Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Victim: ‘I thought he would let me buy a cigarette and he stabbed me’ My guess is that […]
Back From Nicaragua!

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I just got back yesterday from a week-long trip to Nicaragua. Nicaragua isn’t on most folks’ travel lists, but it ended up being absolutely beautiful. I had a short amount of time off work, so the girlfriend and I wanted a deserted beach where we could completely relax for the few […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 23, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. If a nuclear bomb exploded in downtown Washington, what should you do? Very useful information about surviving a […]
Strategies for Developing a Police Physical Fitness Program

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Almost every police administrator recognizes the inherent benefits that a physically fit police officer can bring to an agency. Reduced absenteeism, greater productivity, fewer injuries, and a reduction in health care costs have all been correlated with a high level of physical fitness in police officers. Despite these benefits, only […]
The MOAT Group Carbine Standards

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Here’s a very difficult drill for all you rifle shooters out there. This one is from the MOAT Group. I don’t know anything about their training, but this is a great drill! It is also very humbling. The drill is explained on the printable target itself. Looking at the target, you […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 16, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. G2 RIP Ammo Test, Part 3 – RIP vs Gold Dot It’s never a good idea to […]
Lock your damn doors!

Written by: Greg Ellifritz With the weather getting nicer, we’ve seen our annual spring increase in both car and house break-ins. The city where I work has been hit hard. While most residents think it’s mischievous teens stealing from cars, that really isn’t the case anymore. 20 years ago, almost all car break-ins were kids […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 9, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Vigilant Gear Mini SERE Pouch This is a very cool idea for any of you who wear PVC […]
The Georgia FedEx Shooting

Written by: Greg Ellifritz In addition to the two school shootings that were aborted last week, there was another active killer incident in Georgia. Unfortunately, this shooting was not thwarted. It didn’t get much media attention once the reporters found out that the weapon the shooter used was a shotgun, instead of the “assault […]
Two School Shootings Aborted

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Last week we had two planned school shootings aborted in the USA after the intervention from concerned citizens and parents. This is how it is supposed to work. Let’s take a look at the two incidents and see what we can learn. The more widely publicized incident occurred in Waseca, […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 2, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Sig Sauer Elite Performance Ammo Review I’m not completely thrilled about the 9mm load tested, but the new […]
Suicide Bombers Dressed as Police

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Take a quick look at this news article about the violent attacks that occurred in Iraq on Monday. In one day more than 50 people were killed in several coordinated attacks spread all across the country. The attacks were all similar and all the attackers wore police or military uniforms. […]
Shooting the Glock 42

Written by Greg Ellifritz Last weekend I got the chance to put a few magazines of ammo through a new Glock 42 .380 pistol owned by a friend. The little 42 stirred up quite a storm when it was introduced at this year’s SHOT show. If you are unfamiliar with the gun, here is the […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 25, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. The Differences (and Similarities) Between Training to Fight and Training to Compete Competition, while certainly useful, is not the […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 18, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. How To Become A 3-Gun Competitor On 15 Minutes a Day And A Shoestring Budget Mike Seeklander’s dryfire […]
“Becoming a Supple Leopard”

Written by: Greg Ellifritz How many of you have ever “tweaked” your back picking up something heavy? How many of you bench pressers have shoulder pain? Do you have non-specific knee pain when you run? How about shin splints or plantar fascitis? I’m betting most of my readers have experienced at least one of […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 11, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Extreme Close Quarters Chris Fry posts an excellent article detailing the unique problems one has to be prepared for […]
7 Lessons Learned From the Second Ft. Hood Shooting

Written by: Greg Ellifritz While the investigation is still ongoing and the military has effectively placed a gag order on the personnel involved, some details are being released about the April 2 shooting. A soldier (who will not be named in this article) killed three people and wounded 16 at his workplace at Ft. […]
Shooting Drill- Bill Drill #2

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I got this drill from Todd Green’s site. It was designed by Bill Wilson to update his classic “Bill Drill.” The normal “Bill Drill” consists of drawing and firing six shots at the A-zone of an IPSC or USPSA Silhouette target from a distance of 20 feet. It […]
Lone Star Medics Field and Tactical Medicine Conference 2014

Written by Greg Ellifritz Last week I was honored to attend Lone Star Medics “Field and Tactical Medicine” conference in Dallas, Texas. The conference was organized by my friend Caleb Causey, president of Lone Star Medics. It was the first ever conference of its kind and was a great success. The conference consisted of […]