal Meth. The article talks about a woman who drew a […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 14, 2018

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Getting Out of a Jam – Clearing Malfunctions in an AR-15 Do you know how to clear rifle malfunctions? You should…even if you don’t own an AR-15. These weapons are commonly used by active […]
October 2018 Open Enrollment Classes

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Next month, I’m teaching two classes in Culpeper, Virginia and a knife class locally at Blackwing Shooting Center in Delaware, OH. I wanted to let you all know about them in time to register. For all of you training junkies wanting to take these classes, please don’t wait until the […]
Don’t Dig the Rig- #16

Written by Greg Ellifritz Concealed Nation has a regular feature on its website called #DIGTHERIG. It consists of reader submitted photos about their individual chosen concealed carry weapon and holster choices. A huge variety of guns and holsters are featured. Real people carry each of these gun and holster combinations. Unfortunately, some of […]
One Handed Pistol Shooting Drill

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I got this drill from the excellent but now defunct Police Marksman magazine. Most of us don’t shoot very well one-handed. This is an easy 50-round one-handed shooting course that will improve your skills. The drill goes as follows (from Police Marksman Magazine): – Load 10 rounds in each […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 7, 2018

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. 5 Concealed Carry Myths Busted You would be surprised how commonly I hear people talking about these CCW myths. Let Massad Ayoob set you straight. Shooting the Mini Casino Drill A valuable […]
Police “Organizational Stupidity”

I was recently reviewing an older Club Orlov article titled: Understanding Organizational Stupidity. In the article, Orlov attempts to answer the question “Why Are We Being So Fucking Stupid?” He is speaking about stupidity regarding American Economic policy, but I see the same problems in the way most police organizations function. I know […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- August 31, 2018

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. DA Warm Up Ernie Langdon has a great set of shooting drills for those of you who carry a traditional double action automatic. “String One, First Dot: 10 shots, double action only. Focus on smooth […]

Written by Greg Ellifritz Tom Givens, firearms trainer and owner or Rangemaster Shooting School made an important observation in a recent class I attended. To paraphrase, Tom said “The average person gets most of his education about firearms and gunfights from television and the movies.” It’s an important idea…and it’s important that we as […]
What about the .22 Magnum?

Written by Greg Ellifritz With my two most recent articles being about using the .22 for self defense, someone is bound to want to know about the .22 Magnum. Here are my thoughts on the defensive application of that particular little cartridge. For what it’s worth, I have my 351 in my pocket as I […]
Real World .22s for Self Defense

After posting yesterday’s analysis about using the .22 for self defense, I’ve decided to re-post this article that discusses some of the “how” questions that go with yesterday’s “why” questions. -Greg I’ve recently received quite a bit of feedback on carrying and using the .22 as a self defense weapon. I had no idea […]
Using the .22 for Self Defense

Written by Greg Ellifritz Since my handgun stopping power study was published last month in American Handgunner Magazine, I’ve received several questions from readers about my data. I expected to be castigated by all the big bullet aficionados for reporting honest data about the “mouse gun” calibers. That wasn’t what I received. […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump-August 24, 2018

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Public Bathroom Breaks While Armed Good ideas for those of you who have to use a public bathroom while carrying your pistol. The Placeholder Workout Cecil drops some knowledge here. His advice […]
Point-Driven Training Saps and Jacks Class

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Last weekend I took a wonderful training class from Larry Lindenman from Point Driven Training. The class was titled “Saps and Jacks” and covered the use of short, flexible impact weapons. It was masterfully hosted by The Complete Combatant at their MMA facility in Marietta, Georgia. Larry is part […]
Shooting Drill- “99”

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Here’s a great shooting drill for you to try. I got it from the late Todd Green’s website. The site has a treasure trove of valuable drills you can use to improve your shooting performance. This is the most recent one I’ve tried. It’s called “99” and involves […]
Sap versus Car Window

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Last Saturday I attended Larry Lindenman’s excellent class on the use of saps and blackjacks for personal defense (full review out later this week). During the class, a student asked if the sap would break a side car window. No one in the class knew the answer. Today […]
2018 Practice Session #18

Written by: Greg Ellifritz My friend Claude Werner recently wrote an article where he postulated most shooters don’t do any real structured practice with their firearms. They plink or play, but they generally don’t perform drills designed with realistic standards in order to improve performance. In the article, Claude talked about sharing details and […]