Links to some of the best tactical information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Why you should ALWAYS carry your gun What you can learn from the gunfights that 65 of Tom Givens’ students have been involved in. The Magical Content Tree Dmiti Orlov […]
Don’t Depend on the Police to Save You

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Read this article. In last week’s Tunisian attack, the first cop who arrived refused to go after the killer because he (the cop) wasn’t wearing body armor (which likely wouldn’t have stopped an AK round anyway). A man who worked at the hotel beach activities stand took the cop’s gun and […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 3, 2015

Links to some of the best tactical information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Beach massacre gunman went back to kill 17 MORE victims The most detailed account I’ve found about the Tunisian active killer who shot tourists on the beach last week. He was armed […]
Some Thoughts on the Greek Economic Collapse

Written by Greg Ellifritz I’ve been watching with interest all the news reports of the ongoing financial collapse in Greece and can’t help but wonder when it will happen here in the USA. Most of you reading this article will be thinking something along the lines of “It can’t happen here.” I’ll remind you […]
Active Killer Activity- Good News and Bad News

This is a guest post from my friend Ron Borsch. Ron has compiled one of the most inclusive active killer incident databases in the world. His perspective on the issue is an important one. -Greg ACTIVE KILLER ACTIVITY: GOOD AND BAD NEWS© Copyright 2015 Ron Borsch We recently took […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 26, 2015

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. NYPD Active Shooter Recommendations and Analysis A solid piece of work published by NYPD. In addition to providing trend data and best practices for dealing with an active killer, the report also provides details […]
Some Gun Problems from Last Weekend’s Class

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Everyone seems to love it when I write about the guns and gear I encounter in my classes. Last weekend I taught an extreme close quarters handgun shooting class at FPF Training down in Virginia. I had 18 students in the class. Three of them had some fairly significant gun […]
Hating on the Ruger Mini-14

Written by Greg Ellifritz Last week, I read this article in the American Rifleman asking folks to “Reconsider the Mini-14.” Please don’t. The Ruger Mini-14 is a poor substitute for a good AR-15. Some back story is necessary. In 1999, my police department was fearful of Y2K and societal collapse. Our […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 19, 2015

Links to some of the best tactical information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. .22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire ballistic test Range Hot conducted ballistic gelatin testing of numerous .22 magnum rounds out of both a handgun and rifle. I really like this round. Loaded with the […]
Test Fire Your New Guns!

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Here’s a quick cautionary tale… I recently purchased a Smith and Wesson 351C. It’s a cool little titanium airlight .22 magnum 7 shot revolver. I have a couple of other similar guns. They shoot well and are great pocket “backup” guns. I was excited to shoot my new purchase. […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 12, 2015

Links to some of the best tactical information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. How Much Does Wind Reading Ability Matter? Quality information about reading wind for you precision rifle shooters. You’ll also want to check out the series’ overall summary as well. TacRack […]
Shotgun Tips from TDI’s John Motil

This is a guest post written by TDI General Manager and Instructor John Motil. John is at every shotgun class taught at TDI and put together a few notes based on past experience about what works and what doesn’t. It’s good advice. -Greg – Make sure your shotgun has a stock (either polymer […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 5, 2015

Links to some of the best tactical information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Massad Ayoob’s Concealed Carry Tips and Techniques Mas Ayoob discusses how to effectively carry a pistol in appendix or crossdraw positions. When Six Is Not Enough – Myths of […]
The Firearms Manifesto Part Three- A Comparison of .380acp Pocket Pistols

Written by Greg Ellifritz I wrote the article below in May of 2012, shortly after starting this blog. It has been the single most-read article on my site and continues to get approximately 5000 pageviews a month years after I published it. You folks like your .380s. Technology has changed significantly in the last […]
Review of a Recent Tactical First Aid and System Collapse Medicine Class

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Dann from the God, Gals, Guns, and Grub blog hosted me two weeks ago for my Tactical First Aid and System Collapse Medicine class. Dann has a great facility and he filled it up with 21 eager and insightful students. I had a great time teaching all day. […]
An Active Killer’s Diary

Written by: Greg Ellifritz As most of you know, I take a special interest in researching active killers. I’ve been closely watching the progress of the Aurora, Colorado “Batman” movie theater killer’s trial. If you are unfamiliar with the incident, check out my article HERE. Last week, the killer’s diary was released to jurors […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 29, 2015

Links to some of the best tactical information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Best Long-Range Scope: Buyers Guide & Features To Look For An excellent compilation of information to help you best choose a quality rifle scope. This year’s scary new drug is […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 22, 2015

Links to some of the best tactical information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. 11 Ways To Survive A Media Shitstorm If you are a police officer involved in a publicized controversial arrest or if you are an armed citizen who prevails over a criminal […]
“The Reluctant Partisan- Volume Two: The Underground”

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I am hereby providing all appropriate “trigger warnings” for those of my readers who can’t handle a little coarse language. The last time I reviewed one of John Mosby’s books, I was deluged with emails about the adult language present in some of the book’s passages. Don’t send me that shit. […]
The ISIS Bus Attack

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Although it went virtually unmentioned in the US national media, ISIS perpetrated a vicious massacre against members of a different Islamic sect in Pakistan last week. The terrorists targeted a bus full of Shiite Muslims on their way to a community center. Six terrorists used motorcycles to ride along side the […]