Links to some of the best information on the web. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend.
How to Keep Emergency Water in Your Vehicle Unfrozen During Winter
Good advice here from the Survival Mom website.
How To Make Difficult Conversations Easy: 7 Steps From A Clinical Psychologist
Some very useful techniques in this article.
The Pros and Cons of Babywearing
Melody has some great ideas for mothers who wear babies and guns at the same time.
Surviving An Armed Robbery: A Guide For Regular People
An excellent article about surviving an armed robbery from John at Active Self Protection.
A Comprehensive Beginner’s Guide to Handgun Shooting
A very comprehensive primer on the basics of handgun shooting. Share this one with anyone you know who got a new gun for Christmas!
5 things I learned from lice
Some techniques everyone should be aware of, even if you don’t have kids. We regularly have to deal with lice-infested prisoners at work.
Is a Pocket Gun Enough?
Karl Rehn discusses when a pocket gun may be enough, and when it may be lacking. But more importantly, he describes what type of training you should be doing if you carry a pocket gun and what realistic outcomes you should expect. You should also sign up for Karl’s informative monthly newsletter.
High Ready or not, here I come!
Some more thoughts on using the high ready position:
“Now does the chance of catastrophic injury increase by running the High Ready? Of course. If there is an accidental discharge and it does hit someone, chances are it will be the head area and not in the legs, like with the Low Ready. But you have to keep in mind that the High Ready was adopted primarily by Special Operations military personnel members who were facing armed enemy combatants. This is an important factor due to the higher than average level of CQB training these soldiers go through, and the danger their armed adversaries pose. The biggest risk in CQB is not being shot by your buddies, but by the enemy you are going against. So therefore, why not use techniques that give you the best chance of dealing with those threats?”
Why Do Men Stupefy Themselves? Leo Tolstoy on Why We Drink
This article goes down well with a tall Belgian Ale….
The Big Lie About Wanat (COP Kahler), Part 1 and Part 2
Two incredibly detailed articles about a battle in Afghanistan. Nine soldiers lost their lives that day and many in the media blamed their deaths om “jammed” M-4s. The author goes into great detail to dispel this myth. Part two looks at M-4 barrel over heating and the issues associated with that phenomenon. Did you know that you could blow an M-4 up after only firing 500 rounds? Read the article and see how it happens. Anyone who is interested in military history and/or the function of the M-4 rifle, should take the time to fully digest this information.
A home-defense gun and ammo for $246 bucks?
Very interesting thought exercise. What gun would you recommend to a brand new shooter for home protection if he/she only had $250 to spend? Dann’s recommendation of a Ruger 10/22 is a great choice. I wouldn’t feel undergunned if I had one with a Ruger factory 25 round magazine.
I’d also look at used Remington 870 or Mossberg 500 shotguns. Much harder to learn to shoot with, but very effective weapons.
I’ve also been able to pick up used S&W model 10 revolvers in the $200-$250 range. The finish has been trashed at that price, but the guns function just fine. I wouldn’t feel outgunned with any of those choices.
The Drugging of the American Boy
If you have children, you’ll want to read this superb article about the rampant ADHD diagnosis and drugging of American boys. From the article:
“The researchers found that “boys who were born in December”—typically the youngest students in their class—”were 30 percent more likely to receive a diagnosis of ADHD than boys born in January,” who were a full year older. And “boys were 41 percent more likely to be given a prescription for a medication to treat ADHD if they were born in December than if they were born in January.” These findings suggest, of course, that an errant diagnosis can sometimes result from a developmental period that a boy can grow out of.”
Very interesting stuff. If you want more information on the topic, Dr. Leonard Sax’ books Why Gender Matters and Boys Adrift provide excellent reference material.
Flying with a firearm is easier than you think. Here is a quick guide for learning how. One note, the photo shows ammo being carried inside the hard-shell gun case. That’s not allowed. Ammo must be in a container and separate from the gun.
Northern Forest Fire Lighting Fundamentals: Pulling It All Together
A very good article about lighting fires in the northern forests, along with additional links showing how to find and gather tinder as well as how to optimize the use of your fire steel. These are important skills to master and to teach your children. Being able to build a fire on a cold night while stranded in the woods can literally be the difference between life and death. While you are on Paul’s site, you might also want to check out How to Generate Water in the Frozen North.
A Look Back At “The Next 100 Years”
A summary of George Friedman’s uncannily accurate predictions about future global conflicts and challenges. For some more prognostications of what’s to come, check out InsideHook’s Year in Predictions.
A Solemn Pause
For even more dire predictions of the future, check out James Howard Kunstler’s look at the likely consequences of the recent drop in oil prices. James has been envisioning this future in his fictional World Made by Hand book series. I’ve enjoyed reading it.
Sig Braces, ATF rulings and the Inimicable Mr. Kingery

The most rational coverage I’ve seen on the ramifications of the ATF opinion letter regarding Sig “Arm Braces.” Michael bane also has some good commentary HERE.
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