Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Glock 2022 Annual
Some very good articles in this year’s Glock magazine.
Why I Stopped Hating the Shockwave (And Other Stockless Shotguns)
Best practices for running the stockless shotguns.
Should You Choose a Pump-Action or Semi-Automatic Shotgun for Home Defense?
Some thoughts on modern shotgun selection.
25 Daily Presses
I despise dry fire. But 25 trigger presses a day with my SIRT pistol doesn’t seem too bad. Going to give this program a try.
CRKT Minimalist Spear Point
This knife is a best buy for center line fixed blade carry. You can set up the sheath for horizontal carry (reducing the amount of your cover garment you have to lift to facilitate the draw) or carry it in a “slip sheath” attached to the belt. This is a lot of insurance for $25.
First Time Shooters and Snubnose .38 Revolvers
The snubby is not an amateur’s weapon.
SKS Collecting And Identification: A Buyer’s Guide
Everything you might possibly want to know about the SKS.
Switchology: Setting Up Your Rifle Lights, Lasers And Switches
Very practical advice about how to best utilize your rifle’s real estate.
Off Duty Officer Handles Her Business
Pay attention to how South American moto robberies go down.
Pocket Carry Primer: What You Need to Know About Packing in Your Pocket
Good advice for those of you who carry a gun in your pocket.
What I’m reading…
Why A Sillcock Key Is The Secret to Survival
I was working commercial landscaping to pay my way through college when I learned about the Sillcock Key. Ever since then, I’ve thrown one in every vehicle and every bugout bag I own. It might one day be a useful piece of kit.
What’s A Fitz Special?
For you folks who aren’t history buffs.
What does it sound like to get shot at?
In one of the first rifle instructor classes I attended (1999, I think), the instructor had all of us students lay down in the rifle range target pit as he shot over our heads. The drill was designed so that we could learn to recognize the sound of gunfire from the other end of the muzzle. It was kind of cool, but I’m not really sure how useful the exercise was. If you want to hear what gunshots sound like from the target’s perspective, play the video.
Cop Talk: Officer Involved Shootings: Need for a New Paradigm
“We don’t try our cases in the press” has to change. Here’s why.”
Self-Defense Carry Ammunition, How Often to Inspect?
Why should you inspect your carry ammunition..
5 Combative Shooting Drills You MUST Practice
The Mountain Guerrilla shares his five favorite shooting drills. Need some more drills? Read The New 250 Drill Skills Check.
“Either you control the fight, or the fight controls you. The key to winning any fight is to take control of your environment, more specifically, managing the time and space of your immediate vicinity.”
The Skinny On Cell Phone Shot Timers
I’m not a big fan of cell phone shot timers.
Beyond the One Percent (part 4)
Karl Rehn does a deep dive into the reasons why most gun owner (and police officers) only seek minimal training and have no desire to improve.
How to be rude

I’ve written about this topic before. In Ladies it’s OK to be Mean, I discussed the “why.” In this article, Annette discusses the “how.” Annette’s article The best gun to buy for the woman in your life is a great read as well.
April Fools — The Gun Industry Roundup
Funny April Fools Content.
Cutting edge lecture on human performance under extreme circumstances
For my Ohio readers…
My friend John Hearne is visiting the Dayton area to teach a couple of awesome classes. I’ve personally attended his “Who Wind, Who Loses, and Why Class four different times. It’s one of the most informative classes I’ve ever taken. Sign up for these classes. You won’t regret it.
Texas deputy, 51, is shot dead by three men trying to steal his truck’s catalytic converter
If you go looking for trouble, don’t be surprised if you find it. You should never challenge criminals unless you are behind some excellent cover.
Ayoob Files: Daniel Boone’s Shootings
The truth about Daniel Boone’s body count.
Old West Advice…Lessons Learned From Wyatt Earp
Some more history lessons from American Handgunner.
The Problem with 20 Gauge for Home Defense
Why the 20 gauge is generally inferior to the 12 gauge for home defense.
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