Last week marked my 11-year blogging anniversary. Eleven full years of blogging about self defense, firearms, and personal safety topics. I started this website on March 18, 2012 and have posted 2416 total articles since then. The average novel is somewhere around 100,000 words. In the last 11 years I’ve written a total […]
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Upcoming Classes: March-May 2023

Here are all the open enrollment classes I am teaching between now and the end of May. My next class will be Tactical First Aid and System Collapse Medicine at Blackwing Shooting Center on March 12, 2023 in Delaware, Ohio. Registration details HERE. As of today, there is only one open slot. Register quickly […]
Upcoming 2023 Open Enrollment Classes

I’m working on finalizing my 2023 class schedule and will be teaching my first open enrollment class at the end of the month. Here’s what I have scheduled for February, March, and April. My first class is in the Los Angeles, California area on February 25-26, 2023. It will be my relatively rare Two-Day […]
Back From Mexico

I recently returned from a three-week trip to Mexico. I wasn’t teaching and didn’t have any holiday plans, so I decided to do some relaxing down in one of my favorite places in the world, Playa del Carmen. I spent my 50th birthday, Christmas, and New Years down there. If you want to experience […]
My Best Writing- 2022

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Last week, I posted an article linking to my most popular posts in 2022 In that article, I discussed how my “most popular” articles were not the same as my “best” articles. I liked many of the most popular articles (ranked by page view), but I think other […]
2022 Training Review

Back in the earlier days of my blog, I used to write incredibly detailed posts about all the training and travel I completed each year. I talked about how many students and classes I had taught, rounds I fired, and books I read. You can read my older annual updates HERE I enjoy […]
Top 10 Most Popular Articles of 2022

Seth Godin once made a very powerful statement in a blog post. “My most popular blog posts this year…weren’t my best ones. As usual, the most popular music wasn’t the best recorded this year either. Same for the highest-grossing movies, restaurants and politicians doing fundraising. “Best” is rarely the same as “popular.” Which means […]
Personal Health Update- Cancer

*Fair warning, The following text contains a frank discussion of cancer, death, and sexual function. If any of those topics offends you, move on and avoid reading this piece. If those topics don’t bother you, read on to learn about the challenges I’ve been experiencing during the last few years. – Greg While […]
Best of What I Read- 2022

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Compared to the average American, I read a massive number of books. I try to read around 10 books a month. I accomplish this because I don’t have TV in my house and I carry a book wherever I go. Whenever I have a few spare moments, I spend them […]
Street Encounter Skills and Tactics

Last month, John Murphy of FPF Training invited me to Dallas to take his ‘Street Encounters Skills and Tactics” course. I’ve been friends with John for a long while and he has been hosting me at his Virginia facility for about seven years. I have taken several of his classes at conferences like Rangemaster Tac […]
Open Enrollment Classes Remaining in 2022

I have a variety of open enrollment classes scheduled in Ohio, Indiana, and Arizona during the next couple months. All of them still have some openings, but most of my classes have sold out this year. Act quickly if you’d like to book any of these unique training events. I have just a couple […]
Trainers You Should Know- Citizens Safety Academy

There are more competent firearms instructors teaching quality classes than ever before in human history. None of us has a corner on the market. Just like I’ve trained with dozens of top instructors over the years, my students will also train with other teachers. That’s a good thing. In my view, steering […]
Developing World Problems in the USA

I was once on a snorkeling excursion in Aruba. On the boat, I heard an older couple speaking Spanish with a very distinctive Argentine accent. They were the only Spanish speakers on the boat and seemed a bit confused with the captain’s English snorkeling instructions. I introduced myself in Spanish and translated the captain’s […]
Notes From Shotgun Class
I taught a shotgun class last week at the always amazing Blackwing Shooting Center. I had 15 students. Class was limited to bird shot due to range limitations. Students fired about 150 rounds of birdshot in the class. Key observations as per my best recollection: – Three Holosun and one Crimson […]
Concealed Carry Manual

My friend Jeff Gonzales published a book titled Concealed Carry Manual. I think that it is the best gun-related book I’ve read in 2022. I was honored when Jeff asked me to “blurb” the book. This is what I wrote: “I first trained with Jeff more than a decade ago and have followed […]
Email Update Issues

I’ve been deluged with messages and comments from people who are angry they are not getting their free email site updates. Here’s the deal… I had a free email subscription service called Feedburner. Once a day, Feedburner would send an email link to all my subscribers when I posted a new article on […]
Back from Colombia

I just returned from a 17-day trip to Medellin Colombia. I made the trip for two primary reasons. The first is that it is as hot as Hades in my new Texas home. It’s been 100+ degrees here every day for the last couple months. I knew it was going to be hot when I […]
Upcoming Classes: August and September

I have a variety of open enrollment classes scheduled in Ohio, Oklahoma, and Florida during the next few months. All of them still have some openings, but most of my classes have sold out this year. Act quickly if you’d like to book any of these unique training classes. In addition to my regular […]
Prime Day Deals- 2022

Today and tomorrow are this year’s “Prime Days” on For members of their excellent “prime” service, they are discounting thousands of items site wide. It’s kind of like the sales you would see on “Black Friday” or “Cyber Monday.” Some really good bargains are available. You have to be an Amazon Prime member […]
Surgical Speed Shooting Summit Roundup

A couple weeks ago, I drove to Camden, Tennessee to teach at Andy Stanford’s Surgical Speed Shooting Summit (SSSS). It was without a doubt one of the most unique training conferences I’ve ever participated in. A lot of newer gun folks don’t know Andy Stanford. Andy was a military analyst who came to some […]