I got this drill from the October 2022 Rangemaster newsletter compiled by Tom Givens. The drill was developed by Tom and requires a free printed target from Lee’s Weems’ website (opens to PDF.)
The directions are as follows:
The circle at the top is 5.5” in diameter, the same as the “black” of a B-8 bullseye. Inside the circle is a 3X5 card, and inside it is a 3”X3” square. Below are two 3” circles, designated 1 and 2. We will score it as follows:
Hits inside the 3X5 card = 5 points.
Hits inside the circle around the 3X5, but not in the 3X5 count 4 points.
Hits in the 3” circles, 1 and 2, count for 5 points.
20 rounds total Possible score = 100
5 yards Draw and fire 5 rounds to the 3X5 in 5 seconds.
5 yards Start gun in hand, dominant hand only, to the 3X5, fire 3 rounds in 3 seconds.
5 yards Start gun in non-dominant hand only, to the 3X5, fire 2 rounds in 3 seconds.
7 yards Start gun in hand, loaded with 3 rounds only. Fire 3 rounds to 1, conduct an empty reload, and fire 3 rounds to 2 all in 10 seconds
10 yards Start gun in hand, fire 4 rounds in 4 seconds to the 3X5.
All strings that say “gun in hand” start at The Ready, muzzle off target, pointed at the ground in front of the shooter until start signal.
I ran this one cold last week. It had been three weeks since I had shot my pistol, so I was a bit rusty.
With my Glock 19 from a Spencer Keepers appendix holster. I made all the times.
First run- 90 points
Second run- 92 points
Third run- 77 points (misses on the small circles hurt)

My best run of three attempts
Then, just for fun I ran the drill with my .22 Ruger LCP II out of a Desantis Nemesis pocket holster placed in my right front pocket.

Significantly better than the holster that came from the factory
Drawing from the pocket and operating the safety made the times a bit spicier but I made them. Unfortunately, I only shot a score of 68 points with the little gun.

The difference between a pocket gun and a full sized pistol
This is a fun drill and I think you’ll enjoy it. Give it a try during your next practice session.