Written by: Greg Ellifritz As the taxi driver saw the roadblock and screeched to a halt, a man wearing a tattered uniform leaped out of the bushes and stuck his AK-47 through my open car window. I remember noticing that the safety was off as he jabbed my cheek with the muzzle and said “Don’t […]
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Tactical Training Scenarios
Your .45 is NOT a Death Ray

Written by Greg Ellifritz Col. Jeff Cooper was a huge fan of the .45 handgun. He once made the statement that the .45 ACP will instantly stop 19 out of 20 attackers. While I greatly respect Col. Cooper’s contributions to the shooting world, on this topic he was flat wrong. The .45 […]
Tactical Training Scenario: The NYC Biker Gang Attack

Written by Greg Ellifritz Several readers and students wrote to me last week to ask my opinion of the biker gang attack that occurred in New York City. If you missed the news story, here is a summary. In brief, a man and his family were driving on a highway when they were surrounded […]
The Realities of a Gunfight

Written by Greg Ellifritz Reading through some of the transcripts of the trial involving the first Fort Hood Active Shooter, I realized that the average gun owner/ CCW permit holder is wholly unprepared for anything but the most basic of gunfights. Read the article below and ask yourself if you are […]
Self Defense or Murder?

Written by Greg Ellifritz Surveillance footage was released last week after a woman shot a man outside a gas station in Houston. The woman claims that she was verbally harassed by a man who was armed with both an umbrella and a knife. She went to the trunk of her car, obtained a .22 caliber […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Gang Shooting

Written by: Greg Ellifritz A reader of this site recently sent me the link to a video and the following question: “I am most interested by the bystander that gets shot down at 1:22. Is there anything he could have done differently? Maybe running while keeping the telephone pole between him […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Naked Attacker

Written by Greg Ellifritz My Facebook and email accounts blew up last week with folks sending me the link to this story and asking for comments. If you haven’t seen the story, a naked man accosted several people in a San Francisco BART station before police arrived and he was arrested. The entire […]
Deconstructing A British Soldier’s Death

Written by Greg Ellifritz By now, most have you have likely seen the story out of London last week. Two Islamic terrorists attacked an off duty British soldier who was walking on a south London street. They rammed him with their car and then jumped out and attacked him with large kitchen knives. […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Random Violence

Most violence occurs for a reason. That reason may not be apparent to the victim or bystanders, but often the action makes sense from the skewed perspective of the perpetrator. Truly “random” acts of violence are rare, but they do happen. Whenever I see one documented, I try to learn from it. Watch […]
Do you carry your gun when you are in your home?

Many of my friends are casual gun owners and cops who carry a gun on a daily basis while they are out in public. Yet as soon as they get home they feel “safe”. They take off their weapon, stash it in a drawer or safe and relax. What most people don’t realize is that […]
You think you’re having a bad day???
Check out this news article: http://www.journalgazette.net/article/20120321/LOCAL07/120329892/1043/LOCAL07 This guy was stabbed, kidnapped and locked into a car that was then driven into a quarry! He had to hold his breath as the car filled with water and kick out a window to escape. It’s a horrible story, but it provides some learning points: 1) […]