My friend Ron Borsch is one of the world’s leading authorities on active killer attacks. He contacted me last week with a request to publish his newsletter. Ron has been publishing a monthly email newsletter for more than two decades. Think of it as a “Weekend Knowledge Dump” on steroids. The links mostly […]
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Posts tagged "Ron Borsch"
Precious Foreknowledge to Recognize Threats

*This is a guest post from my friend Ron Borsch. Ron is a retired police officer/trainer who is one of the world’s leading experts on the behavior of active killers. In his article below, he shares the most well-researched list of common active killer personality traits and pre-incident behaviors that I have seen. Becoming aware […]
Assassinating Innocents

*This is a guest contribution from my friend Ron Borsch. You’ve seen his writings on my page in the past. Ron is a retired police trainer and one of the foremost worldwide authorities in the field of active killer attacks. He draws an important distinction in this piece. Look for a companion article from me […]
Avoiding Surprise Attacks

This post is a guest article written by my friend Ron Borsch. Ron is a Viet Nam veteran, (1965-66 U.S. Army paratrooper 101st Airborne) and is retired from two careers, 30 years as a police officer including SWAT and 17 years as a police trainer. Supported by seven SEALE Chiefs of Police, he founded, managed […]
Heads Up! Avoid MAWOL

*This is a guest post from my friend Ron Borsch. Ron is a long serving police officer, trainer, and researcher. I enjoy his perspective and I hope that you will as well. -Greg HEADS-UP! AVOID MAWOL Copyright 2019 Ron Borsch Heads up! Is a common phrase meant to alert someone. To be […]
When Are Masks Criminal?

This is a guest post from my friend Ron Borsch. He discusses a topic to which I haven’t given much thought. We see an ever increasing number of violent “protests” from various political groups. The real troublemakers in theses groups are often wearing masks. Is legislation a solution? Here’s Ron’s take on the matter. – […]
Dangerous Inanimate Objects?

This is a guest post from my friend and well known mass killing researcher Ron Borsh. Ron has some thoughts about the demonizing of inanimate objects following several high profile killings and the insidious purpose that such demonizing actually serves. Some of you will enjoy this one. -Greg DANGEROUS INANIMATE OBJECTS? Copyright […]
Schools: Beware!

This is a guest post by my friend Ron Borsch, a retired police officer and trainer. Ron is one of the most notable researchers in the “active killer” field and shares his thoughts on the issue. In this piece, he discusses the rapid increase in recent school shootings and what we can do to abate […]

This is a guest post by my friend Ron Borsch, a retired police officer and trainer. Ron is one of the most notable researchers in the “active killer” field and shares his thoughts on the issue. In this piece, he discusses the multitude of motivations an active killer might have and shares his research […]
Active Killer Salt Licks

This is a guest post by my friend Ron Borsch, a retired police officer and trainer. Ron is one of the most notable researchers in the “active killer” field and shares his thoughts on the issue. I think many of you will like this one. -Greg Copyright 2018 by Ron Borsch […]
Systemic Failure of Law Enforcement

This is a guest post about the Florida school shooting tragedy from noted police trainer and active killer researcher Ron Borsch. I think many of you will find his perspective valuable. -Greg The Broward County Parkland Florida Marjory Stoneman-Douglas School Rapid Mass Murder© February 14th 2018, is one of the biggest news stories in […]

This is a guest post from Ron Borsch. Ron is a very experienced trainer and one of the leading thinkers and researchers regarding the topic of active killer incidents. He has some very relevant commentary on two recent active killer incidents. -Greg The two recent incidents I will discuss highlight the utility of the […]
Church Safety

This is a guest post written by long-time police trainer Ron Borsch. Ron has been a friend for many years and has done more research on active killer events than likely anyone else in the world. Ron is now semi-retired and looking to write a little more. He will be contributing a few articles […]
Forming a Church Safety Team

This is a guest post from my friend Ron Borsch, a retired police officer and well known law enforcement trainer. He has been doing some consulting in the field of church safety and has come up with some great ideas about forming a church security team. Check out his article and all the […]
Preparing a Home Safe Room

This is a guest post from my friend and fellow trainer Ron Borsch. Ron shares some good tips about creating a safe room in your home. Enjoy. – Greg For those who have not seen it, the exciting 2002 drama movie Panic Room starring Jodi Foster, was a public introduction to the growing criminal […]
Safe Rooms vs. “The Red Menace”

This is a guest post from my friend and fellow police trainer Ron Borsch. In it, he discusses some of the realities involved in securing buildings from active shooters and some of the problems we unintentionally create. Greg When I was the founder, manager and lead trainer for a regional police training academy, […]

Movie theaters seem to be a popular target for active killers lately. I’ve written two articles in response t0the most recent Louisiana movie theater shooting (Surviving a Movie Theater Shooting and Should I Pull the Fire Alarm During a Mass Shooting?). Here is Ron Borsch’s take on the subject. – Greg MOVIE […]
Active Killer Activity- Good News and Bad News

This is a guest post from my friend Ron Borsch. Ron has compiled one of the most inclusive active killer incident databases in the world. His perspective on the issue is an important one. -Greg ACTIVE KILLER ACTIVITY: GOOD AND BAD NEWS© Copyright 2015 Ron Borsch We recently took […]

My friend Ron Borsch recently updated his statistics looking at the last five years’ crime stats with regards to what he calls “Rapid Mass Murders.” Ron has consistently provided some of the highest quality research in the world with regard to active killers. Ron agreed to share his latest research summary with my […]
The Seattle Pacific University Active Killer

Written by Greg Ellifritz On Thursday June 5, 2014, a killer entered the library at Seattle Pacific University. The mentally ill man had stopped taking all of his medications two weeks earlier because he “wanted to feel the hate.” The killer brought a shotgun with him and shot four people, killing one, […]