Written by: Greg Ellifritz Last week I posted a link to a firearms drill I was practicing. The drill involved switching from right hand to left hand and shooting as quickly as possible. A couple readers wrote in and asked me how exactly I perform my pistol hand transfers. There are lots of […]
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Reader Questions
Handgun Bullet Penetration Through Interior Walls

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Handgun Bullets: How Do They Penetrate in Home Materials? is an interesting study evaluating how deeply modern defensive handgun rounds penetrate in common building materials. The data is useful. The author’s opinions and analysis are less so. Let’s cut to the chase. We should not be choosing our handgun ammunition based […]
The Best .38 Special Defensive Ammunition

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I recently received this question from a reader. Considering the popularity of the snub nose revolver as a carry pistol, I figured it would be useful if I answered the question in a blog post: “I’m looking to pick up a S&W 340PD here soon as a backup or […]
Traditional Double Action Autopistols for CCW Carry

Written by: Greg Ellifritz There has been a relatively recent resurgence of interest in the defensive use of Traditional Double Action (Also called TDA or Double-Single) autopistols for defensive purposes. I think this resurgence is being driven by two primary factors: 1) The development of lighter, shorter double action triggers. Guns like the […]
Traffic Stop- Should I Tell the Cop I am Armed?

Written by Greg Ellifritz Last week I re-posted an article I wrote a couple years ago on my Facebook page. That article generated a lot of questions from my readers. Most of the questions were something along the lines of: “If I get stopped by a cop in a state where I have […]
What Happens to my CCW Gun if I am taken to the Hospital?

Written by: Greg Ellifritz A reader wrote in to ask me a question about what happens to a person who is carrying a firearm when that person needs medical assistance. “After one is involved in an auto collision (when not severely injured, but needs to be medically evaluated), what is the best practice […]
Shotgun Stopping Power- Buckshot vs. Slugs

Last week I posted an article titled Shotguns for Home Protection. When I posted the article on my Patreon Page, as supporter asked the following question: “Thoughts on slugs versus buckshot?” It’s a good question and it deserved a more in depth answer than I could provide in a Patreon comment. Let’s dig […]
The St. Ann’s Hospital Shooting

Last week in my hometown of Columbus, Ohio police officers had to shoot an armed patient in a local hospital. Officers recorded the entirety of the close range shooting with their body cameras. The shooting was unusual both by happening in a hospital and requiring a close quarters empty hand response to a lethal threat. […]
Protecting Local Businesses from Looters

I received an interesting question from one of my readers. He wanted to know the best course of action to prevent his local businesses from being burned to the ground or looted during a violent protest. “Hi Greg I’m a big fan. I know you say that a person should mind their own business […]
My Favorite Inside-the-Waistband Holsters

Written by Greg Ellifritz I get a lot of questions about holsters. It seems that a lot of folks wants to know what holsters I wear and which holsters I consider “best.” Most folks who have been carrying for awhile will gravitate towards the inside-the- waistband (IWB) holster for optimal comfort and concealment. […]
Cross Draw Holsters

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Recently, a couple of readers asked my opinion of cross draw holsters for carrying a small defensive revolver on the belt. The readers noted that this style of carry is comfortable and very easy to access from a seated position in a vehicle. Those are certainly worthy attributes of the cross […]
Squib Loads

Because I see occasional squib loads when shooting .38 special ammo, I start every snub revolver class by allowing the students to fire a primed case to feel the difference between a squib and a full power round. It’s an idea I stole from Micheal de Bethencourt. I got this email last week: […]
Ka-Bar TDI Shark Bite

Written by: Greg Ellifritz *I’m re-posting this article from a couple years ago. I recently learned that Ka-Bar has discontinued this model. Whatever inventory is available right now is likely the last opportunity to purchase this excellent non-metallic defense option. The Shark Bites in the supply line now will soon be sold and there […]
Damaged Defensive Ammunition

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I recently had a reader reach out to me with a very intriguing question: “I’ve got about 50 rounds of quality JHP in 9MM divided between three guns (mine+wife) and they are getting beat up. Question is, do I stick with the beaters (dinged cases or heads, etc.)or switch to […]
Why I Don’t Carry an Expandable Baton

Written by: Greg Ellifritz With all the violent protests going on, people are interested in supplementing the firearms they carry on a daily basis with some less lethal alternative weapons. I’ve been getting lots of questions about impact weapons recently. Here is one such question from a friend and long-time reader. “How do […]
Attacked at Home

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I had a long time reader write to ask the following questions: “My wife (who is not a fan of guns, concealed carry, etc.) and I were talking about self-defense the other day, and she asked what percentage of self-defense incidents happen on a person’s property (house/yard/garage/etc) versus anywhere […]
How to Help a Cop During a Life-Threatening Struggle

Written by: Greg Ellifritz As we see more officers attacked by rioters and more police stations under siege, I’m getting this question more often. If you want to help a cop under attack, this is how to do it. And be sure to read PART TWO, how you can help a cop even if […]
The Rayshard Brooks Shooting

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Lots of folks have contacted me asking for my perspective on the recent police shooting of Rayshard Brooks. For those of you unfamiliar with the incident, police received a 911 call about a man unconscious behind the wheel in the drive through lane of a Wendy’s restaurant. A cop arrived, […]
“Watching a Murder”

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I had a friend send me a message yesterday. He wanted to know how a bystander might intervene in a situation like what happened in Minneapolis. My friend told me he didn’t want to stand around “watching a murder.” How does one safely intervene when cops are mistreating a prisoner? […]
Using a Fire Extinguisher as a Weapon

Written by: Greg Ellifritz A would-be victim of last month’s London Bridge terrorist stabbing attack used a fire extinguisher to distract/disorient the terrorist as another person stabbed the man with a narwhal tusk to end the attack. Seeing the photo below got me thinking about how best to use a fire extinguisher as a […]