Links to some of the best information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend.
Five rules for quick shots on target with a handgun
If you aren’t shooting using these five rules, you probably could be getting better results.
Polite Society Tactical Conference 2015
A great series of short videos of some of the instruction at last week’s Rangemaster Tactical Conference. Thanks to Tiffany Johnson for shooting the video and Cecil Burch for compiling it! Surviving the Knockout Game is another great article that describes Cecil’s class at the conference.
Differences Between the VZ-58 and the AK
I like the VZ-58 rifle. They aren’t hard to find, cost around $500, and have several significant improvements over the AK-47 style rifles. For those shooters who have never heard of the VZ-58, here is an article comparing and contrasting it with the AK.
Here’s the secret code a Mexican drug cartel allegedly uses to communicate
The Mexican drug cartels are responsible for the majority of heroin and cocaine being imported into the United States. My cop friends will find this article useful if you happen to get a warrant on a cartel member’s cell phone.
The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think
As a cop, I spend more time with drug addicts than the average person. My experience echoes that of the author. Most of the drug addicts I encounter are leading miserable lives (either in actuality or in their own perception). Their drug addiction is a form of self-medication…trying to escape their perceived misery.
Are You Fit? How About Fit To Fight? The Four Key Attributes That Make a Difference!
Mike Seeklander’s ideas about why it is important to include an element of physical fitness into your defensive training programs. Unlike most articles, he provides a few baseline ideas to get you started doing the work as well.
Reaper Tips: Trigger Follow-through
One of the less-often discussed basics of precision rifle shooting…trigger follow-through.
Fat And Sugar: The Best And Worst Of 2014
Yet another report showing that fat is not the dietary enemy you should be avoiding.
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Vikings
Rules for being the best Viking that you can be.
Give them what they want
Kathy Jackson provides an in-depth analysis of a recent kidnapping where a woman was carjacked at the ATM and forced into her own vehicle trunk. While you are on Kathy’s site, you’ll also want to check out her article on How to Win the Bullet Surprise.
Survival Uses for a Bandana 
I always carry a bandana, especially when traveling in foreign countries. You can do a lot of things with that little piece of cotton cloth.
Hypothermia and cold injuries
The weather doesn’t seem to be getting any warmer. Are you up to speed on the treatment protocols for cold-related injuries?
The 10 Commandments of Lifting
Some sage lifting advice from legendary coach Dan John.
How to effectively use reduced silhouette targets to simulate longer distances when you shoot rifles on a short range.
Living in America will drive you insane — literally
“The reality is that with enough helplessness, hopelessness, passivity, boredom, fear, isolation, and dehumanization, we rebel and refuse to comply. Some of us rebel by becoming inattentive. Others become aggressive. In large numbers we eat, drink and gamble too much. Still others become addicted to drugs, illicit and prescription. Millions work slavishly at dissatisfying jobs, become depressed and passive aggressive, while no small number of us can’t cut it and become homeless and appear crazy. Feeling misunderstood and uncared about, millions of us ultimately rebel against societal demands, however, given our wherewithal, our rebellions are often passive and disorganized, and routinely futile and self-destructive.
When we have hope, energy and friends, we can choose to rebel against societal oppression with, for example, a wildcat strike or a back-to-the-land commune. But when we lack hope, energy and friends, we routinely rebel without consciousness of rebellion and in a manner in which we today commonly call mental illness.”
The article Running Amok postulates that a similar phenomenon contributes to the development of active killers. It’s a very interesting concept to look at. Both articles are long, but well worth your time.
Mundane Movements: Making CraigsList Transactions Less Murdery
The Defensive Daddy talks about how to conduct Craigslist Transactions without being murdered or robbed.
I talk a lot about survival medical skills. Have you considered that you may have to also take care of your livestock or pets as well? Here is a decent article that will get you started. If you want some training to go along with it, plan to attend Dr. Lauren Pugliese’s pet first aid classes at the upcoming Lone Star Medics Field and Tactical Medicine Conference.
The Gunman’s False Surrender
Hock details some of the ways that criminals train to get the drop on you as they are being held at gunpoint.
Revolvers: Not Just for Old Guys
To my absolute delight, revolvers may be making a comeback. I may not have “old guy” status just yet, but I appreciate the merits of a good revolver. So do the guys at I even wrote a guest chapter on the utility of choosing a defensive revolver in the event of societal unrest in the upcoming book The Reluctant Partisan- Volume II: The Underground.
Strategic Savagery: How to Use Terror
As someone who has experienced it first hand in the Balkans, Selco has an interesting perspective on terrorism.
Snake Oil Salesmen in Self Defense
“Let me be clear. It is morally reprehensible to me to be taking money from hard working honest people and give them flashy promises and catch phrases in exchange that will fall flat the day they need it to save their lives.”
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