Written by : Greg Ellifritz You are walking down the street on a Saturday morning when a car pulls up to the curb. The driver jumps out, pointing a gun at you. He demands your wallet. You comply and give it to him. After taking your money, he demands your pants as well. What […]
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Tactical Training Scenarios
Tactical Training Scenario…Lessons Learned from a Teenage Stabbing

Last Tuesday, two teenage girls got in a fight outside a grocery store. Nothing unique about that. It happens every day. What is unique is that one of the girls defended herself with a knife…and the entire incident was caught on video. To set the stage for what’s happening, the girl in white […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Juvenile Violent Criminals

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Lots of my readers prepare for a situation where they might be attacked. Many practice shooting their firearms, a lot practice some type of martial arts or combatives, even more mentally plan what they may do in the event that they are victimized by a criminal. This […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Violence at Church

Written by Greg Ellifritz Are you prepared to deal with an armed threat in your place of worship? Maybe you should pay more attention to the nature of the potential threat. When we look at all Rapid Mass Murders that have occurred in this country, we find that the second most common place […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Someone is Following Me

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Have you ever thought about what you would do if you noticed someone following your vehicle? It’s a pretty common scenario and most people have thought about it. You probably know enough not to lead the suspicious person back to your home. That’s a good start. But unfortunately, that […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Mistaken Identity

Written By: Greg Ellifritz Imagine this scenario…. You are at home when you hear gunshots behind your house. You peer out the window, see muzzle flashes and watch as someone is struck by the gunfire and falls to the ground in the parking lot behind your home. What would you do? […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario-Stabbed for Wearing a Blue Shirt

Written by: Greg Ellifritz You are walking down the street when you are approached by several teenagers who accuse you of being a rival gang member because you are wearing a blue shirt. Two of the boys begin striking you with their fists and one pulls a knife and begins stabbing you. What do […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario: Naked Man Attacks the Family Dog

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Imagine this scenario… It’s five a.m. and you hear a commotion outside your house. You go outside to see what’s happening and you see a completely naked man trying to choke your dog to death. What would you do? The homeowner in this instance shot the man in […]
Tactical Training Scenario…Taxi Safety

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I spend a lot of time traveling in taxi cabs through the various third world countries I visit. So much time, in fact, that I’ve had a chance to really analyze some “best practices” for utilizing public transportation. Fortunately, my analysis and practices have paid off. I’ve had a couple […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Nosy Shopper

Written by Greg Ellifritz Imagine standing in line at the grocery store waiting as your spouse pays for your purchases. As your spouse keys in the pin number for the debit card, a man behind you in line (pictured above) pushes past you and begins trying to see the numbers your spouse is inputting on […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Robbery Turns Into Hostage Taking

Written by: Greg Ellifritz You and a co-worker are working late into the night. As you open the door to leave, a man bursts in and holds a gun to your head. He marches you and the co-worker to a different part of the building where the safe is located. The attacker thinks […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Sudden Deadly Attack

Take a couple of minutes and watch the video in the link below. Even if you aren’t a police officer, it highlights a dangerous situation for which you should probably be prepared. If you are a cop, do you have a plan for dealing with a pursuit suspect who quickly jumps out of a […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- An Unnecessary Shooting

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Those of us who train to use defensive firearms often think about scenarios where we might have to shoot an attacker. But how often do we think about alternate courses of action in situations where we might still be legal to shoot. Just because we legally CAN shoot someone, doesn’t mean […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario: Telephone Scams

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I’ve updated and reposted this article because I responded to another scam just like the one listed below last week. The elderly man was scammed out of $3600. I updated the post with the details of the latest scam going around. Read about how these scams work and make […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Post Office Stabbing

You are in the Post Office standing in line to mail a package. When you get to the counter, the Post Office clerk informs you that you need to fill out some more paperwork before mailing your item. The clerk instructs you to step aside and complete the form. He then tells you […]
The Nigerian Mosque Bombing

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Did you hear about the Nigerian Mosque bombing/shooting on November 28th? If not, you’ll want to pay attention. It was one of the most deadly terrorist attacks this year; 120 died and 270 more people were injured. Read about it HERE. The tactics in the attack were simple […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…A Fast and Deadly Robbery

This video was originally posted by Fernando at The Modern Survivalist. It’s a great website that I recommend. Fernando is from Argentina and talks about living through the economic collapse that occurred in that country 10 years ago. He has a lot of very good survival information. He posted the video below, which shows […]
Fighting Against the Odds

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Read the story below: In Kenya, Al-Shabab gunmen slay 28 bus passengers who could not recite an Islamic creed A band of 20 Islamist terrorists armed with automatic weapons tried to stop a bus filled with local citizens in Kenya. The driver heroically kept driving. The terrorists raked the bus […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Daytime Rape on a City Street

You are walking down a city street on Saturday morning when you hear the sounds of a woman screaming. You see a man throw her to the ground and begin to remove her pants. What do you do? Several people were confronted by this exact scenario in Los Angeles, California. Read the full account […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Purse Snatching

Written by: Greg Ellifritz In Houston Texas, a woman was walking out of a store when she became the victim of a purse snatching. The woman fought for her purse, holding on as her attacker attempted to get away in a car driven by an accomplice. The tug-of-war battle became serious when the car […]