The SureFire Fury PX2 tactical flashlight has become very popular amongst shooters who use it as a very powerful everyday carry light. Its streamlined construction, simple operating system, and 500 lumens worth of light make it a great choice for this role. The sub-$100 price tag doesn’t hurt either. One of my long-term […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 25, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. How to Shoot Your Handgun Faster Great advice for improving speed shooting. I use the drill he demonstrates in […]
Extreme Close Quarters Gunfighting Class- Sept 27th

I’ll be teaching an Extreme Close Quarters Gunfighting class September 27th at the Briar Rabbit shooting range near Zanesville, Ohio. Registration is halfway full already. Last year’s class at this location sold out. Sign up soon if you want to enroll in this one! See below for details: Extreme Close Quarters Gunfighting with […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 18, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Why Kids Shoot Up High Schools, Why They Only Do So Outside of Big Cities, and How to Stop Them […]
MPD Navy Yard Active Killer Report

Written by: Greg Ellifritz The Washington DC Metropolitan Police issued their final report of the Navy Yard active killer event that took place in their jurisdiction last September. If you are unfamiliar with the incident, here is the description given by the Metro Police: “On the morning of Monday, September 16, 2013, Aaron […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 11, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. How To Disappear In The Wilderness: A Natural Camouflage Tutorial A good technique to learn if you need to […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 4, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. The Criminal States of America An informative infographic showing how your state compares to the others in every category of […]
Weapon Mounted Lights and a Dirty Little Police Secret

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Recently, there has been some high level media “reporting” about the so called “dangers” of weapon mounted lights (WMLs). It seems that much of the interest about the story was prompted by the Denver Colorado police department banning the use of WMLs by its police officers. Check out the links […]
Is the .380 ACP an Adequate Caliber for Defensive Use?

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I received this question (edited for brevity) from a police firearms instructor last week: “A lot of my guys on the department are going with .380 pocket guns for off duty carry instead of carrying their issued Glock 26 9mm pistols. Our policy will not allow officers […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 27, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Staying safe while traveling Grant’s advice about travel safety is spot on. I carry a rubber door stop […]
Warning Shots

Written by: Greg Ellifritz A reader and student recently sent me an email with the following question: “Hey Greg, how about a blog on Florida’s new regulation allowing CCW holders to fire a warning shot?” If you haven’t kept up with the news, last week the Florida governor signed a bill into law that […]
Your Tactical Training Scenario- Purse Snatching

Written by: Greg Ellifritz In Houston Texas, a woman was walking out of a store when she became the victim of a purse snatching. The woman fought for her purse, holding on as her attacker attempted to get away in a car driven by an accomplice. The tug-of-war battle became serious when the car […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 20, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Street Ready .22 Rimfires “The .22 LR isn’t the best choice out there, but for some people it’s the […]
The Georgia Courthouse Shooting

Written by: Greg Ellifritz On June 6, 2014, a man drove his vehicle up to the front of a Georgia Courthouse. As he drove, he dropped home made spike strips to deflate tires of any responding police officers and then dropped tear gas and smoke grenades to further delay police response. He was […]
AR-15 Pistol Ballistic Gel Testing

Written by: Greg Ellifritz With the ATF recently approving the SIG-designed “arm brace” attachment, AR-15 pistols have become quite popular. The arm brace was designed for disabled shooters to secure the pistol to their arms, but it also serves as a workable shoulder stock. This allows people to fire AR-15 pistols from the […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 13, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Gun Science: Active Electronic Ear-pro deep dive Everything you have ever wanted to know about electronically amplified hearing protection. The Unexpected […]
The Seattle Pacific University Active Killer

Written by Greg Ellifritz On Thursday June 5, 2014, a killer entered the library at Seattle Pacific University. The mentally ill man had stopped taking all of his medications two weeks earlier because he “wanted to feel the hate.” The killer brought a shotgun with him and shot four people, killing one, […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 6, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Running With the Carbine Kyle Defoor covers some simple techniques for carrying your rifle while running. Most […]
The UCSB Active Killer

Written by: Greg Ellifritz On May, 23, 2014 the City of Isla Vista California endured the rampage of yet another active killer. I’m a little late covering the event, as I was out of the country at the time. Timeliness isn’t all that important in this case, however. The killer here acted in the […]
Observations / Opinions of the Glock 42

Written by: Clay Smith A few weeks ago, I wrote a quick review of the Glock 42. The gun I shot actually belonged to my friend Clay. Clay is a long time instructor at TDI and a good friend. His review of the little Glock pistol was much better than mine, so I […]