Written by: Greg Ellifritz Have you ever thought about what you might do if a criminal sprays you in the face with pepper spray? That scenario happened in New Jersey when a shoplifter sprayed two store security guards who confronted her after she stole some merchandise. The spray incapacitated the security guards and the […]
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Tactical Training Scenarios
Your Tactical Training Scenario…A night time knock at the door

Written by: Greg Ellifritz You watched the evening news before bed and heard a report about police attempting to locate a wanted murder suspect. The suspect was reportedly last seen in the area of your apartment complex. Making sure all your doors were locked and that you had a handgun nearby, you go to […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Denial

Written by Greg Ellifritz Read the first paragraph of this article about an active shooter attack in Arizona. “Pam Simon’s first thought was “this is not happening.” The aide to Gabrielle Giffords’ next thought was “that’s a toy gun.” A moment later: “It’s happening.” This shooting was so outside her reality that she […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario: In-Hand Weapons Retention

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Have you ever thought about what you would do if a criminal lunged for your gun as you were holding him at gunpoint? That happened to a police officer last week with very serious consequences. The cop and another citizen were both shot. Read about the incident at the link […]
Timing…a Missing Component in Training

Written by Greg Ellifritz One of the hardest things I do as a firearms and self defense trainer is convincing people that their lives are worth defending. Many students come to my classes with an attitude that displays an extreme lack of self worth. It’s hard for me to comprehend, but many people do […]
Lessons Learned from a Successful Use of Pepper Spray

Watch the excellent surveillance video of a store owner and his wife fighting two robbers armed with knives. The store owner is able to access a large can of pepper spray and blast his attackers. He then holds one attacker down on his counter while his wife kicks the dude in the face. Nicely […]
Tactical Training Scenario- Vehicle Ramming

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Imagine being in a shopping center parking lot. You see an enraged man getting into what appears to be his own pickup truck. The angry man starts up the truck and begins crashing into other cars, pushing them into a concrete pillar. What would you do? A CCW licensee […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Sidewalk Stabbing

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I haven’t done a Tactical Training Scenario post in a while. This will be a good exercise for your thinking muscles. Watch the video linked and embedded below. It’s two minutes of some of the most savage violence you will ever see. Caution for those with weak stomachs, this […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Molested at the Beach

You are relaxing on a public beach. Your eyes are closed and you are lying in the sand, enjoying the sun. You feel something touch your leg and open your eyes. You see a large man (6’1” and 200lbs) squatting down beside you. He is stroking your leg with one hand and stroking his […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Fighting Multiple Attackers

Written by Greg Ellifritz Depending on the source of the research you read, you’ll find that about 40% of violent criminal attacks will involve you fighting more than one attacker. Fighting one person is bad enough. Fighting a group is exponentially worse. I’m seeing lots of recent news articles where groups of teens […]
Women and Violent Crime

Written by: Greg Ellifritz You ladies are better behaved than us men. It’s somewhat rare to see female violent criminals. Depending on the type of crime and the study, you’ll find that about 95% of violent criminals have a Y chromosome. Does that mean all women are angels? No. Far from it. […]
Tactical Training Scenario: Fighting Against a Taser or Stun Gun

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Have you ever thought about what you would do if a criminal threatened you with a Taser? I’ve been seeing criminals use electric shock weapons with increased frequency recently. I did a quick google search and found 20 separate Taser crimes in the last two months. Five years […]
Tactical Training Scenario- Violent Car Jacking Attempt

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I was scanning my online news feeds yesterday and found this interesting account of an attempted carjacking. Read about it at the following link: Cowardly carjacker brutally punches woman, 62, knocking out several teeth It was almost one a.m. when a 62-year old woman parked her car in her […]
A Study in Situational Awareness and Preparation Failures

Written by Greg Ellifritz A Massachusetts woman was stabbed and her young child was briefly held hostage by a knife-wielding criminal outside of a grocery store. The entire incident was caught on surveillance video. Before reading any further, click on the link below and watch the short video. This crime was tragic, but […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Shot Through the Door

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Last week, I was reading some of the court documents regarding the Jayme Closs kidnapping. If you are unfamiliar with what happened, a man saw 13-year old Jayme Closs getting off the school bus one day. He decided that he had to have this girl. Later that night, he appeared […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Castle Doctrine

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Let’s talk a little bit about “Castle Doctrine”. In this case, the homeowner shot an intruder who was unarmed and may not have been a true lethal force threat. Despite the shooting of an unarmed man, the homeowner will likely not be criminally charged. Here’s how it works…. In […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Men in the Bushes

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Imagine the following scenario… It’s 9pm and you are taking your dog for a walk around your neighborhood. You live in a “safe” area and you have walked your dog on this route every night for years without a problem. It’s dark, and as you walk you notice some […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Shots in the Dark

Written by: Greg Ellifritz You and a family member hear noises outside the house at 12:30 am. Suddenly, your electricity is cut off. You think that someone is outside messing with your electrical hookup. Your family member decides to go outside and check it out while you barricade yourself in your locked bedroom […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Violent Purse Snatching

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Watch the video. It’s only a minute long. The first 55 seconds show the purse snatcher’s identification of the victim, approach, and escape. After second 55 the view changes and you see the attack. Ladies, the question for you is: “Have you trained to defeat this level of violence?” […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Criminal Retaliation

Written by Greg Ellifritz One of the most common questions I receive from crime victims is “Will the criminal come back?” It’s a tough question to answer. It’s very rare that victims of violent crimes are re-targeted by the offender. It’s also rare that criminals will attempt to enact some kind of revenge […]