Written by: Greg Ellifritz Many of you are aware that I designed the Ka-Bar TDI Last Ditch Knife. I recently received a question from a reader about some design features: “Greg: I noticed you mentioned you designed the Last Ditch blade for Kabar. I would be interested in an article about the design […]
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Reader Questions
Questioning the Effectiveness of the .380 Auto Cartridge

Written by: Greg Ellifritz You folks really like your .380 semi-automatic pistols. Two of the top 10 most read articles on my site are about the .380. Every post I’ve written about this caliber has been consumed voraciously. Lots of the email questions I get from readers concern the .380 as well. […]
Training Students with Physical Disabilities

Back in 2019, I got this interesting question from a Facebook reader: “Greg, have you found any good sources of alternative techniques when overcoming physical disabilities? I have reduced neck mobility and no left scapula control, from a radical neck dissection, Extending the left arm out or up is both difficult and unstable. […]
Hiker Self-Protection Strategies

Last week, I wrote an article describing an incident I experienced on a local hiking trail. I encountered a single female hiker on a remote trail. The woman had a large skinning knife in her hand. In the article I discussed how I handled the situation and what I might have done to handle a […]
A “Car Gun” for Riot Defense

*I’ve been teaching out of state for the past two weeks. In every class I’ve taught, students have expressed concerns about potential upcoming political/election riots. They are fearful that things will heat up again like they did a few years ago. In every class, I had students asking me about carrying a long gun in […]
Seat Belts and Appendix Carry

I got the following question from a friend on my Facebook page. He inquired: “I carry appendix IWB, but usually remove it while driving because I’ve always been afraid of the personal damage the seat belt would do going across my gun. I figure I’m more likely to be involved in a car accident […]
Federal FliteControl New versus Old

A student recently asked me a question about Federal’s FliteControl (FFC) eight-pellet 00 buck shot loads. This is the tightest patterning load on the market and is often difficult to obtain. Over the last few months, several shooters have reported that the new stock eight-pellet load was not patterning as tightly as the […]
Should I Leave the Scene of a Defensive Shooting?

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Last week, I received the following question from one of my readers: “I have discussed ‘what to do’ after a successful ‘stop the threat’ shoot. Some have said that they would leave the scene rather than be subjected to the legal hassle, or additional danger, (depending on the circumstances). Please […]
10mm for Self Defense?

Written by Greg Ellifritz A reader recently wrote to me asking the following question: “I am considering changing from a Glock .45 to a 10mm and am wondering if the 10mm with 200 grain hard cast would have better stopping power than my 230 grain hardball?” I get asked about the […]
Criminal Motivation

Trying to figure out why a criminal chooses to commit a crime can be a bit tricky at times. Most crimes have very clear motivations. The one we see most often is that you simply have something the criminal wants and he thinks he can take that thing (your money, your property, your […]
Pistol Choice for a Shooting Class

I recently got this question from a reader: “Here’s a topic I’d love to see hear your opinion on: For someone new to training and looking to get the most out of defensive handgun courses, should I use the smaller pistol that I carry (P365) or larger bedside pistol (P320) that the instructor recommends? […]
Managing the Unsafe Student in a Firearms Class

A friend and fellow firearms instructor asked me an interesting question a few weeks ago. I thought that my answer would have a broad appeal for the instructors who read my articles. Here is the question, with some details redacted/edited to preserve anonymity: “Hey Greg, I have an instructor question that I would […]
Should I Provide First Aid to the Attacker I Just Shot?

Written by Greg Ellifritz I had an interesting question posed to me by a student in a recent Systems Collapse Medical Class I taught. He asked me: “If I have to shoot a criminal in a gunfight, should I provide first aid before the paramedics arrive?” It’s a good question. I’m probably going to […]
Ammunition Choices for 9mm Revolvers

Written by- Greg Ellifritz When I was teaching at the Gunsite Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Roundup last month (sign up for next year), I had a couple students using revolvers chambered in 9mm caliber. One of the students asked me about best choices for a defensive loads for a 9mm revolver. Looking […]
Why Carry a .22?

I recently posted an article discussing the fact that I occasionally carry a Ruger LCP .22 pistol as a defensive carry gun. I got this email from a long time reader: Greg I know you did a few articles on the Ruger 22 lr in the past. Last I remember you were having trouble finding […]
The Best Handgun Practice Drill Resources

Written by Greg Ellifritz I got the following question from a reader. As I think this answer has a universal appeal, I chose to answer it here so that all of you can benefit as well. Here’s the question: “I want to assemble/integrate your suggestions for practice sessions, but I’m overwhelmed by the […]
Body Armor for Armed Citizens

Written by: Greg Ellifritz People are getting worried. In response to the recent high-profile mass shootings, lots of legislators are hinting about restricting the sale of body armor to private citizens. Obviously, that will do nothing to prevent an active killer attack but they feel pressed to “do something.” With restrictions possibly forthcoming, I’ve […]
What About the 20 Gauge for Home Protection?

After seeing a guest post about the need to have a self defense shotgun, several readers asked me questions about the 20 gauge. Here is one: “Nice article on the shotgun for defensive use. Good to see the old stand by’s discussed from time to time. Question: what’s the 20 gauge equivalent of […]
“Shotguns” Without Stocks

I got a question from a reader about short barrelled, stockless “shotguns” that are technically classified as “firearms” allowing them to have shorter barrels than weapons classified as “shotguns.” They are very popular weapons and have been made in mass quantities by both Mossberg and Remington. “What are your thoughts on a ‘hipfire’ […]
Home Defense Shotgun Questions Answered

A reader from California recently sent me some questions about long gun use for home protection. Due to his state’s restrictive gun laws, he can’t legally own a “normal” AR-15 and is considering using either a pump shotgun or lever action rifle for home protection. His questions (edited for clarity) are below. I get these […]