Books and Book Features
Choose Adventure: Safe Travel in Dangerous Places by Greg Ellifritz. 2020.
Wrote Amazon #1 Best Selling travel safety book
There I Was…When Nothing Happened: True Tales of Real Self Defense From Professionals in the Field– by Jason Brick. 2023.
Contributed the chapter “An Encounter in Tanzania.”
No Safe Alternative: Improving How We Teach Cops to Kill– by T.C. Fuller. 2023.
Wrote the book’s forward.
Strategies and Standards for Defensive Handgun Training 2023 Edition– by Karl Rehn and John Daub. 2023
The authors share excerpts from several of my articles in their book.
Concealed Carry Manual- by Jeff Gonzales. 2021.
Provided one of the book’s introductory “blurbs.”
The Snubby Revolver 3rd Edition by Ed Lovette.Published by Snub Noir, LLC. 2021.
Ed recommends my training company to readers looking for further revolver training.
The Concealed Handgun Manual by Chris Bird. Published by Privateer Publications. 2019.
The author attended a class I co-instructed at the Tactical Defense Institute. He references that training and some of my additional research throughout the book.
Straight Talk on Armed Defense edited by Massad Ayoob. Published by Gun Digest Books. 2017.
Massad recommends Active Response Training as a provider of quality firearms and defensive tactics training.
Prepping for Life by Grant Cunningham. Published by Personal Security Institute. 2017.
Grant cites some of my published research on residential burglary prevention.
Survive a Shooting by Alain Burresse. Published by TGW books. 2018.
The author cites several articles from my website in the book.
Fightin’ Words by W. Hock Hochheim. Published by Lauric Press. 2017.
Hock cites some of my research about the relative lethality of gunshot wounds versus knife wounds in a criminal attack.
Bushcraft First Aid by Dave Canterbury and Jason Hunt. Published by Adams Media. 2017.
The authors consulted with me during the writing process to get more advice about “tactical” first aid and legally stockpiling survival medications.
Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage by Chris Bird. Published by Privateer Publications, 2016.
I provided quotes and data for chapters on post-incident emergency medical care and about terrorist bombing safety.
gunFight!: An Integrated Approach To Shooting And Fighting In Close Quarters by Richard Nance. Published by Looseleaf Law Publications, 2016.
Provided information about making contact shots in a safe manner.
Surviving The Threat: Terrorist Attacks, Mass Shootings, and Dangerous Situations by Antaeus. 2016.
Author quotes some of my active killer research.
Facing the Active Shooter: Guidelines for the Armed Citizen Defender by CR Williams. Published by Amazon Digital. 2016.
Author quotes from several of my published articles regarding response to active killers who are armed with bombs.
Defensive Pistol Fundamentals by Grant Cunningham. Published by Gun Digest Books. 2014.
Grant reproduced (with permission) my handgun stopping power research into one of his book chapters.
Locusts on the Horizon by Plan B Writer’s Guild. Published by Amazon Digital Services. 2013.
Provided data for their chapter on firearms and stopping power.
Radio and Podcast Interviews
Real-World Safety Hacks with Greg Ellifritz: Practical Strategies for Any Situation with Defenders USA originally aired July 10, 2024.
Travel Safety Video Interview with “The Safest Family on the Block” originally aired February 21, 2024.
Greg Ellifritz and Situational Awareness– Blackwing Range Brief Podcast originally posted September 10, 2023.
Cancer Treatment and Men’s Health– Starting Strength Radio #232- Originally posted September 29, 2023.
CCR 162 – Greg Ellifritz, RET LEO 25 years, Active Response Training’s Pres & Primary Instructor– Civilian Carry Radio- Originally aired September 30, 2020.
CCR 160 – Realities of Police Training w DB, Chuck H., Wayne D,, Greg E.- Part VI– Civilian Carry Radio- Originally aired September 16, 2020.
CCR 159 – Realities of Police Training – Part V Urban vs Rural PD’s– Civilian Carry Radio- Originally aired September 09, 2020.
“Civilian Carry Radio 156 – Realities of Police Training”– Civilian Carry Radio- Originally aired August 19, 2020.
“How to Survive a Terrorist Vehicle Attack”– The Women’s Gun Show Podcast- Originally aired October 20, 2017
“Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge”– Ballistic Radio- Originally aired June 25, 2017.
“Have Ellifritz, Will Travel”– Ballistic Radio- Originally aired July 10, 2016.
“Active Killer Response”– Ballistic Radio- Originally aired September 29, 2013.
