Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
World Class Revolver Training!
Michael Bane produced a great episode providing an inside look at the instruction you can get at the Gunsite Revolver Roundup. If you want some tips on revolver reloading, check out some highlights from my block around minutes six-12. For more revolver content, read A Defense of the Revolver
Big Pistols vs. Small Pistols
Critically important research that most concealed carriers refuse to acknowledge.
What’s The Effective Range of Buckshot? – The Mag Life
It’s shorter than you might think. I believe that the shotgun is a great home protection weapon, but if I have to deal with a threat outside my house, I’m more likely to arm myself with my AR-15.
Situational Awareness Skills: Teaching Kids Observation Skills
Good suggestions for those of you who have young children.
9mm+P VS .357 Magnum in SNUBS – Speer Gold Dot ‘Short Barrel’ Ammunition – Ballistic Gel Test
I like the .357 magnum cartridge a lot. If you share my fondness for the cartridge, please be realistic in your assessment of its utility our of a short barreled revolver. The cartridge doesn’t become magical just because it has “Magnum” in its name. Out of short barreled guns, it has the same ballistic performance as a 9mm with a whole lot more blast and recoil.
Training Vs. Reviews – Skills and Consumerism
Why we see so few training articles in comparison with the number of gear articles on the internet is an endless source of frustration for me. It’s quite simple. No one reads training articles. People only make money on the web if people read their articles. No reads = No money. Authors have a financial incentive to write shitty gear articles because that’s what the uneducated gun world wants to see.
Uncle Zo tackles the subject from a different angle in Not Everyone Is A “Shooter”, And That’s Okay.
Podcast | Travis Howze

All of my police, fire, and EMS friends need to listen to podcast episode 134 “Fake-Ass Brotherhood.” My friend Bryan Eastridge commented that it shouldn’t be called the “Thin Blue Line” but rather the “Thick Blue Lie.”
MVP Drill
A unique shooting drill you might consider trying during your next range trip. You might also like Tatiana’s Hopscotch Drill as well.
10 Tips for Surviving a Terrorist Vehicle Attack
Commentary from Alain Burese about my vehicle attack advice.
Decide What You Want
This is one of the most accurate commentaries on contemporary policing that I have read.
Preparing to Deal with Terrorism
“The terrorists want you to be afraid. They want you to feel that you are helpless to stop them and, of course, that is the natural feeling that many people have. Nonetheless, just as you do not have to be the helpless victim of rape, robbery, or murder, you do not have to be the helpless victim of terrorists.”
Al-Qaeda 2.0: The Upcoming Attack on the United States and Europe Unveiled
And continuing the terrorism theme, this is my current reading interest. Thanks to my friend Dixon for the recommendation.
Dealing With A Dark Parking Lot
Crime prevention tips for a potentially dangerous environment.
The mythology of the “bad guy”
I think this article provides a very useful perspective. You should read the author’s book as well.
2024 by the numbers
Numbers the “de-fund the police” crowd would prefer you didn’t know. For more interesting stats, read Recidivism and Violence.
6 Training Rules for the Washed-Up Meathead
“Washed-up Meathead” is a description that hits dangerously close to home.
I really like the protocol suggested by Dr. Serrano near the end of the article and use it when I’m not feeling great at the gym.
Speaking of aging bodies, some of you may benefit from the information in The Aging Defender.
National Survey Officer Involved Shootings (OIS) with Pistol Red Dot Sights (RDS)
A good read for you red dot pistol shooters and police trainers. Opens to PDF.
52 Things I Learned in 2024
Not at all shooting or self protection related but I love random interesting facts like this.
The Way is in Training: Embracing Musashi’s Path to Enlightenment
“Musashi’s assertion that true warriors are fierce because their training is fierce underscores the importance of intensity and dedication in the pursuit of mastery. Fierce training is not just about physical exertion; it encompasses mental and emotional fortitude as well. It requires a commitment to pushing beyond one’s limits, embracing discomfort, and facing challenges head-on. This rigorous approach to training cultivates a warrior’s strength, resilience, and character.”
Here’s Why Jerusalem Artichoke Is a Fantastic Survival Crop
The Jerusalem Artichoke is a plant that grows wild in sunny areas of disturbed ground. Knowing how to identify, use, and propagate this plant may be useful for some of you. One caution. Eating a lot of the tubers will make you tremendously gassy. Fair warning.
Hard Truths about Sex Trafficking: Pt. 1
Deborah Dobbs just started a very informative new podcast. The information they share in this episode goes against every Facebook child trafficking meme you’ve ever seen, but in my experience is exceptionally accurate. Listen to Part Two as well.
Guest Shot: The Combative Carbine | Tactical Wire

Familiarity Breeds Contempt — We Must Do Better – American Cop

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