Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week and want to share. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend.
New Foam Rolling study
If you don’t know what a foam roller is, you are way behind the curve. I’ve been using them for years to improve muscle tissue quality and reduce pain. Now this new study shows that foam rolling pre-workout will cause your muscles to achieve a greater range of motion without causing any strength loss (like static stretching causes).
You only have 50 rounds to practice? Here’s a nice way to use them!
Dry Fire Shotgun Practice Video
Claude Werner demonstrates some good drills for dryfire practice with the shotgun. I know I don’t dryfire my long guns nearly as much as I should. I bet you don’t practice enough either. Make sure your shotgun (or rifle) is unloaded and get to work! Although Claude doesn’t mention it here, make sure you practice taking your safety off if you carry a round chambered. Failing to remove the safety and trying (without success) to pull the trigger the biggest error I see when my students are running a shotgun.
Modify the Sights on your AK-47
Jim Fuller provides a quick video on how to modify your AK-47 sights. I’ve done what he has suggested on all of my AKs and it really makes a difference. 5 minutes, a file and a squirt of black spray paint and you are good to go!
Some AK Basics
Speaking of AKs, Paul Gomez starts a series of AK-47 video instructions by covering the proper shooting stance to control recoil from a long gun . This stance is useful no matter if you are shooting an AK, an AR-15, or a shotgun. Also note how Paul uses a full magazine to knock out the empty magazine in his first reload sequence. This is a handy trick that I use a lot when shooting my AK-47 rifles.
12 Reasons You’re not Losing Fat
Summer is on the way! If your fat-loss has stalled, check out these 12 tips from Jason Ferrugia.