I know the title of this article sounds a bit like “click bait,” but it really isn’t. Would you believe me if I told you that I could significantly improve your shooting performance in less than 15 minutes while firing 30 total rounds? Read more about my methodology and give these training drills a […]
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Shooting Drills
Rangemaster Professional Pistolcraft Instructor Bullseye Course

Last weekend I attended Rangemaster’s highest level instructor certification class (course AAR coming soon). The Professional Pistolcraft Instructor class is a three day program only open to those who have completed Rangemaster’s Master Pistol Instructor certification. As a part of the class, Tom Givens gave students a chance to attempt to pass the challenging […]
Shooting Drill- “The Double & 1”

This shooting drill comes from Justin Dyal. I found it at the link below. The Double & 1 Drill: 10 Rounds Is All You Need Instructions (per the article): Double & 1 begins a scant 2.5 yards from the target on a tight time limit of only one second to fire […]
Shooting Drill- Higher Standards

I got this drill from Tom Givens. He originally posted it in the July Rangemaster Newsletter. Tom’s description is as follows: This month we are going to shoot a qualification course that would normally be shot on a silhouette target, but substitute a B-8C or an FBI-IP1 bullseye target, scored as printed. This […]

For most of my police career, after I arrested a criminal, we took inked fingerprints on a traditional FBI fingerprint card. Now it’s all done electronically. When I saw a shooting drill that was inspired by the old school card stock fingerprint cards, I had to try it just for nostalgia sake. Check out […]
The Armada Drill

During my last range practice session, I started out with the Rangemaster “Armada” drill as described in the January 2023 Rangemaster newsletter. I really enjoyed the drill. It’s simple to perform and only 20 rounds. It’s an excellent opportunity to test your skills and test your relative abilities with all the guns you carry. […]
Shooting Drill- Speed Strip Rolling Thunder

Last weekend I taught a snub revolver class in Delaware, Ohio. As a way to test students’ proficiency and put students under a bit of stress, I adapted everyone’s favorite shotgun drill “Rolling Thunder” to revolvers, reloading using speed strips. I split the class in half and had the two groups compete against each […]
Eastridge 2.5 Second Standards

I got this drill from my friend Bryan Eastridge of the EDC Belt Company. I really like drills like this that have the same set par time for each stage. They make for very simple and efficient shooting sessions. Here’s the drill: Each stage has a set par of 2.5 Seconds 25yd-Draw and Fire […]
Useful Training References- Shooting Drills

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I was at the range shooting yesterday and I realized I was using two really useful products to improve my practice sessions. I thought you all might benefit from knowing about them. I’ve written before about the books I use to create the best handgun practice routine. I use […]
Baseline Assessment Drill +P

I got this drill from the October 2022 Rangemaster newsletter compiled by Tom Givens. The drill was developed by Tom and requires a free printed target from Lee’s Weems’ website (opens to PDF.) The directions are as follows: The circle at the top is 5.5” in diameter, the same as the “black” of […]
The Sage Dynamics Eleanor Drill

I recently tried a drill that I think many of you will enjoy. Click the link below for details. Shooter Development — the Eleanor Drill by Sage Dynamics You can download a printable version of the target at the link below. The drill is deceptively simple and is described in […]
Rastoff’s Challenge

Randy Harris posted this drill on the private Facebook page for certified Rangemaster instructors. He called it “Rastoff’s Challenge” and described it as follows. “Course of Fire is…. 4 rounds at 3 yards 6 rounds at 5 yards 6 rounds at 7 yards 4 rounds at 10 yards No time limit . […]
I Failed the “No Fail” Pistol Drill

Considering the frequency and severity of recent active killer attacks, I decided to work on some long range pistol shooting drills for last week’s shooting session. I started my session with Chuck Pressberg‘s “No Fail Pistol Drill.” You can read more about the drill at No Fail Shot Drill | Pistol Power Drills. […]
Modifying the Rangemaster 6/5/4 Drill

I haven’t given you any new shooting drills for awhile, so I thought I’d write up one that I shot last week. I got the drill from Tom Givens’ most recent Rangemaster monthly news letter (opens to PDF). It’s called the 6/5/4 Drill. Tom’s drill instructions follow: “You will need […]
Shooting Drill- Rangemaster Bullseye Course

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I like shooting drills that are timed and scored. Shooting drills that have standards allow shooters to track performance over time. A structured training program with performance tracking is the difference between training and “plinking.” I generally start out each of my handgun range sessions with a standard drill. That […]
Mike Pannone’s “Mind Games” Drill

Written by Greg Ellifritz “Changing gears” is a concept I often employ in my practice shooting drills. Altering shot cadences between fast imprecise shooting on large, close targets and slow precise shooting on smaller targets is an important skill to train. It’s important to learn what you “need to see” to make a shot. […]
Shooting Drill- Viking Tactics Rifle/Handgun Transition Drill

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Viking Tactics owner Kyle Lamb has a very fast paced rifle/handgun transition drill you should be trying if you have a range that allows for forward movement towards the target. The drill covers strong and weak shoulder rifle shooting, sling transitions, and pistol transitions in a very short time frame. You’ll […]
Shooting Drill- Reston Group Standards

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Jared Reston is a sheriff’s deputy and firearms trainer from Florida. I’ve never personally trained with him or his crew, but they have a very good reputation in the training community. Reston himself is famous for winning a remarkable gunfight where the criminal shot him seven times. Read a short […]
Low Round Count Shooting Drills

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I originally posted this article in the height of the Covid-19 pandemic last year. I had received an email from a reader who suggested that I put together a list of shooting drills that don’t involve firing too many rounds. I thought it was an excellent suggestion and wrote the […]
Shooting Drill: The Cloverleaf

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I first shot this drill in a speed shooting class I took with Rob Leatham. Rob thought it was a fun drill and a very good test of trigger control. I agree. It’s one of my favorite drills to shoot, being both fun and frustrating at the same time. Master […]