Last Thursday, ISIS terrorists conducted a series of coordinated attacks in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. As has been the trend worldwide, these coordinated or “symphonic” attacks involved guns, bombs, and grenades. Up to 14 terrorists conducted the attacks on seven locations in a period of three hours. If you haven’t seen the news about […]
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News and Tactical Advice
Your Tactical Training Scenario: Street Mobs

Take a look at the video below. Watching the whole video will be useful, but if you just want a basic idea of the events, fast forward to the three- minute mark. The driver of the white car ends up surrounded by a crowd of people celebrating in the roadway. The people aren’t […]

Written by Greg Ellifritz First off, let me wish all my American readers a happy Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you are spending it eating good food and spending quality time with the folks you love. I’ll be spending my holiday in a police cruiser. I work all the holidays so that my coworkers with […]
Suicide Bomber? Better Make it a Head Shot

This is a guest article from retired Police Chief Jeff Chudwin. Jeff sent an initial draft of this information out to an email police firearms instructor list and I contacted him to ask permission to reprint it. He graciously agreed and re-wrote his draft, proving even more information for you. If you are unfamiliar with […]
The Six Best Resources for Surviving a Terrorist Attack

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Since the multi-pronged terrorist attack on Paris last Friday, lots of experts have written articles about how to survive such an event. Some are great. Others are worthless. I’ve been reading everything I can find about the attacks. I’m planning a thorough article debriefing the entire event for next […]
The French Terrorist Attacks

Written by: Greg Ellifritz You have undoubtedly heard about the multiple coordinated terrorist attacks that rocked France last Friday night. I’m researching the events and will provide a full debrief and “lessons learned” once more information has been released. This should not be a shock to any long term readers of this site. […]
The Virginia News Crew Shooting

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I’m not going to write an in-depth article on the recent Virginia news crew killings. While the attack loosely qualifies as an “active killer” event, the victims weren’t randomly chosen. This was the work of a man who had a serious mental illness. He was trying to make a statement, but […]
The Bangkok Bombing

Written by Greg Ellifritz In case you missed the news, on Monday evening a bomb was detonated in a popular tourist area in Bangkok, Thailand. On one of my trips there, I stayed in the neighborhood where the bombing occurred. You may not care about what happens in a country thousands of miles […]
Fighting Through Pepper Spray

Written by: Greg Ellifritz In case you missed it, a deranged suspect attempted to commit mass murder at a Tennessee movie theater yesterday. The suspect initiated his attack in the theater by using pepper spray against several people. As they became disoriented from the effects of the spray, he began hacking at them with an […]
Should I Pull the Fire Alarm During a Mass Shooting?

Written by: Greg Ellifritz As more details about the Louisiana movie theater mass shooting emerge, we learn that one of the shooting victims pulled the fire alarm to facilitate evacuation as the shooter was targeting victims. For more information about the incident, check out the link below: Hero Lafayette shooting survivor tearfully describes […]
Don’t Depend on the Police to Save You

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Read this article. In last week’s Tunisian attack, the first cop who arrived refused to go after the killer because he (the cop) wasn’t wearing body armor (which likely wouldn’t have stopped an AK round anyway). A man who worked at the hotel beach activities stand took the cop’s gun and […]
Some Thoughts on the Greek Economic Collapse

Written by Greg Ellifritz I’ve been watching with interest all the news reports of the ongoing financial collapse in Greece and can’t help but wonder when it will happen here in the USA. Most of you reading this article will be thinking something along the lines of “It can’t happen here.” I’ll remind you […]
Some Gun Problems from Last Weekend’s Class

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Everyone seems to love it when I write about the guns and gear I encounter in my classes. Last weekend I taught an extreme close quarters handgun shooting class at FPF Training down in Virginia. I had 18 students in the class. Three of them had some fairly significant gun […]
Test Fire Your New Guns!

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Here’s a quick cautionary tale… I recently purchased a Smith and Wesson 351C. It’s a cool little titanium airlight .22 magnum 7 shot revolver. I have a couple of other similar guns. They shoot well and are great pocket “backup” guns. I was excited to shoot my new purchase. […]
Shotgun Tips from TDI’s John Motil

This is a guest post written by TDI General Manager and Instructor John Motil. John is at every shotgun class taught at TDI and put together a few notes based on past experience about what works and what doesn’t. It’s good advice. -Greg – Make sure your shotgun has a stock (either polymer […]
The ISIS Bus Attack

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Although it went virtually unmentioned in the US national media, ISIS perpetrated a vicious massacre against members of a different Islamic sect in Pakistan last week. The terrorists targeted a bus full of Shiite Muslims on their way to a community center. Six terrorists used motorcycles to ride along side the […]
The North Thurston High School Shooting

Written by: Greg Ellifritz On Monday, April 28th, 2015, a sophomore student in Lacey, Washington walked into a commons room and fired two shots with a revolver. One shot hit the ceiling and one shot hit the floor. No one was injured in the shooting. The shooter was stopped by an unarmed teacher who tackled […]
Uniformed Terrorists

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Did you see the news last week about the terrorist cell operating in Belgium? They were preparing a terrorist attack in that country and were arrested just a few hours before the start of their attack. How were they going to do it? They had Belgian police uniforms, explosives, and […]
Active Killers in Paris

Written by Greg Ellifritz On Wednesday, January 7, 2014 three masked Islamic terrorists entered the offices of a satire magazine in Paris, France. They used AK-47 rifles and an RPG to kill 10 journalists and two police officers before making their escape. Ten more people were wounded in the attack. According to news sources, […]
The Nigerian Mosque Bombing

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Did you hear about the Nigerian Mosque bombing/shooting on November 28th? If not, you’ll want to pay attention. It was one of the most deadly terrorist attacks this year; 120 died and 270 more people were injured. Read about it HERE. The tactics in the attack were simple […]