Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Doing The Training Macarena
“In the little time — and with the little ammunition available to you — wouldn’t it make sense to practice the undeniable fundamentals of marksmanship? So, let’s not be stupid. Why not consider, instead, the option of working hard with our minimal time and ammunition to develop good fundamental skills?
And, if the time comes — heaven forbid — quit dickin’ around and just shoot the guy.”
KCI Gen 2 Glock magazines – Worth A Spit?
I don’t trust these enough for defensive carry, but they make great inexpensive training magazines.
Incidents and Takeaways: Defensive Lessons from Real-World Gun Fights
I’d rather learn from the mistakes of others instead of making my own tactical errors.
Magazine Springs and More
You do occasionally clean your magazines, right?
This Habit Is Making You Miserable (And Driving You Insane)
“Stop watching cable news, it’s bad for you.
Stop filtering the world through social media, it’s a cesspool.
Turn off those breaking news alerts on your phone—none of them are as important as you think.
But isn’t it my responsibility to be an informed citizen?
The problem is, we’ve fooled ourselves into thinking that endless news consumption is how you stay “informed”.”
The Conflicting Definitions of ‘Mass Shooting’ and How They’re Used by the Media
It’s important to understand these distinctions to properly evaluate the active killer threat.
The Bigger They Are…
I think the logic behind Michael Janich’s recommendations for kids’ self defense techniques is spot on. I don’t teach many children’s self defense classes, but I think that the low line kicks he recommends (combined with eye strikes) are the most effective techniques we can teach kids who aren’t large enough to generate power with more traditional strikes.
Skills Check: Dancing Lesson
A great rifle drill to try at your next range outing. And since we are celebrating Valentine’s Day weekend, you can also try the DRILL OF THE MONTH – Heart Casino.
This Doctor Testifies for Firing Squads So ‘These Men Suffer as Little as Possible’
This is a very unique perspective on the history and efficacy of the firing squad. Dr. Williams is a friend and mentor. He has certified me as one of his “tactical anatomy” instructors. You should pay attention to what he has to say on this controversial issue.
All or Nothing: Unsighted Fire
Just this week, I had a friend ask me about “point shooting.” Todd Green provided the most succinct summary of my current thoughts in this article.
“So there are three takeaways from this:
1. Unsighted fire happens, and more often than we often like to admit.
2. Practicing sighted fire helps improve your shooting ability even if you don’t focus on your sights under extreme stress.
3. Practicing sighted fire diligently can maximize your potential to see and use those sights under extreme stress.
As I’ve said many times in class, practicing sighted fire will improve your unsighted fire, but it doesn’t work the other way around.”
Gunfight Ensues After Open Carrier Has Firearm Yanked Off Him By Perp!
Yet another open carry fail. If you want a list of more than 100 similar incidents, see my article titled Friends Don’t Let Friends Open Carry.
For yet another perspective on the incident, see The Tactical Professor’s article titled Open Carry v. Doofus Carry.
When Fanny Pack CCW Won’t Cut it
Lots of folks now carry fanny packs slung across the chest. Here is a gun-specific bag designed for carry in that particular position. I have not seen this one in person, but it may be a good option for some of you.
101 Drills for Handguns, Rifles, and Shotguns
What I’m reading…
My friend Mike Boyle just sent me his latest book. I really like it so far. If you look closely, you might find a drill created by yours truly.
P&S ModCast 418 – Misunderstandings of Light Use
This is a tremendously informative podcast covering all aspects of tactical flashlight use. A couple further clarifications…
If you didn’t understand Dan’s explanation of lumens vs. candela, read this article.
The panel recommended the Streamlight Wedge for women because the form factor fits into women’s pockets better. I have one. I hate the switch for searching and for use with a handgun, but it’s an excellent utility light and works well as an impact weapon. I carry it exclusively when I travel to other countries without a gun. Streamlight is now also making them in different colors.
Dry Fire Part 10: Criss Cross Drill
A way to add some variety to your dry practice routine.
The Revolver Lock Nobody Asked For – Backlash and Beyond
A deep dive into the history of the S&W revolver lock.
While we are speaking of revolvers, the good folks at American Fighting Revolver are now making a podcast.
Drone Warfare in CW2
Matt Bracken’s thoughts on the present and future realities of drone warfare. Most of you will also really enjoy Matt’s books as well.
John Boyd (Patterns of Conflict)
For those of you who don’t recognize the name, Col. John Boyd is the genius who developed the OODA loop for explaining the process of decision making under the stress of combat. Numerous books have been written about his ideas, but here are the only recordings of Boyd himself lecturing on the topic. They were painstakingly converted from betamax tapes found in the Marine Corps University archives.
Guns are not just for conservative white men
Dr. Yamane discusses the realities of Gun Culture 2.0.
Red Dots: How Cheap is too Cheap? (featuring Mike Branson)
How low can you go with respect to red dot optics? You might also enjoy this article on the same subject matter.
How to Develop the Situational Awareness of Jason Bourne
If the words “OODA Loop” written above sound like a foreign language to you, check out this article. It covers many tools to increase awareness and provides an introduction to Boyd’s concepts. The secondary sources cited in the article are excellent and well worth your time to read.
“Shotgun barrels are like snowflakes: every one of them is different.
It is paramount that you pattern YOUR defensive load, in YOUR gun, to see what its capabilities and limitations are.”
Tips & Techniques: A Speedloader For .22s
I’m honestly surprised that more people don’t use this technique. It works for centerfire pistol magazines as well.
Trends in Police Training – Part 2

Erick spouts wisdom.
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