Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend.
The Best Handgun Caliber for Concealed Carry
The Best Handgun Caliber for Your Concealed Carry Weapon?Read more: The Best Handgun Caliber for Your Concealed Carry Weapon?
The Best Handgun Caliber for Your Concealed Carry Weapon?Read more: The Best Handgun Caliber for Your Concealed Carry Weapon?
A good discussion of the various factors involved in handgun stopping power. Even better is the fact that he cited research from both Greg Ellifritz and Dave Spaulding. Clearly, this author is well informed!
Why You Want More Haters And How To Get Them
“When you walk a bold path, put yourself out there or just do things your own way, you’re gonna piss some people off.
They’re not actually pissed at you, they’re pissed at themselves for their inability to live a life that has meaning. It’s just easier to lob their anger your way, than it is for them to own it.”
Public Bathroom Breaks While Armed
Good ideas for those of you who have to use a public bathroom while carrying your pistol.
Congress Planning to Retrofit Electric Grid:
This is long overdue and I hope it happens quickly. Our nation’s power grid is in serious danger in the event of a CME or an EMP attack. This article is optimistic. Most research shows that if we had a CME the size of the Carrington Event in 1859, power wouldn’t be restored for about six years!
If you want an idea what life might be like in the event of an EMP, check out the book “Lights Out” by David Crawford.
Some people should stick to Glocks.
From the “gun writers should not be trusted” files…..
Oregon Man’s Gun Grab In City Hall
How many of you have spent any time on weapons retention training? When you are tangled up and fighting with someone, it’s often easy for the bad guy to get his hand on your gun without you even knowing it. Here’s a perfect example.
Go to 1:05 and watch how fast this kid gets the cops gun when the cop shoots in for a tackle. If you carry a gun, you need a plan to keep it in your holster.
9mm: Cool again?
A lot of agencies are getting smart and trading their .40 pistols for 9mm. It’s a good move and I think this trend will only increase in the future.
Nuts & Bolts of Holsters
Jeff Gonzales provides some sound advice about choosing a holster.
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