Written by Greg Ellifritz In the wake of the Santa Monica College shooting last week, multiple news outlets are running stories purporting to provide tips about “surviving a mass shooting”. Depending on the author and the source, some of these are pretty decent. Some, on the other hand are horrible. Take this […]
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Posts tagged "active killer"
The Santa Monica College Active Killer
Written by Greg Ellifritz Last Friday, our nation experienced yet another active killer targeting a school. The shooter was killed by police as he shot up the library of Santa Monica College in California. His 13-minute long streak of violence killed five people and injured five more. Details continue to emerge, […]
School Stabbings in Texas
Written by Greg Ellifritz There’s a reason why knowledgeable trainers in this business don’t use the term “Active Shooter.” They prefer the term “Active Killer” instead. The person who is trying to murder as many people as possible doesn’t have to be using a gun, he may be using other weapons like explosives or […]
The Taft Union School Shooting- Lessons for School Staff and Parents
Written by Greg Ellifritz Last Thursday morning (January 10), a 16-year old student entered Taft Union High School in Taft, California and opened fire with a shotgun. You may not have even heard the story since only three people were injured before the student gave up his gun. If you aren’t familiar with the […]
New “Rapid Mass Murder” Research from Ron Borsch
Written by Greg Ellifritz Cleveland-area police trainer Ron Borsch has been a friend of mine for many years. Ron has studied the “active killer” phenomena in greater depth than anyone I know. He recently published his latest statistical analysis of such events. Ron prefers the more descriptive term of “Rapid Mass Murder” over the […]