“Self Defense for Women and the Elderly”– The Survival Mom Training Webinar- Originally recorded September 23, 2012.
“Handgun Stopping Power”– GunTalk with Tom Gresham. Nationally syndicated. Originally aired May 20, 2012.
“Martial Arts for the CCW Permit Holder” Trigger Time with Joe and Amy. 55WKRC AM originally aired January 8, 2012.
“Handgun Stopping Power and Choosing a Defensive Handgun for Women”– The Survival Mom Radio Show, BlogTalk Radio originally aired August 4th. 2011
“Police Officer Safety in the Field”– Trigger Time with Joe and Amy. 55WKRC AM originally aired August 15, 2010.
Print Articles
“The Professionals“- Recoil Magazine’s Concealment II Issue- December 2015.
“Glock Pistols- What Parts Break and How to Fix Them”- Delta Media’s Concealed Carry Magazine– Aug/Sep 2014.
“Avoiding Tragedy”- Delta Media’s Concealed Carry Magazine– Nov/Dec 2013.
“Is it caliber or equipment?“- American Handgunner Magazine, Sept/Oct. 2013.
“10 Tips For Bicyclists”- Delta Media’s Concealed Carry Magazine– April 2013.
“Criminals and the Guns They Carry”- Delta Media’s Concealed Carry Magazine– August 2012.
“Preparing Your Family for Violence”- Delta Media’s Concealed Carry Magazine, April 2012.
“Training Scars”- Delta Media’s Concealed Carry Magazine, February 2012
“Surviving The Flash Mob”- Delta Media’s Concealed Carry Magazine, January 2012
“Mob Mentality- Escaping Riots and Flash Mobs” Harris Publications Personal and Self Defense 2012 Annual
“Focus on the Basics”- Delta Media’s Concealed Carry Magazine, November 2011
“Active Shooter Response for the Armed Citizen”- Delta Media’s Concealed Carry Magazine, October 2011
“Should Officers Carry Fixed Blade Knives?” Police and Security News, May 2008.
“Street Smarts”, Harris Publications Combat Handguns, June 2007.
“Awareness Building Exercises”- Journal of Modern Combatives, March, 2006.
“Awareness: Taking it to the Next Level” – Journal of the American Women’s Self Defense Association, Fall 2004
“Strategies for Developing a Police Physical Fitness Program”- The Ohio Police Chief, Spring 2004.
“Stand, Move, or Seek Cover: What Works in a Gunfight?” The Firearms Instructor, Issue 32, Summer 2002.
Web Articles
Gunshots: Recognize to React– Safariland Cadre Dispatch- November 6, 2023.
Top 5 Travel Safety Tips for Women– Women’s Outdoor News- April 19, 2023.
Shooting Through Bags and Purses– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- July 27, 2022
Situational Awareness for Concealed Carry– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- July 8, 2022
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Position of Disadvantage– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- July 7, 2022
Maybe You Should Reconsider Your Active Killer Response Strategy– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- May 31, 2022
Are Your Instincts Putting Your Child in Danger? – Buckeye Firearms Association Website- April 29, 2022
Your Tactical Training Scenario – Carjacking and Denial– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- April 9, 2021
Robbed with an airsoft gun– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- March 26, 2021
Ammo Shortage: Is the 10mm a Good Self Defense Round?– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- March 12, 2021
Ohio’s Changing Knife Laws– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- February 1, 2021
Plan For The Worst – Preparing for Abduction and Restraint- Buckeye Firearms Association Website- November 6, 2020
“I’ll Just Hold Him for the Police”– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- September 16, 2020
Lessons Learned from a Home Invasion Attempt– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- August 14, 2020
How to Spot a Bad Guy – A Comprehensive Look at Body Language and Pre-Assault Indicators– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- August 3, 2020
Pepper Sprayed for not Wearing a Mask– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- July 29, 2020
Surviving Mob Attacks on Your Vehicle– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- July 16, 2020
Surviving the Mob– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- July 15, 2020
Is it time to begin stockpiling ammunition?– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- June 11, 2020
How does one safely intervene when cops are mistreating a prisoner?-Buckeye Firearms Association Website- June 8, 2020
Surviving Riots and Political Demonstrations– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- June 5, 2020
“Peace Officers” vs. “Law Enforcement Officers”– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- June 4, 2020
Best 9mm Carry Ammo– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- May 6, 2020
Compliance Doesn’t Always Ensure Your Safety– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-April 1, 2020
Revolvers in the Coming Pandemic– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-March 12, 2020
How would you respond if you discover a crime in progress?– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-February 26,, 2020
Active Killer Response Options for Armed Citizens – Buckeye Firearms Association Website-January 17, 2020
Should I Leave the Scene of a Defensive Shooting?- Buckeye Firearms Association Website-January 16, 2020
Shot Through the Door– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-July 10, 2019
Training Scars- Buckeye Firearms Association Website-June 13, 2019
Drawing Attention Away from your Concealed Carry– Rangemaster Monthly Newsletter- June 2019
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Men in the Bushes– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-June 6, 2019
Recent school shooting doesn’t fit media narrative-Buckeye Firearms Association Website-May 21, 2019
Seven Things You Don’t Know About Body Armor– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-April 18, 2019
How to Spot a Bad Guy– Rangemaster newsletter- April 4, 2019.
