Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. New York Reload: Does It Work? I’d encourage you to put yourself on the shot timer and try drills like this. It isn’t always a clear cut answer and it really depends on where […]
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Posts tagged "Jim Cirillo"
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 28, 2019

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Study: Civil asset forfeiture doesn’t discourage drug use or help police solve crimes I’m not a fan of civil asset forfeiture. What if you can’t get the ‘best’ ammunition? I suspect there […]
Training Scars

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Training scars … we all have them. I’m not talking about training scars like the black eye you get when your partner goes a little too hard while sparring or the scars you get when you cut your finger trying to quickly open your fighting knife. The training scars […]
The Turret Drill

Over the past few years, I’ve posted a few articles from Henry, “The Old Man from Tennessee.” Henry is 91 years old and lives by himself up on a mountain in rural Tennessee. Henry has been a lifelong shooter and has a unique perspective on the defensive use of a firearm. Henry sent me […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 22, 2016

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. EXCLUSIVE: France ‘Suppressed Reports of Gruesome Torture’ at Bataclan Massacre Read this account of the atrocities faced by the hostages at the Bataclan theater. If it doesn’t motivate you to prepare yourself to prevail […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- February 12, 2016

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. The Folly of Chasing Gear – CCW Gear Some advice to get you new carriers heading in the right direction. A Quick Guide To Shooting Fundamentals Another resource for you brand new […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- November 27, 2015

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Lumens Matter, But they Don’t Some incredibly sensible information about flashlight selection from Dave Merrill. Take Instructor Gun Recommendations with a Tactical Grain of Salt Mark makes some excellent points in this […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- July 31, 2015

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. 11 Things I Learned From Working In Social Media Alternate title: “Why stupid people drive me insane.” Former Cop Shares Lessons on Deadly Force I like it when I see cops […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 12, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Throwback Thursday: Point Shooting An amusing point shooting article written by Charles Askins back in 1955. Askins was a […]