Lots of folks have been contacting me because they are concerned that we will soon see large scale election-related violence and protests. While I can’t predict the future, the possibility of rioting is certainly something to consider. Looking back at the “protests” back in 2020 and earlier can give us some ideas about […]
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Posts tagged "mobs"
Weekend Knowledge Dump- December 31, 2021

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. Mobs, Mob Looting, and Other Crimes Large mobs of looters coordinating to hit malls and high end stores is becoming a problem we are seeing with increasing frequency. Your best bet is to order […]
Protecting Local Businesses from Looters

I received an interesting question from one of my readers. He wanted to know the best course of action to prevent his local businesses from being burned to the ground or looted during a violent protest. “Hi Greg I’m a big fan. I know you say that a person should mind their own business […]
Mob Mentality…Escaping from Riots and Flash Mobs

I’ve read some articles by various “tactical gurus” advising that if people get caught up in a riot or confronted by looters, they should start cutting throats and shooting everyone in the face with their 9mm pistols to facilitate escape. There’s certainly a time and place for such actions, but if you are smart, it […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 12, 2015

Links to some of the best tactical information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. How Much Does Wind Reading Ability Matter? Quality information about reading wind for you precision rifle shooters. You’ll also want to check out the series’ overall summary as well. TacRack […]