Mindset vs. Hardware– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-March 8, 2019
Choosing and Equipping Your First AR-15 Rifle– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- February 1, 2019
Solve the Problem Before You Need Your Gun-Buckeye Firearms Association Website- October 3, 2018
Using the .22 for Self Defense– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- September 13, 2018
Clearing Up the Confusion About Ohio’s Knife Laws– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- July 25, 2018
Do Dogs Deter Criminals?– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- June 8, 2018
Cop Compassion– Breach, Bang, Clear Magazine- June 4, 2018
The Utah School Bombing-Buckeye Firearms Association Website- March 23, 2018
Bridging the Gap– The Revolver Guy Website- February 27, 2018
Active Killers Using Fire Alarms to Facilitate an Attack– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- February 19, 2018
10 consejos para sobrevivir a un ataque terrorista con vehículo– Tiro Tactico Blog- January 10, 2018
A New Active Killer Trend and Eight Ways to Counter It– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-December 21, 2017
Stupid Active Killer Advice– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-December 20, 2017
Of XDs and Sticky Holsters– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-November 7, 2017
Pistol as an Impact Weapon- Buckeye Firearms Association Website-November 3, 2017
Real World .22s for Self Defense– Breach, Bang, Clear Website- November 2, 2017
Your First Gun– Breach, Bang, Clear Website- October 30, 2017
Quick Thoughts on the Las Vegas Attack Police Radio Traffic –Buckeye Firearms Association Website-October 5, 2017
Some Advice for Cop Readers– Breach Bang Clear Website- September 27, 2017
Your Tactical Training Scenario: Naked Man Attacks the Family Dog – Buckeye Firearms Association Website-September 27, 2017
“Mouse Gun” Gelatin Testing Results– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-September 26, 2017
Cómo interpretar correctamente los resultados de pruebas con gelatina balística– Tiro Tactico Blog- August 18, 2018
The Pistol as Impact Weapon– Breach Bang Clear- July 20, 2017
The Philando Castile Shooting and Some Advice for My CCW and Cop Readers-Buckeye Firearms Association Website-July 18, 2017
Cross Draw Holsters: Advantages and Disadvantages– Buckeye Firearms Association Website-June 20, 2017
10 Tips for Surviving a Terrorist Vehicle Attack– Breach Bang Clear- June 10, 2017
Of Gun and Magazine Holsters Buckeye Firearms Association Website-March 10, 2017
When Do School Shootings Occur? Buckeye Firearms Association Website-February 15, 2017
Best Coat Pocket Defensive Pistols– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- December 29, 2016.
What we can learn from the OSU terrorist attack- Buckeye Firearms Association Website- December 21, 2016.
The “Educational Beatdown”- Buckeye Firearms Association Website- November 22, 2016.
Are Those Really Gunshots?– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- November 21, 2016.
“Your Tactical Training Scenario…Nosy Shopper”– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- November 17, 2016.
“Distracting Questions”- Buckeye Firearms Association Website- October 6, 2016.
“Criminal Mindset“- Buckeye Firearms Association Website- September 20, 2016.
“Self Defense After Surgery”– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- August 2, 2016.
“The Distance Bias”– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- April 5, 2016.
“Lessons Learned from a Home Invasion Attempt”– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- March 29, 2016.
