Written by Greg Ellifritz Last week, I read this article in the American Rifleman asking folks to “Reconsider the Mini-14.” Please don’t. The Ruger Mini-14 is a poor substitute for a good AR-15. Some back story is necessary. In 1999, my police department was fearful of Y2K and societal collapse. Our […]
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The Firearms Manifesto Part Three- A Comparison of .380acp Pocket Pistols

Written by Greg Ellifritz I wrote the article below in May of 2012, shortly after starting this blog. It has been the single most-read article on my site and continues to get approximately 5000 pageviews a month years after I published it. You folks like your .380s. Technology has changed significantly in the last […]
Comments on TDI’s “Snubby Revolver” Class

Even though you “tactical types” don’t like to admit it, there are a lot of folks who carry small-framed revolvers for self protection. But since they are not “cool,” many sources don’t write about them on the internet or in gun magazines. That leads people to carry revolvers with less than optimal sights, grips, […]
Observations / Opinions of the Glock 42

Written by: Clay Smith A few weeks ago, I wrote a quick review of the Glock 42. The gun I shot actually belonged to my friend Clay. Clay is a long time instructor at TDI and a good friend. His review of the little Glock pistol was much better than mine, so I […]
Shooting the Glock 42

Written by Greg Ellifritz Last weekend I got the chance to put a few magazines of ammo through a new Glock 42 .380 pistol owned by a friend. The little 42 stirred up quite a storm when it was introduced at this year’s SHOT show. If you are unfamiliar with the gun, here is the […]
Some Thoughts on the Ruger LCR

This is the third contribution from my esteemed guest blogger Henry “The Old Man from Tennessee”. Henry is 88 years old and lives up on a mountain in rural Tennessee. He has been shooting all his life and I truly enjoy his contributions…. The Old Man’s Gun- Ruger LCR Messing around with the […]
FNS-9 Pistol Update
For those of you carrying or considering a FNS-9 pistol…. TDI instructors found a fairly disturbing problem with these guns recently. The webmaster posted a couple of videos demonstrating situations when the slide locked up. Go to the bottom of my article here for an update with explanation and links to the video. Thanks […]
The FNS-9 Striker Fired Pistol-Initial Impressions and Problems Discovered

Last weekend I was teaching a class at TDI and I noticed that John Benner (TDI’s Owner) was packing a new gun. It was FN’s new S-Model Striker Fired pistol. John has carried a gun professionally longer than I’ve been alive, so when he gives something his endorsement, I pay attention. John purchased several […]
The New Kel Tec KSG Shotgun- STAY AWAY!

Last month I got a chance to put some rounds through the new Kel Tec KSG pump shotgun. It’s been all the rage on the firearms websites ever since Kel Tec notified folks of their intention to put it on the market more than a year ago. The buzz is well deserved. The gun […]
My take on the new Smith & Wesson “Shield”

The latest hoopla in the gun marketing world is today’s introduction of the Smith and Wesson M&P Shield pistol. The gun is similar to the M&P series pistols, but is slimmer, a single stack, and has a shorter barrel. From the description on S&W’s website: “SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (April 12, 2012) — Smith […]