Written by: Greg Ellifritz I occasionally get questions from readers about changing their defensive ammo to better defeat heavier winter clothing in the colder months. People who consider an ammo change generally do it for one of two possible reasons. The most common is that the person misunderstands wound ballistics. He wants […]
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Posts tagged "ammunition"
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 20, 2024

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Can Exercise Simulate a Gunfight? I think it’s very important to train when you are physically stressed by exercise. With that said, heart rate increases from exercise are extremely different from heart rate increases […]
Ammo Related Problems

A couple weeks ago, I saw that Tom Givens had posted the article below on his Patreon page. I’ve been seeing the same things in my classes and wanted to warn my students. I asked Tom for permission to reprint the article and he graciously agreed. If you aren’t a member of Tom’s Patreon page, […]
10mm for Self Defense?

Written by Greg Ellifritz A reader recently wrote to me asking the following question: “I am considering changing from a Glock .45 to a 10mm and am wondering if the 10mm with 200 grain hard cast would have better stopping power than my 230 grain hardball?” I get asked about the […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- March 25, 2022

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. You Weren’t Built for Safety “Life isn’t about risk elimination, it’s about risk management. Some rewards are worth the risk, and we instinctually know that. When as society values safety over everything else, then […]
South African Ammunition

My friend Tom Givens (support him on Patreon for lots of quality content) recently wrote about a South African ammunition company who has started importing 9mm and 5.56mm cartridges into the USA at extremely reasonable prices. Omusha Ammunition I decided to buy a case. I’ve been very happy with it so far. I took a […]
Handgun Bullet Penetration Through Interior Walls

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Handgun Bullets: How Do They Penetrate in Home Materials? is an interesting study evaluating how deeply modern defensive handgun rounds penetrate in common building materials. The data is useful. The author’s opinions and analysis are less so. Let’s cut to the chase. We should not be choosing our handgun ammunition based […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 3, 2021

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Rimfire Ammo: Evaluating Terminal Performance Interesting ballistic testing of rimfire ammunition. Can a Flare Gun Be Used for Self-Defense? If you are serious about using a flare gun for self defense, I […]
Stop Worrying About Overpenetration

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I’ve written in the past about some ballistic testing I observed at one of the past Rangemaster Tactical Conferences I attended. The bottom line of the article was that one shouldn’t depend on expansion from short barreled pocket pistols. That article generated all kinds of emails and questions on […]
Five Consequences of the Russian Ammo Ban

Written by: Greg Ellifritz If you haven’t been paying attention, The Biden administration banned the importation of ammunition and firearms from Russia into the United States. The ban goes into effect next month and will last at least a year. Here are the best articles I’ve found discussing the issue. Read up and […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- August 6, 2021

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Trigger Reset Simplified : 3 (or More) Reasons Why Everything You Know About it is Probably Wrong A sensible look at trigger management. I was taught to pin the trigger and then “catch the […]
Old Ammo- Will it Still Work?

Written by Greg Ellifritz In my former job as the police department’s armorer, it was my responsibility to dispose of all the old ammunition that people brought in to the department. You would be shocked at the amount and type of old ammunition I saw. Rarely did a week go by that I didn’t […]
Damaged Defensive Ammunition

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I recently had a reader reach out to me with a very intriguing question: “I’ve got about 50 rounds of quality JHP in 9MM divided between three guns (mine+wife) and they are getting beat up. Question is, do I stick with the beaters (dinged cases or heads, etc.)or switch to […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 11, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. The Backpack Gun Project Thanks to Lucky Gunner for the kind words and the link to my book! For more bag carry advice, check out Vertx Commuter Sling. Strife Happens: What to Do […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- August 7, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. What’s the Best 38 Special Ammo for Self-Defense? Although I wouldn’t put the Lehigh Defense cartridge into my list of the “top loads,” the author’s ballistic testing results provide very useful information for any […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 19, 2020

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Jeff Cooper on .40 handguns For those of you interested in the history or cartridge development. Hidden History: The Carcano is the Rifle Used to Assassinate President John F. Kennedy A little […]
Stockpiling Ammunition

Written by: Greg Ellifritz With the recent COVID-19 pandemic and lots of civil unrest, I’m getting more and more people asking questions about stockpiling ammunition. Online ammunition outlets have been sold out of popular products lately. Ammo availability at local gun stores is starting to increase, but prices are high and many stores are […]
Best 9mm Carry Ammo

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I got a question from a friend and student last week. I think the answer will help all my readers better understand terminal ballistics and choose an optimal bullet for self protection. Here’s the question: “Quick question: What’s your suggestion for 9mm carry ammo? I’m about to replace my near […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 12, 2019

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. ATF Rescinds Prior Methods to Measure a Firearm’s Overall Length when Equipped with a Stabilizing Brace Those of you with AR-15 “pistols” with arm braces and vertical foregrips shoud look at the ATF’s new guidance […]
The “Bag of Doom”

Written by Greg Ellifritz I’ve heard people refer to a “Bug Out Bag”. I’ve even heard of a “Get Home Bag”. I’ve written about both HERE and HERE. I thought I knew my bags. So I was surprised when reading a SWAT magazine article by Pat Rogers and learned that there was […]