You might have seen news coverage from yesterday’s vehicle run-down attack in Germany If you missed the story, the link below will get you up to speed.
Nine-year-old among five killed in attack on German Christmas market
Vehicle attacks peaked in the United States in the 2017-2018 time period. Back then, the crimes got lots of media coverage and created a sustained dialog about how to reduce attack frequency and mitigate the carnage. Even though we’ve seen a reduction in vehicles being used as weapons, we still see them surprisingly often.
These types of crimes tend to be cyclical in nature. You’ll see a lot of them all at once and then their frequency will trickle away to almost nothing. Eventually, the trend will revive and we’ll see more vehicle attacks. I fear that the German attack yesterday might spur some copycat rundowns after they see how much media attention this one garners.
Back in the day, I wrote a lot about this topic. I even did a couple of podcast interviews about how armed citizens and cops should best respond to a vehicle run down attack. I don’t feel the need to write any more on the topic. I’ve covered the issue extensively on my website and others. The tactics haven’t changed, but this current attack might make folks want to brush up on the topic a bit.
I think that’s a great idea. Below, I posted all the content I have produced and collated on the topic over many years of study. A prudent person might want to brush up on good information to stay safe this summer. If that describes you, please check out the links below.
10 Tips for Surviving a Terrorist Vehicle Attack
Strategies for Preventing Terrorist Vehicle Attacks
Protecting Against Terrorist Vehicle Attacks
Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge (Podcast – Season 5, Ballistic Radio Episode 214, June 25th, 2017)
Terrorist Vehicle Attack Information Compendium
The Most Recent Vehicle Run-Down Terrorist Attack
The Vehicle as Terror Weapon
More on Vehicle Run Down Tactics
Tactical Training Scenario- Vehicle Ramming
The OSU Terrorist Attack
Vehicular Terrorist Attacks: Strategies for Safety and Survival
What if You Witness a Mass Casualty Incident?
Random Thoughts on Killing Trucks

A German police officer takes down the terrorist at gunpoint.