Written by: Greg Ellifritz Imagine you are standing on a subway platform in a big city anywhere in the world. A 25-year old woman is standing nearby waiting for the train to arrive. Suddenly, a man approaches the woman, throws her to the ground, and attempts to rape her. Lots of folks are watching. […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- August 28, 2020
Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Staying Alive in the Brave New World Michael bane shares some valuable survival information. On the same topic, you should also read WARNING: Armed Conflict in America Is a Turning Point. Are You Prepared? […]
Shot in the Back! How does it happen?
Written by Greg Ellifritz With predictable regularity, the media and various civil rights groups become indignantly incensed when the cops or an armed citizen shoot a criminal in the back. It somehow violates society’s ideal that all confrontations should be settled “face to face” and be a “fair fight.” That doesn’t happen very often […]
Traveling to Mexico During a Global Pandemic
I’d been twitching for awhile. I hadn’t been out of the country since February. In a normal year, I travel outside the USA at least four times for a total of about six weeks. This is the first year since 2006 that I haven’t already taken at least three international trips by this […]
The Firearms Manifesto Part One: Your First Gun
Written by Greg Ellifritz It’s like clockwork. At least once a week, I open my email and see some version of the following question: “I’m worried about (your choice: crime, the declining economy, right wing politicians, mutant zombies, societal collapse, left wing politicians, etc) and want to buy a gun. I don’t have […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- August 21, 2020
Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. The Top 5 Low Round Count Drills Ammunition is expensive right now. Here are a few valuable low round count shooting drills to keep your skill levels up. Do you have some ammo stockpiled? […]
Civilian Carry Radio Appearance
Last night I joined Chuck Haggard, Wayne Dobbs, and Darryl Bolke for a roundtable discussion of police training issues on Civilian Carry Radio. I haven’t done a podcast or radio interview for a few years. I honestly don’t enjoy them all that much and have been turning down any podcast requests. I promised CCR […]
Attacked at Home
Written by: Greg Ellifritz I had a long time reader write to ask the following questions: “My wife (who is not a fan of guns, concealed carry, etc.) and I were talking about self-defense the other day, and she asked what percentage of self-defense incidents happen on a person’s property (house/yard/garage/etc) versus anywhere […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario…Do You Have a Light?
You are walking down the street when you are approached by a man. He asks you if you have a lighter. How would you respond? A Baltimore man was recently confronted with that same scenario. When he reached into has pocket to grab his lighter to help the man out, the suspect […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- August 14, 2020
Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Situational Awareness – Everything You Need to Know A very comprehensive look at situational awareness. You should also read Situational Awareness in the Age of Masks and How to Maintain Your Situational Awareness and […]
Scenario Training Ideas from “The Upside of Irrationality”
Written by: Greg Ellifritz Dan Ariely’s book The Upside of Irrationality is a book about making rational and irrational decisions. Books like these are a goldmine of information for firearms and combatives trainers. We regularly see people making irrational decisions in the context of self defense. It’s nice to figure out why they are doing […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- August 7, 2020
Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. What’s the Best 38 Special Ammo for Self-Defense? Although I wouldn’t put the Lehigh Defense cartridge into my list of the “top loads,” the author’s ballistic testing results provide very useful information for any […]
AR-15 Rifle Maintenance
Written by Greg Ellifritz Jeff Chudwin is a firearms instructor and retired police chief from whom I’ve taken a couple training classes. He is amazingly knowledgeable and readily shares the wealth of information he possess. Jeff compiled a list of maintenance checklists for AR-15 style rifles and sent them out to […]
Riot Survival Compendium
Written by: Greg Ellifritz With almost two months of non-stop rioting in Portland and lots of other big demonstrations in other parts of the nation, lots of folks have contacted me about re-posting some of my riot survival articles. Here is my best advice… Stay away from any scheduled protests, riots, uprisings, […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 31, 2020
Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Short Barreled Rifles vs Pistol Braces A high quality analysis of the issues involved with having a short barreled “pistol” with a stabilizing brace. I think these are exceptionally handy. When I’m driving out […]
Ammo Shortage: Is the 10mm a Good Self Defense Round?
Written by Greg Ellifritz I’ve been getting a few questions from readers about the 10mm auto for self protection. With the current ammo shortage primarily affecting the common defensive calibers, some readers are seeing 10mm ammo still available online and in gun stores. Is it worthwhile to own a 10mm defensive handgun in […]
Pepper Sprayed for not Wearing a Mask
Written by: Greg Ellifritz People are losing their shit. It’s almost like the world has been turned completely upside down in a very short period of time. In my police job, the calls about erratic behavior, mental illness, and alcohol/drug abuse have increased significantly in the last couple months. There are a lot of […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 24, 2020
Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Hold Tight To The Past “The upshot of all this? Ain’t much new under the sun. Sometimes we need to get away from being explorers of new shooting worlds and become archaeologists instead, digging […]
Don’t be a CCW Idiot
I’m guessing that most of you who are active in the firearm-related blogosphere have seen this story. If you haven’t, please check it out: Gun fell out of man’s sweatpants and discharged, fatally striking woman outside Trend Bar in St. Paul Manslaughter charge for man accused of fatally shooting woman outside St. Paul bar […]
“Don’t Run in a Straight Line” and other Bad Advice
Written by Greg Ellifritz When listening to experts describe how to flee from an attacker who is shooting, the most common statement heard is “Don’t run in a straight line.” Many people advocate running in a zig-zag pattern or running in a crouched position instead. A target that is small or that moves randomly […]