Halloween is right around the corner. ‘Tis the season for scary houses and “haunted forests.” Have you ever thought about what you would do in one of these “haunted” houses or forests if real life gun play starts to occur? Consider the following scenario: You are waiting in line to enter a […]
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Tactical Training Scenarios
The Girl With A Knife

I ran into a strange situation today. Some of you might benefit from analyzing it and thinking through possible response outcomes should a similar encounter happen to you. Since I moved to Texas, I’ve come to really love all of the outdoor recreation activities down here as opposed to what’s available in my home […]
Surviving Mob Attacks on Your Vehicle

Lots of folks have been contacting me because they are concerned that we will soon see large scale election-related violence and protests. While I can’t predict the future, the possibility of rioting is certainly something to consider. Looking back at the “protests” back in 2020 and earlier can give us some ideas about […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Tied Up During a Home Invasion

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Did you see the news last week about the 85-year old woman who was handcuffed to a chair during a home invasion? The woman covertly accessed a .357 magnum revolver and shot her assailant while still handcuffed. Unfortunately, the attacker shot the woman as well. The elderly homeowner remained […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- A Weapon in Each Hand

Have you ever thought about how you might deal with an attacker who is armed with a weapon in each hand? Think about someone coming at you with a gun in each hand, a knife in each hand, or a mixture of both a gun and a blade. While those aren’t the most common […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Robber on Motorcycle

Written by Greg Ellifritz Motorcycle robberies are becoming increasingly more common both in foreign countries as well as here in the USA. It’s important to understand how these robberies work and have a plan to prevent them. I think this video illustrates the process very well. Being an avid traveler and having spent some […]
“I Saw an Opportunity and I Took It.”

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Back when I was a cop, I got a call about a stolen bicycle. A college-aged female rode her bike to a local drug store and went inside. She didn’t lock up the bike. When she came out a couple minutes later, the bike was gone. Fortunately, several witnesses […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Racking a Shotgun

Written by: Greg Ellifritz How many times have you heard this statement? “Just get a 12 gauge pump shotgun for home defense. The noise of the slide racking will make any burglar piss his pants and run.” Does that actually happen? Sometimes, yes. Here’s an example where a store clerk sent […]
Tactical Training Scenario- Dealing with “Stoppers”

I recently read the article linked below and it got me thinking of “stoppers.” Detectives release sketch for attempted kidnapper after woman is attacked at roadblock “According to police, a woman was leaving her home with her 11-year old son just before 6 a.m. on March 30. She was driving east on 420th […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Shaking Hands

You are out shopping one night in an area with lots of pedestrian traffic, bars, restaurants, and stores. A drunken man approaches you and engages you in an argument, walking away after taking a swing (that didn’t connect) at you. The drunk reappears about 15 minutes later. He apologizes for his conduct and extends […]
Tactical Training Scenario- Playground Stabbing

Read the linked article and watch the video embedded below. France stabbing: Children attacked by knifeman in Annecy playground The news article and video show a man armed with a knife entering a playground and stabbing random children and two of the kids’ parents/guardians. If you were on the playground, how would you […]
Tactical Training Scenario- Attacked While Seated

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Have you ever considered what you might do if you were attacked while in a seated position? When most of us train to fight, we do so while standing, but how many hours of the day do we spend sitting down? There’s a good chance that you may be seated […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Properly Timing your Resistance Efforts

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Read this story and imagine a similar scenario happening to you. An armed robber is holding you at gunpoint. You think he’s going to shoot you whether you give up the money or not. You have a concealed pistol, but you can’t outdraw a trigger press. When should you make […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Attacked While Doing Yard Work

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Husband Shoots Naked Man Attacking His Wife On Lawnmower Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were attacked while outside doing yardwork? Most people working in their yards aren’t expecting criminal violence. That makes them a good target for predatory criminals. Read the […]
A Late Night Knock At Your Door

I’m a bit of a night owl. I find my writing is more creative later in the evening, so I do most of my content creation between 11:00 pm and 3:00 am. I was awake and writing at 2:30 am on a Thursday night a few weeks ago when I heard a very soft […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Dealing with Molotov Cocktails and Fire Bombs

Ever since the police protests and riots began in the United States a few years ago, cops and innocent citizens have been required to deal with criminal attackers throwing Molotov cocktails and other forms of fire bombs. The most recent attack happened last Saturday in North Carolina. Read about it below. Man […]
Tactical Training Scenario- A Reanimated Active Killer

I haven’t written a new Tactical Training Scenario post in quite a while. I missed providing quality analysis of real-life criminal attacks and giving you folks good advice about how best to avoid or survive those attacks. The idea of this series of posts (see Tactical Training Scenarios links to other similar articles) is to […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Position of Disadvantage

You are walking home from the grocery store and carrying several bags of food. Two men are walking behind you and yell out to you: “Hey Johnny!” You turn and tell them your name isn’t “Johnny” and that they have mistaken you for someone else. They apologize and you continue walking home. […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Pharmacy Dangers

Written by Greg Ellifritz Retail pharmacies are dangerous places. While commercial robberies have decreased (likely due to Covid) in the most recent studies, we saw almost 900 pharmacy robberies each year in the United States. As the effects of Covid decline, experts predict that these robberies will increase again. Pharmacies are […]
Two Different Kidnappings- Would You Intervene?

Written by: Greg Ellifritz One of the goals of any type of combative training is to “remove novelty.” Novel situations combined with stress often force our brains to operate in a more instinctive manner. When operating this way, higher order thinking isn’t possible. Our goal as trainers is to introduce our students to as […]