Written by Greg Ellifritz Guns and Ammo’s online magazine ran an article touting the 8 best “quality” handguns available for under $400. I like the premise of the article, but I can’t say that I agree with the author’s choices. Check out the article HERE. The author chooses the following guns as “affordable, reliable […]
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Posts tagged "gun reviews"
The Firearms Manifesto Part Three- A Comparison of .380acp Pocket Pistols

Written by Greg Ellifritz I wrote the article below in May of 2012, shortly after starting this blog. It has been the single most-read article on my site and continues to get approximately 5000 pageviews a month years after I published it. You folks like your .380s. Technology has changed significantly in the last […]
Observations / Opinions of the Glock 42

Written by: Clay Smith A few weeks ago, I wrote a quick review of the Glock 42. The gun I shot actually belonged to my friend Clay. Clay is a long time instructor at TDI and a good friend. His review of the little Glock pistol was much better than mine, so I […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 11th 2012

Here are a few links to interesting articles I read this week and want to share. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. The Truth About Sub-Compact 1911s While I don’t agree with everything Rob Pincus teaches, on this subject he […]
The FNS-9 Striker Fired Pistol-Initial Impressions and Problems Discovered

Last weekend I was teaching a class at TDI and I noticed that John Benner (TDI’s Owner) was packing a new gun. It was FN’s new S-Model Striker Fired pistol. John has carried a gun professionally longer than I’ve been alive, so when he gives something his endorsement, I pay attention. John purchased several […]