Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. LEARN TO LOVE THAT RUSH | Inoculate Yourself From STRESS Stress inoculation is an important component of training. Intimidating Criminals at Gunpoint: Does Gun Choice Matter? An interesting concept most folks haven’t […]
Free Books- Part 273

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
Movie Theater Safety Tips

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I like going to movies in a theater. A couple weeks ago, I saw the latest John Wick movie. With all the gunfights in that flick, I’m thinking that I can write off my tickets as a tax deductible training expense. In any event, my recent foray to the […]
Blue Porch Lights

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Yesterday was the beginning of police memorial week. It’s a week designated to honor currently serving and deceased police officers. Residents in many communities are choosing to celebrate police week by replacing their external light bulbs with bulbs that are blue colored instead. In my former state, the effort is […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 12, 2023

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. In Defense Of The Defensive Revolver Let’s start this edition of the Dump with some revolver knowledge. Begin with the link above. It’s Clint Smith’s take on the revolver in the modern world. Then […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 5, 2023

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Gunfight On Fremont Street: O.K. Corral Part 1 Last weekend when I was teaching in Dayton, I had dinner with my friend Dave Spaulding. We talked about his return to magazine writing and this […]
Free Books- Part 272

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
Managing the Unsafe Student in a Firearms Class

A friend and fellow firearms instructor asked me an interesting question a few weeks ago. I thought that my answer would have a broad appeal for the instructors who read my articles. Here is the question, with some details redacted/edited to preserve anonymity: “Hey Greg, I have an instructor question that I would […]
Upcoming Classes- May-June 2023

Here are all the open enrollment classes I am teaching between now and the end of June. On May 14, 2023 I’ll be back in Ohio at Blackwing teaching my Snub Nose Revolver class. Registration details HERE. This is one of only two snub revolver classes I am teaching this year. […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 28, 2023

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. LEARNING FROM TRAGEDY Solid advice from Massad Ayoob. You might also like Mas’ take on backup guns. Why the LCR .22 LR? More information about why someone might choose to carry a .22 […]
Email Newsletter Updates

Two years ago, the email service I was using to notify all of you when I had posted a new article became defunct. In looking for a replacement email notification system, we found that most of the programs charged between $300 and $700 a month for a service similar to what we were getting […]

*This is a guest post by my friend Steve Moses from Palisades Training. Despite the extent of the problems with human trafficking, I haven’t addressed it much here on my blog. I dealt with it a bit during my police career (note Columbus, Ohio is one of the top trafficking cities), but I don’t feel […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 21, 2023

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. 12 Gauge #4 Buckshot to the FACE! My friend (the real) Dr. House writes up a case of a patient being shot in the face twice with number four buckshot at a range less […]
Free Books- Part 271

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
Should I Provide First Aid to the Attacker I Just Shot?

Written by Greg Ellifritz I had an interesting question posed to me by a student in a recent Systems Collapse Medical Class I taught. He asked me: “If I have to shoot a criminal in a gunfight, should I provide first aid before the paramedics arrive?” It’s a good question. I’m probably going to […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 14, 2023

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Anatomy of a Port Load An intelligent analysis of shotgun port loading methods. I’m still an “over the top” guy, but I encourage my students to try both ways. But even more important is to […]
2023 Rangemaster Tactical Conference Round Up

Two weeks ago, I spent three days teaching at the Rangemaster Tactical Training Conference in Dallas. I’ve now taught at the last ten Tactical conferences and my TacCon blocks are regularly the most fun classes I teach every year. The conference consists of three days of material taught by 40 different world-class […]
October Classes in North Carolina

In October, I will be teaching three classes at the Apache Solutions facility in Yadkinville, North Carolina. If you would like some more information about Apache Solutions and the trainers they bring in, check out the link below. The registration links are below. October 13, 2023- Snub Nose […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 7, 2023

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Are We There Yet? Quality information and analysis from Paul Martin. You should buy his book. Best knife sheath for EDC ever! Craig gave me one of his El Nino push […]
Free Books- Part 270

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]