*This is a guest post from my friend Darryl Bolke. Darryl is a retired big city cop from California who was involved in multiple shootings on the job. He continues to work armed security gigs and teach classes in Texas. He has a very unique perspective on the shooting/training industry. When I saw his post, […]
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Posts tagged "guest author"
Assassinating Innocents

*This is a guest contribution from my friend Ron Borsch. You’ve seen his writings on my page in the past. Ron is a retired police trainer and one of the foremost worldwide authorities in the field of active killer attacks. He draws an important distinction in this piece. Look for a companion article from me […]
“Requiem for an Unsung Hero”

*Last week I was talking to my old friend Andy Stanford on the phone. For those of you new to the shooting game, Andy was a pioneering instructor in the 1990s and 2000s. He focused a lot of his classes on handgun skills and operating in a low light environment. Back in the days […]
The Need for Truth

This is a guest article written by a friend who has more than 25 years experience as a Federal law enforcement officer, supervisor, and firearms instructor. He would like to remain anonymous. -Greg A common discussion when cops talk is how it seems that those at the higher levels of the organization are […]
Why the Hammer Pair?

This is a guest post from my friend Darryl Bolke. Darryl is currently writing a book about the history of formal firearms training throughout the 20th century. I’m very excited to read his book when he gets it on the market. Until then, follow Darryl’s writing at DB’s Shooting Adventures on Facebook. -Greg […]
The Role of the Semi-Automatic .22 Long Rifle Carbine for Home Defense

This is a guest post from my friend Steve Moses, owner of Palisade Training Group. I’ve taken several of Steve’s classes at the Rangemaster Conferences we’ve both taught at over the years. Steve is a very thoughtful and competent instructor and I recommend his material highly. If you are down in Texas, check out some of […]
Avoiding Surprise Attacks

This post is a guest article written by my friend Ron Borsch. Ron is a Viet Nam veteran, (1965-66 U.S. Army paratrooper 101st Airborne) and is retired from two careers, 30 years as a police officer including SWAT and 17 years as a police trainer. Supported by seven SEALE Chiefs of Police, he founded, managed […]
A Historical Look at Appendix Carry

This is a guest post from my friend Darryl Bolke. Darryl is currently writing a book about the history of formal firearms training throughout the 20th century. I’m very excited to read his book when he gets it on the market. Until then, follow Darryl’s writing at DB’s Shooting Adventures on Facebook. -Greg […]
Shootout: Glock 42 versus Kahr CW 380

This is a guest article from friend and student “Gaston Garand.” I think the Glock 42 and the Kahr are the two best pocket .380 autos on the market right now. When Gaston found 400 rounds of .380 ammo, he put the two to a test and offered to write up the results for my […]
Standing Up

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you are undoubtedly familiar with the writings of Justin White from Mad Science Defense. Justin recently contacted me about running a few of his most successful articles as guest pieces on my blog. He is closing down the Mad Science Defense site and is focusing […]
Principles of the Ground

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you are undoubtedly familiar with the writings of Justin White from Mad Science Defense. Justin recently contacted me about running a few of his most successful articles as guest pieces on my blog. He is closing down the Mad Science Defense site and is focusing […]
Five Deadly Fallacies of Hand to Hand

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you are undoubtedly familiar with the writings of Justin White from Mad Science Defense. Justin recently contacted me about running a few of his most successful articles as guest pieces on my blog. He is closing down the Mad Science Defense site and is focusing […]
Rangemaster Defensive Shotgun Course- A First-Timer’s Perspective.

*This article is a guest post from my friend Jonathan Willis. Jonathan is a retired paramedic and fire lieutenant who teaches with Dave Spaulding for Handgun Combatives. Jonathan has extensive firearms training experience, but this was the first shotgun course he took. I took the class as well and echo the author’s comments. The class […]
Dig Only One Rig

*This is a guest post from my friend Bryan McKean. Bryan is the training officer for the police department where I work and has significant combatives and firearms training experience. In this piece, Bryan writes about how switching to carrying just one type of gun led to a performance increase. Personally, while I can see […]
Ambidextrous Controls

*This is a guest post from my friend and fellow police officer Bryan McKean. Bryan is an acccomplished shooter and an excellent instructor across a broad domain of tactical topics. I think many of you will find his perspective valuable. -Greg Firearms manufacturers are always looking for ways to improve upon their products. The […]
Heads Up! Avoid MAWOL

*This is a guest post from my friend Ron Borsch. Ron is a long serving police officer, trainer, and researcher. I enjoy his perspective and I hope that you will as well. -Greg HEADS-UP! AVOID MAWOL Copyright 2019 Ron Borsch Heads up! Is a common phrase meant to alert someone. To be […]
The Springfield XD- A Polemic

Written by: Greg Ellifritz A recent discussion on my Facebook page prompted me to write an article to explain why I really don’t care for the Springfield XD pistol. I’ve seen hundreds of the guns go through my classes in the last decade. I remain unimpressed. The gun’s main selling point seems to […]
Kung-Fu for the Concealed Carrier

This is a guest post from my friend Steve Moses, owner of Palisade Training Group. He was the guest author of a very well-received article on shotguns for home defense I posted last week. Since you all liked Steve’s contribution, I’m going to publish this one as well. It covers a topic that many CCW […]
Thoughts on the Defensive Shotgun

This is a guest post from my friend Steve Moses, owner of Palisade Training Group. I’ve taken several of Steve’s classes at the Rangemaster Conferences we’ve both taught at over the years. Steve is a very thoughtful and competent instructor and I recommend his material highly. If you are down in Texas, check out some […]
When Are Masks Criminal?

This is a guest post from my friend Ron Borsch. He discusses a topic to which I haven’t given much thought. We see an ever increasing number of violent “protests” from various political groups. The real troublemakers in theses groups are often wearing masks. Is legislation a solution? Here’s Ron’s take on the matter. – […]