Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Terrifying moment Prague gunman David Kozak takes shot after shot
The best information about the Prague active killer I’ve seen, along with video of him shooting from the rooftop.
Using a rifle with a magnified optic to shoot from covered positions on a rooftop is a good strategy for amassing a lot of victims. It worked as far back as the Texas Tower incident in 1966. More recently the killer in the Route 91 Harvest music festival shooting in Las Vegas (2017) used this method to shoot almost 500 people.
I think we will start seeing more of these kind of attacks.
A few things to think about:
– Have you adequately secured the rooftop of your school or office building from unauthorized access?
– Do the cops know how to access the roof of your commercial building or school to get to the killer?
-Are there areas on the ground nearby that offer good cover from elevated threats and will provide you with a safe angle to return fire?
– Could you make a 100+ meter shot with your concealed carry pistol?
– If the shooter is on the building roof, is it safer to barricade inside the building or to escape? Are there any exits that cannot be observed by any potential rooftop shooting position?

Tom puts all the problem students in the front row
Read The Rangemaster monthly newsletter. I especially enjoyed the article on pistol mounted optics in this edition.
I’m fortunate enough now that I only have to wear a suit jacket about once every five years. For those of you who can’t dress like a construction worker in your daily life, here are some tips.
Mythbusting: Cell Phone Stop A Bullet?
An interesting study. In the police world, I’ve seen documented cases of bullets being stopped by badges, handgun magazines, radio microphones, and pocket knives. Will a phone stop a bullet?
Burn Your Ships
“What are your ships? Junk food? Scrolling through social media for hours a day? Poor financial discipline? What is preventing you from being motivated to move forward? Identify those things and set them on fire.”
WHAT are you Wearing?
Hock’s commentary on how martial arts “uniforms” have changed over the years.
Force Science Presents to the IACP Police Psychological Service Section
High heart rates do not automatically degrade physical skills.
Create Your Own Light: Finding Post Traumatic Purpose
What I’m reading…
I’m only about halfway done with this one, but I seriously recommend it for all my first responder friends. The author’s podcast is a great resource as well.
The Werner 5×5 | Skills and Drills
As easy as this drill seems, only about 15% of my basic level students can pass it. Need something a little tougher? Try the Moving B8 Drill from Defenders USA.
Citizens Safety Academy Gateway Instructor Course
I don’t teach new shooters. Regardless, I plan on taking this class next year. I think Aq and Tiff can make me a better instructor no matter my audience. For more information about their excellent classes, read my interview with these instructional geniuses.
Why I’m Wrong About Everything (And So Are You)
“Getting somewhere great in life has less to do with the ability to be right all the time and more to do with the ability to be wrong all the time. What are you wrong about today that can lead to your improvement?”
Mark’s book is a valuable read. This is also the primary driving formula business genius Ray Dalio discusses in his book Principles.
VIDEO: How to Shim a Latch, aka The “Credit Card Trick
A skill set everyone should have. In addition to the celluloid the author uses, I really like shove knives for the same purpose and always carried one in my police car.
Maybe Harry Was Right
This article made me smile. I have a six inch S&W Model 29. I’ve hunted deer with it, but now I’m starting to consider carrying it defensively.
New Firearm Owner Needs It 24 Hours After Purchase
One of the biggest mistakes I regularly see homeowners make. Don’t open you door in suspicious situations. Here’s an anecdote where a locked door might have prevented a push-in robbery.
It’s Better to Shut Off the Computer
“It’s much faster to turn out the lights than it is to drain the pipes.”
Driving 201: Road Tactics
High quality vehicular tactics information.
Reloading: From Start To Complete – Part 11
Keeping in mind that I know zero about reloading, this article series strikes me as being very valuable for the beginning reloader.
A History of Carry: 40 Years Armed
Dave Spaulding discusses how his primary carry guns have evolved over the course of the last 40 years.
Emergency Medical Response Is In Your Hands
Solid medical advice here.
Is the M1 Carbine a Good Self Defense Rifle?
I think the M1 carbine fills a niche as a defensive rifle for those who are smaller-statured and can’t manage the weight of an AR-15.
10 Common Handgun Draw Mistakes, and How to Fix Them
Some tips for smoothing out your draw stroke. Don’t forget to practice your draw while seated as well.
The Fatal Funnel: Dealing with Doors
Richard Nance shares his thoughts about tactically handling doorways.
Houthis in Yemen
Are you clueless about the Houthi pirates threatening our military and cargo ships? I was…until I listened to this podcast that clearly explained some of the issues.
Reframing De-escalation
Real talk about the latest tactical buzzword.
Choosing a Jiu-Jitsu School
Scott shares valuable advice for those of you looking to start training.
Should You Modify Your Carry Gun?
Marty Hayes is a guy who has done a lot of expert witness work and has a law degree. Here are his thoughts about modifying your defensive carry pistols.
Some of the above links (from are affiliate links. If you purchase these items, I get a small percentage of the sale at no extra cost to you.