I was once on a snorkeling excursion in Aruba. On the boat, I heard an older couple speaking Spanish with a very distinctive Argentine accent. They were the only Spanish speakers on the boat and seemed a bit confused with the captain’s English snorkeling instructions. I introduced myself in Spanish and translated the captain’s […]
Friends Don’t Let Friends Open Carry

Written by Greg Ellifritz It’s no secret that I’m not a fan of open carry (carrying an unconcealed handgun or long gun in public). Except in a hunting context or in very rural areas where one is unlikely to encounter another human, I generally think it’s a poor decision to carry openly. Too […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 23, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Surviving the Aftermath of a Shooting Good advice for both my armed citizen and law enforcement officer readers. Email Update Issues I’ve been getting a few emails a day about […]
Free Books- Part 259

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
Sources of Power

Written by: Greg Ellifritz The ability to make fast decisions under stressful and time-pressed conditions is a critical component of winning a lethal force confrontation. Unfortunately, it is also very hard to teach. Research on decision making has traditionally been conducted in laboratories under calm conditions. The implications derived from such studies don’t […]
The Sage Dynamics Eleanor Drill

I recently tried a drill that I think many of you will enjoy. Click the link below for details. Shooter Development — the Eleanor Drill by Sage Dynamics You can download a printable version of the target at the link below. The drill is deceptively simple and is described in […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 16, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Pistol Malfunctions and Stoppages – Part 1 The skill set of reflexively and efficiently clearing firearm malfunctions is very poor among gun owners without formal firearms training. Visualizing the 2021 National Firearms […]
Notes From Shotgun Class
I taught a shotgun class last week at the always amazing Blackwing Shooting Center. I had 15 students. Class was limited to bird shot due to range limitations. Students fired about 150 rounds of birdshot in the class. Key observations as per my best recollection: – Three Holosun and one Crimson […]
Backup Guns vs Hideout Guns

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I’ve seen some recent articles on the internet talking about citizens with CCW permits carrying more than one gun in public. While I carry two pistols in uniform every day, I rarely carry a second pistol when I am off duty and on my own time. I have nothing against […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 9, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Grandparent’s Guide to Safe BB Gun Backstops I think indoor target shooting with airsoft, BB. or pellet guns is a great way to introduce your kids and grand kids to the gun world. This […]
Free Books- Part 258

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
Confronting the Mobile Killer

*After the recent Canada active stabbers and the shooter in Memphis yesterday, I think I need to re-post this one. -Greg Anyone researching the tactics of active killers is quickly confronted with the fact that killers study police response tactics. Being informed by their research, the killers adapt their own tactics in order to […]
Avoiding Scam Artists at Home and Abroad

Written by: Greg Ellifritz “The bad guy can lure you to an isolated place. This is almost infinitely varied. Anything from offering a cheap, unlicensed cab to telling you that there is a beautiful shrine just down the alley that isn’t on the tourist maps. It’s hard to pass up. I have learned an incredible […]
“Rampage: The Social Roots of School Shootings”

Written by Greg Ellifritz I recently finished this very informative book on school shootings. It was published in 2008, but somehow it escaped my notice until now. The information contained within is timeless and just as relevant today as it was when it was published. From the author’s description: “In the last decade, school […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 2, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Physical Fitness — Does it Impact Our Shooting Fundamentals? Getting fitter improves your life expectancy across multiple domains. Personal Safety Can Mean Seeming Rude “Even though it gets a bad rap, intuitive […]
“I’m in Fear for My Life!”

Written by Greg Ellifritz “I’m in fear for my life!” I’ve heard this phrase pop up a couple of times in the last month. The first time was during a close quarters shooting class I was teaching. The students were working a weapon retention drill and I had instructed them to use loud, […]
Concealed Carry Manual

My friend Jeff Gonzales published a book titled Concealed Carry Manual. I think that it is the best gun-related book I’ve read in 2022. I was honored when Jeff asked me to “blurb” the book. This is what I wrote: “I first trained with Jeff more than a decade ago and have followed […]
I Worry That Masks Are Coming Back

I’ve been traveling a lot lately and am seeing a gradual increase in public mask wearing across the country and worldwide. I was in Colombia last month. There were no mask requirements when I arrived. In less than three weeks, masks were required in the airport and on all flights to and from […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- August 26, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. So You Want to Buy a Can: The Intricacies of Suppressor Ownership What you need to know before buying a silencer. THE STUPIDITY OF MAGAZINE CAPACITY LIMITS Mas shares his thoughts about […]
Free Books- Part 257

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]