Ten years ago, an experienced handgun instructor contacted me to help him reconstruct the events of an accidental shooting. This instructor shot himself while reholstering after doing a demonstration during a basic concealed handgun class. I know what you are thinking…. “He shouldn’t have had his finger on the trigger when […]
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Posts tagged "accidental discharge"
Don’t be a CCW Idiot

I’m guessing that most of you who are active in the firearm-related blogosphere have seen this story. If you haven’t, please check it out: Gun fell out of man’s sweatpants and discharged, fatally striking woman outside Trend Bar in St. Paul Manslaughter charge for man accused of fatally shooting woman outside St. Paul bar […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 13, 2016

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Emotional Components of Knife Defense, Part 1 A detailed look at why some folks fear being stabbed more than being shot. It’s a very common, but scientifically baseless fear. A medical study of criminal […]
Prosecuted for a Negligent Discharge

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Read this article. An NYPD officer just got convicted of both manslaughter and official misconduct after an accidental shooting that occurred on his SECOND DAY of patrol. For all my cop friends and those who want to be cops. Study this case. Here’s the deal… I don’t […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- February 5, 2016

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Do you carry religiously? You may not be as safe as you believe. Grant brings up a very good point here and I tend to agree with him. I travel out of the country […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- October 17, 2014

A list of some of the best reading on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Gresham man robbed of pistol at gunpoint while exercising ‘open carry’ right A man robbed of his “open carry” piece. That’s what happens when you think of a gun like a […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 11, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Extreme Close Quarters Chris Fry posts an excellent article detailing the unique problems one has to be prepared for […]
Judge Not…

Written by Greg Ellifritz A lot of my friends are linking to this story about an instructor accidentally shooting a student during a concealed carry class. Most of the comments disparage the instructor and make the assumption that he is a poorly trained, inept, NRA basic handgun instructor. That isn’t the case. […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- April 19, 2013

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week and want to share. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. 12 Gauge birdshot damage A good reminder about firearms safety and some graphic photos […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- November 9, 2012

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week and want to share. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Medical Prepping in Three Months A structured list of supplies […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- August 17th, 2012

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week and want to share. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. A Students Guide to Tactical Folding Knife Selection, Carry & Deployment […]