The world of internet content creation is ever changing. I’m sending out this post to give you a behind the scenes look at what’s going on with my websites and how I’m going to utilize Patreon in the future. A little history… I started my blog in 2012. It did very well with […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- October 16, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Your Best Defense: Staying Out of Trouble Michael Bane and Claude Werner talk about important concepts here. Why Hollow Points Are The Only Option For Self-Defense When talking about service calibers like […]
Prime Day Deals 2020- Updated

Today is the this year’s last “Prime Day” on For members of their excellent “prime” service, they are discounting thousands of items site wide. It’s kind of like the sales you would see on “Black Friday” or “Cyber Monday.” Some really good bargains are available. You have to be an Amazon Prime member […]
The Denver Pepper Spray Shooting

I’ve seen lots of internet commentary on Saturday’s fatal shooting at a large protest rally in Denver. If you haven’t seen the story, check out the link below for details. TV crew’s Pinkerton security guard shoots ‘Patriot Muster’ protester dead after he fired mace at him Details about the shooting continue to emerge. […]
Shooting Drill- B-8 Bonanza

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I got this challenging drill my friends at Justified Defensive Concepts. They had been working on a new drill and announced it on their Facebook page. Here is the drill description directly from their page: “The Justified Defensive Concepts B8 Bonanza: Target: B8 bullseye Distance: All shots fired at […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- October 9, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. The Wolf’s Fangs: Observable Indicators Of An Illegally Armed Person Keep in mind these are also indicators that criminals use to identify if you are carrying a gun as well. Prep Your […]
Why I Don’t Carry an Expandable Baton

Written by: Greg Ellifritz With all the violent protests going on, people are interested in supplementing the firearms they carry on a daily basis with some less lethal alternative weapons. I’ve been getting lots of questions about impact weapons recently. Here is one such question from a friend and long-time reader. “How do […]
Standing Up

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you are undoubtedly familiar with the writings of Justin White from Mad Science Defense. Justin recently contacted me about running a few of his most successful articles as guest pieces on my blog. He is closing down the Mad Science Defense site and is focusing […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- October 2. 2020
Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Industry Secrets To Buying Ammo (What Nobody Tells You) An option for finding ammo that lots of shoppers haven’t considered. Why Everyone Likes Lever Actions As my friend Darryl Bolke says: “Museum […]
Free Books- Part 213

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
Tactical Training Scenario- Fire as a Weapon

Written by: Greg Ellifritz In a world filled with rioters armed with Molotov cocktails and commercial fireworks, we have to consider fire as a weapon used against us. I’ve given advice to police officers facing flammable liquids. I’ve also written about dealing with thrown Molotov cocktails. Today’s installment will take a look at a […]
Principles of the Ground

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you are undoubtedly familiar with the writings of Justin White from Mad Science Defense. Justin recently contacted me about running a few of his most successful articles as guest pieces on my blog. He is closing down the Mad Science Defense site and is focusing […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 25, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. THE ANYWHERE DEFENSE: IMPACT WEAPON TACTICS Steve Tarani offers some impact weapon advice. The Orange Dot Drill Dave Spaulding shares an incredibly valuable shooting drill that doesn’t need a lot of rounds. […]
Why Did My Gun Blow Up?

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I had an unusual experience at the range today. The gun I was shooting blew up in my hand. In a 20+ year career as a full time firearms instructor, I’ve seen a few guns blow up. I blew up a Kahr PM-9 once (stupidly) shooting reloads from an unknown […]
Shooting Drill- “The Test With No Name”

I found this drill in the “Skills and Drills” section of The Firearms Rack Website. John Johnston from Citizens Defense Research came up with the drill. It requires either a Langdon LTT-1 Target, or two B8 Targets separated by two more one inch square targets. According to the link above, the drill is run as […]
Five Deadly Fallacies of Hand to Hand

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you are undoubtedly familiar with the writings of Justin White from Mad Science Defense. Justin recently contacted me about running a few of his most successful articles as guest pieces on my blog. He is closing down the Mad Science Defense site and is focusing […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 18, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. The New Rules of Engagement If you only consume one piece of content from this post, make it this one. In Michael Bane’s podcast, he discusses how the criminal threats we are training to […]
Free Books- Part 212

Amazon has a tremendous number of FREE ebooks on their website. You can find thousands of free kindle books on Amazon’s site every day. These books can be downloaded to a Kindle reader or a free App on your phone or personal computer. Even if you don’t have a Kindle, you can download a free […]
Understanding Decisions to Burglarize from the Offender’s Perspective

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I found a very interesting piece of research linked up on the Practical Eschatology website. The report “Understanding Decisions to Burglarize from the Offender’s Perspective” provided the conclusions researchers amassed after interviewing more than 400 incarcerated burglars. The study proposed to answer the following questions: 1. What motivates […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 11, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. The Backpack Gun Project Thanks to Lucky Gunner for the kind words and the link to my book! For more bag carry advice, check out Vertx Commuter Sling. Strife Happens: What to Do […]