Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Running the AK
Some of the basics for you folks who are new to running the AK family of rifles.
You may also like the same authors’ take on the pump shotgun as well.
They Are Not You
Violent Criminal Actors think differently than you do. Also read Serial Murderer Toys With Justice System.
Skills Check: Gunsite Academy 499 Drill
A challenging pistol shooting drill you might enjoy. Want one that’s a little easier? Try the Vicker’s Leatham Drill.
My Top Picks for Books on Guns in America
I normally consider myself well-read on the topics of guns and tactics, but according to this list, I’m slipping. Out of the nine books David recommends, I’ve only read The Better Angels of Our Nature. More work to do!
Stop Trying to Change Yourself
“…the quickest way to change yourself is to realize that there’s no real self to change.”
Rifle Marksmanship: The Missing 40 Percent
This goes along with the idea that your best gunfight performance will be half of what your best range performance is.
Ken Hackathorn on the Thompson and the MP5
When Ken Hackathorn speaks, I listen. Another very experienced military trainer is Larry Vickers. You may also like his recent interview about the AK series of weapons.
New and Established Models of Limb Tourniquet Compared in Simulated First Aid

Military research is showing that the new SAM SXT tourniquet is not superior to the CAT.
House Clearing 101
I clear houses several times a month at work. I will tell you that even with two to three cops it is sometimes impossible to do it safely. Clearing your house by yourself is something to avoid unless you are in the most dire of situations.
Machete-Wielding Man Tosses Molotov Cocktails at Pennsylvania Police Officers
Between all the fireworks and Molotov cocktails tossed by recent protesters and incidents like this, I see more and more incendiary use against police officers. Most officers don’t have a plan for handling this type of an attack. The polyester uniforms worn by most street cops will melt to the skin, creating nasty burning wounds. I carry two of these small fire extinguishers in my duty bag (right next to the bottles of Lysol, hand sanitizer, and Lice/Flea spray), in addition to the large extinguisher in my car trunk. If I get out on a scene with incendiaries, I can slide one of these into my cargo pant pocket and be a little more ready in the event my coworkers or I get hit.
How To Safely Unload a Double Action Revolver
Fewer people are proficient with revolvers these days. This may be an important concept for some of you to review. Within the author’s methodology, “the count” is a critical factor. One of the few negligent discharges I’ve personally had (at age 14) would have been averted if I had done a count of the cartridges I had removed from a single action revolver. I missed one and touched off a .41 magnum round inside the house. No one was hurt, but I could tell you that my parents weren’t very happy. Count the cartridges coming out of the gun!
Fever in the Returning Traveler
This is an article for doctors, but it is also extremely useful for travelers coming back from the developing world. It’s nice to have a list of differential diagnoses when one comes back home with a fever. I just got back from Peru on Wednesday. You can bet that I will be alert for these symptoms.
Knocked Out on the Ground From a Kick
Hock provides some good ground fighting tips and shares an anecdote when he got knocked out cold following a ground kick. If you fight a lot (either in practice or in real life), you have undoubtedly been knocked out and probably suffer some lasting brain injuries. I’m reading The Concussion Repair Manual in the attempt to fix the consequences of some earlier poor life choices. Those of you who have been knocked out might find the book useful.
NRA Hunter Education Classes
The NRA has free online youth hunter safety education classes.
Beware of Gun Signs: The Law Has No Sense of Humor
“Take it from this attorney: Anything relating to deadly force in the criminal justice system is no joking matter.
The law does not have a sense of humor.”
“You’re F—ed”: A Shooting in Mesa
On the same topic as the article above, Massad Ayoob discusses the costly implications of a novelty slogan painted on a police firearm.
“Remember – the idea is to create a moment of doubt about your predetermined status as bad guy.”
The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime
What I’m reading…
This is a really dense 500-page book full of criminological research. It’s a lot of work, but covers some ground that many of you haven’t seen before.
Parking Spot Duel Ruled Self Defense
Sane commentary on a shooting that didn’t have to happen. The self-declared handicapped parking permit policeman reminds me an awful lot like the people I wrote about in The Summer of Snitches.
Let it go. Not your people, not your problem.
Caching your Guns for a Civil War Parts I-IV
Interesting reading here for those interested in the topic.
Maintaining Ruger Mini-14 Rifles
I’ve written about the Mini-14 before. I’m not a fan. With that said, some of you like them. This would be a good piece to read if you actually have and shoot a Mini. My best maintenance tip would be to buy an AR-15.
Training Drills to Become a Better Long-Range Shooter
It’s a topic that doesn’t often get much press. Do you have a precision rifle dry-fire practice routine? If you don’t, this article will provide you with some great ideas to get started.
Another topic that is gaining traction is the use of lever action rifles in a defensive role. They are short, light, and very powerful with a manual of arms everyone can easily learn. The old lever guns also tends to be more or less immune from future gun control legislation.
If you rely on a lever gun for defensive purposes, read Skills Check: Running a Lever-Action Rifle.
Urban Search and Rescue Codes
This is useful information to know if you live in an area that is prone to weather-related natural disasters.
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