Written by: Greg Ellifritz While I primarily wrote this article for police patrol officers, it has a lot of relevance for everyday citizens as well. If you ever find yourself sitting in a car in a public place, you can utilize these strategies to reduce the chance of robberies or car jackings. -Greg According […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- December 3, 2021

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. The 9mm Journey “One thing did stand out, however…for every shooting in which a particular caliber and bullet style performed well I also received one in which it failed! In truth, I could not […]
Don’t Be a Crime Scene Tourist

* At last weekend’s Gunsite Revolver Roundup I was talking with some current and retired cops about the best advice they would give to someone starting out in a police career. They mentioned a piece I wrote on Facebook a couple years ago about being a “crime scene tourist.” I realized that I had never […]
Final Report on the 2019 Dayton Active Killer Attack

The FBI recently released its final report on the 2019 Dayton active killer attack. You can read the report in full at the link below. Investigative Report on the August 04, 2019 Attack in Dayton, Ohio The report is only two pages. Read it in full. Here’s what stuck out the most to […]
Discounted Books

If you are looking at getting my book as a holiday gift, now is the time! I’m putting Choose Adventure on sale for the next three days. The Kindle edition is half price. The hardcover is $5 off. This is the first and only sale I’ve ever done on these books. […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- November 26, 2019

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Three Skills Every Officer Should Have Some unconventional thinking, but I like the shooting drill the article mentions. A Harrowing Lesson From Utah On The Bystander Effect For many years I’ve advised […]
10 Tips for Surviving a Terrorist Vehicle Attack

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Yesterday a criminal/terrorist used a vehicle to attack a Christmas parade in Wisconsin. Twenty people were struck by the car and five died. For more info, read Car rams into Wisconsin Christmas parade The attack was stunningly similar to an ISIS terrorist vehicle ramming attack in London back […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- November 19, 2021

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Concealed Carry: Vehicle Environment Skills I like the idea of “malignant compliance.” Securing your digital life, part one: The basics Very high quality information. Read Part Two and Part Three as well. […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Pharmacy Dangers

Written by Greg Ellifritz Retail pharmacies are dangerous places. While commercial robberies have decreased (likely due to Covid) in the most recent studies, we saw almost 900 pharmacy robberies each year in the United States. As the effects of Covid decline, experts predict that these robberies will increase again. Pharmacies are […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- November 12, 2021

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Legal Insurrection Attorney Andrew Branca is doing a great job summarizing the issues involved with the Rittenhouse trial. 4 Self-Defense Myths (That Could Ruin Your Life) “We may chuckle at these and […]
Too Much Situational Awareness?

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Have you ever considered that you may be practicing too much situational awareness? I was out on a date a few weeks ago. We were eating at a local restaurant. She knew that I am a retired cop. During dinner she said: “I’m really kind of surprised. You […]
My Favorite CCW Belt

Written by Greg Ellifritz If you’ve spent any real time carrying a concealed handgun, you will understand the importance of mating your holster with a high quality belt made to carry a gun. In general, the double thickness leather gun belts or the ultra-stiff nylon belts make it both easier and more comfortable to […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- November 5, 2021

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. 6 Dead Giveaways That You’re Armed “The operative word in “concealed carry” is “concealed.” While a lot of the public, even including some potential criminals, might not notice a lot beyond body language clues…but […]
Shooting Drill- Rangemaster Bullseye Course

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I like shooting drills that are timed and scored. Shooting drills that have standards allow shooters to track performance over time. A structured training program with performance tracking is the difference between training and “plinking.” I generally start out each of my handgun range sessions with a standard drill. That […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump – October 29, 2021

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. 2 Concealed Carry Seat Belt Hacks Very useful information for those of you who carry your gun while driving. Philadelphia Police Consider Charges Against Bystanders During Rape Why it’s absolutely critical to […]
Free Books- Part 238

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- October 22, 2021

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. The Perfect Hiking Load-Out? Since I retired from my police job last year, I’ve made it a point to do much more hiking. For the last year, I’ve averaged hiking 15-20 hours a week […]
Handgun Bullet Penetration Through Interior Walls

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Handgun Bullets: How Do They Penetrate in Home Materials? is an interesting study evaluating how deeply modern defensive handgun rounds penetrate in common building materials. The data is useful. The author’s opinions and analysis are less so. Let’s cut to the chase. We should not be choosing our handgun ammunition based […]
The 500th Weekend Knowledge Dump

Before we get started with this week’s batch of links, I want to note that this is the 500th edition of the Weekend Knowledge Dump! Since I started the project, you’ve received the Weekend Knowledge Dump every week without a single exception for almost 10 years. Think about it. How many other tactical blogs do […]
Free Books- Part 237
Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]