I’ve been excited to see the new Lispeys snub revolvers that my friends Bryan Eastridge and Darryl Bolke had a hand in designing since they were introduced at the SHOT show this year. For those unfamiliar with the guns, check out my last two Weekend Knowledge Dumps for more articles about the background and features […]
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Posts tagged "revolver"
K and L-Frame Snub Revolvers

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I may have a slight problem…an addiction to snub revolvers. Oh, I love a good J-frame and carry one around almost daily. but my true passion is the J-frame’s almost unheard of larger snub cousin…the K-frame snub. Many of you know all about Smith and Wesson’s K-Frame revolver. […]
Revolver Squib Loads

Written by: Greg Ellifritz During a recent range training session, I was doing some shooting with a couple of my revolvers for a change of pace. While shooting a beat up Model 10 Smith and Wesson, I experienced a squib load. I shoot a bunch of .38 ammo every year and I can’t […]
The Best .38 Special Defensive Ammunition

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I recently received this question from a reader. Considering the popularity of the snub nose revolver as a carry pistol, I figured it would be useful if I answered the question in a blog post: “I’m looking to pick up a S&W 340PD here soon as a backup or […]
Hardwired Tactical Snubby Super Test

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I got this drill from Wayne Dobbs and Darryl Bolke at the Hardwired Tactical Facebook page. Wayne and Darryl are both experienced retired police officers and firearms instructors. They put out top-notch information. This is the drill they developed for testing one’s competency with a snubnose revolver. Here […]
Best Backpacking Gun?

Written by: Greg Ellifritz I recently had a reader write me to ask my opinion about the best gun for hiking or backpacking: “What do you recommend for concealed carry while backpacking? I usually backpack with a 1980’s era frame pack with metal hip bars and a strap that would preclude most usual […]
More Thoughts on S&W Airlite .22 Revolvers

This article is a guest contribution from Henry “The Old Man from Tennessee.” Henry has written several articles for my site in the past. He is 91 years old and lives by himself up on a mountain in rural Tennessee. Like many of you, Henry has been shooting all his life. Also like many […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- June 10. 2016

Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend. How To Survive A Riot When All Hell Breaks Loose A very long article with lots of good tips for surviving crowd violence. Along the same lines, you may also want to check out […]
Hating on the Taurus Judge

Written by: Greg Ellifritz One of my retired officers came to the range to shoot his requalification course a while back. He brought a new toy to play with…the Taurus Judge. This is a pistol that amazingly popular among neophyte gun owners. It’s a five-shot revolver with an alloy frame, fiber optic sights, and […]
Book Review- Gun Digest Book of the Revolver

Written by Greg Ellifritz I know what you are thinking….who carries a revolver? I do. So do many other knowledgeable firearms instructors. In a recent conversation with John Benner (founder of the Tactical Defense Institute), I learned that John relies on a revolver for his PRIMARY night-time home defense weapon! That’s what is on his […]
Test Fire Your New Guns!

Written by: Greg Ellifritz Here’s a quick cautionary tale… I recently purchased a Smith and Wesson 351C. It’s a cool little titanium airlight .22 magnum 7 shot revolver. I have a couple of other similar guns. They shoot well and are great pocket “backup” guns. I was excited to shoot my new purchase. […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- May 29, 2015

Links to some of the best tactical information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Best Long-Range Scope: Buyers Guide & Features To Look For An excellent compilation of information to help you best choose a quality rifle scope. This year’s scary new drug is […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- December 19, 2014

Links to some of the best reading on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. Gear Review: 5.56 Muzzle Device Shootout For those of you looking for a compensator for your AR-15, this is a comprehensive evaluation of the options on the market. They looked at which one […]
Weekend Knowledge Dump- September 19, 2014

Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend. State Variation in Hospital Use and Cost of Firearm Assault Injury, 2010 It’s relatively rare to find decent academic […]
The Modern Defensive Revolver

Written by Greg Ellifritz Caleb Giddings wrote two thought provoking blog posts last week about what he thought were mandatory requirements in a modern defensive revolver. Before reading further, check them out HERE and HERE Caleb’s articles were insightful and provide a lot of guidance for people who carry revolvers for self […]
“Secrets of the Concealed Carry Snub” AAR

Written by Greg Ellifritz Last week I was able to attend a private training class hosted at TDI. Michael de Bethencourt came in to teach us two days’ worth of snubnose revolver techniques. Michael de Bethencourt has been teaching an innovative revolver shooting class for more than 30 years. Most trainers in […]