“Perspectives: Wishful Thinking & Playing Dead is Not a Plan”– Breach Bang Clear Website- November 17, 2015
“Run, Hide, Fight”– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- October 12, 2015
Mindset v. Hardware- Breach Bang Clear Website- September 14, 2015
Fighting Through Pepper Spray– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- August 11, 2015
Surviving a Movie Theater Shooting- Buckeye Firearms Association Website- August 5, 2015
Compliance Doesn’t Always Ensure Your Safety– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- June 3, 2015
How the News Media Skews Reporting of Mass Murders– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- May 11, 2015
A Failure to Acknowledge Reality– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- April 22, 2015
Defeating Pepper Spray– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- April 15, 2015
“Preclusion”- The legal concept you must understand- Buckeye Firearms Association Website- March 17, 2015
A Night-time Knock at the Door– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- March 13, 2015
Don’t Evacuate To a Parking Lot- Buckeye Firearms Association Website- February 23, 2015
How to know if you carry “enough gun” to face any threat– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- January 27, 2015
Una Visión Alternativa del Poder de Parada [Stopping Power] de una Pistola– Tiro Tactico Blog- May 14, 2014
Save a life or sneer at an idiot – your choice– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- January 20, 2015
Training vs. Experience– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- January 10, 2014
Guide to Concealed Carry Holsters and Accessories-Buckeye Firearms Association Website- January 8, 2014
Carjacking and Denial– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- December 18, 2013
Choosing and Equipping your First AR-15 Rifle– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- December 5, 2013
The Sparks, Nevada School Shooting– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- November 1, 2013
Flying With Guns– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- October 21, 2013
Brainstorming Response Options in the Nairobi Mall Incident– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- October 1, 2013
The Navy Yard Active Killer- What Can We Learn– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- September 30, 2013.
The Realities of a Gunfight– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- September 24, 2013.
Active Killer Response for the Armed Citizen– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- September 10, 2013.
What About the .22 Magnum?- Ammoland Shooting Sports News Website- September 5, 2013.
“Don’t Run in a Straight Line” and other Bad Advice– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- August 29, 2013.
Keeping Your Family Safe in a Violent Situation– US Concealed Carry Blog- August 27, 2013
Using the .22 for Self Defense– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- August 23, 2013.
“Defensive Carry: Caliber and Incapacitation“- The Daily Caller Website- July 16, 2013.
“Nigeria School Massacre- Lessons for America“- Buckeye Firearms Association Website- July 15, 2013.
“Surviving the Active Killer“– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- June 24, 2013.
“The Santa Monica College Active Killer” – Buckeye Firearms Association Website- June 17, 2013.
“Dumbed Down- The New OPOTC Rifle Qualification Course”– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- June 5, 2013.
“Exploding Targets Considered Illegal Under Ohio Law”– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- May 6, 2013.
“A Parent’s Guide to School Shootings“– The Truth About Guns Website- December 16, 2012.
“The Government is Ordering Millions of Bullets…Should I be Worried?“– Buckeye Firearms Association Website- August 24, 2012.
“Choosing the Best Caliber for Concealed Carry”– USCCA’s Concealed Carry Report– July 2012.
“Pepper Spray- How to Choose it and How to Use it“- Preparedness Advice Blog- June 27, 2012
“The Toronto Mall Shooting – Four Tips for Surviving the Active Shooter”– USCCA’s Gun Rights Roundup- June 8, 2012.
“The Best Free Medical References for Preppers“- Website- June 1, 2012.
“Is Jeff Cooper’s Fourth Rule Optional?“– The Truth About Guns Website, May 5. 2012.
“Nine Lessons Learned from the Oikos College Shooting“- Buckeye Firearms Association Website, April, 2012.
“Self-Defense Tip: Training vs. Experience”– The Truth About Guns Website, April 30, 2012.
“A Parent’s Guide to School Shootings”– Buckeye Firearms Association Website, March 2012
“An Alternate Look at Handgun Stopping Power”– Buckeye Firearms Website, July 2011.
Video Productions and Appearances
Shooting Gallery – Final Season: Pat Rogers Memorial Revolver Round-Up Shooting Gallery television program originally aired on The Outdoor Channel on February 24, 2021.
“Use of Vehicles for Cover and Concealment”- Personal Defense Television episode. Originally aired on the Sportsman’s Channel, November 7th. 2011.
“Responding to the Active Shooter”– Personal Defense Television episode. Originally aired on the Sportsman’s Channel, December 28th, 2010.
“Knives vs. Clothing”- A look at how clothing interferes with defensive knife usage with live cutting demonstrations. ©2009 Tactical Defense Institute (DVD)
“Fixed-Blade Defensive Knife Training”- Realistic defenses for street-oriented attacks. © 2006 Ka-Bar Corporation (DVD)