Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Shoot While Moving vs. Move Then Shoot
The longer I stay in this game, the more I’m in favor of either moving or shooting…not doing both at the same time.
Red Zone Knife Defense Digital Download Video
Why a .22 LR Pocket Gun Should Not Be Underestimated [2025 Update]
Important concepts to consider.
A Common Weakness: One-Handed Shooting
Tune up your one-handed shooting skills. You should also consider this information when deciding the contents of your practice sessions.
Why Some Handguns Are Harder to Master
Information you should consider when choosing a defensive firearm.
[Study] Home Defense Overpenetration: Shotgun, Handgun, Rifle
There is a lot of very valuable ballistic testing data in this article. The author fired rounds through a block of ballistic gelatin. He then placed a simulated interior wall and a simulated exterior wall behind the gelatin block. He tracked how much penetration some common defensive rounds produced after going through the gel block.
I would not automatically dismiss any of the rounds he marks as a failure for overpenetration. Just because a round penetrates those barriers does not mean that it is moving fast enough to harm someone on the other side. A lot of the bullet’s energy is used up penetrating the barriers and it may not have the velocity to even penetrate skin on the other side.
50 things I know
A worthwhile read.
Rimfire PUNCH! Federal Punch .22 LR VS .22 Magnum (WMR) Semi-Auto VS Revolver Ballistic Gel Test
Looking at the difference between these two popular cartridges.
How to Travel With Handguns on Airlines
I wrote two articles on traveling with guns on the airlines this week. Here is some more information on the topic.
Urban Prepping — Emergency Preparedness in the City
Solid advice for urban emergencies.
Florida Road Rager Regrets His Stupidity
Think about how you might handle this situation.
The History and Future of the Smith & Wesson Internal Lock
Smith and Wesson introduced several new revolvers without locks at this year’s SHOT show. Do you know about the history of their locks? I learned a lot of facts I didn’t previously know while reading this article. If you are a S&W revolver fan, you’ll enjoy this long form article.
Six Reasons the Exodus of Police Officers Is Worse Than You Think
Taking a look at where legend and historical reality are in conflict.
Studying the Links Between White Supremacist Terrorists and School Shooters
The author discusses how white supremacist mass shootings differ greatly from Islamic Jihadi mass killings and postulates that the white supremacist attacks might be more closely compared to school shooters.
“Let’s remember that terrorism will always be a moving target. And so we can never afford to embrace a one-size-fits-all solution to fighting it.”
Along similar lines, check out Sam Harris’ article No Ordinary Violence. It describes differing motivations offenders possess and discusses why we shouldn’t consider all killer the same.
Analyzing the Dangers of Gender Identity Confusion and Its Link to Violence
Continuing on the topic of active killers, researchers are now noticing the increasing prevalence of transgender and female killers.
3 Key Medical Concepts to Teach Every Child
I remember having my own first aid kit in elementary school. I learned CPR at age 10. Don’t neglect your kids in your medical preparations.
The Deadliest Marksman’s Cold, Brave Stand
If you’ve never heard of Simo, get educated here.
Lipsey’s – Smith & Wesson 432UC Field Test
Detailed field testing of this excellent revolver.
Updating The “Pie Chart” Target
Karl does excellent work analyzing this common trope. For more information on the trigger control concepts that will keep you shooting bullseyes, read/watch “Correct” Trigger Control
Have Gun — Can Still Lose
Firearms training legend Ken Hackathorn is retired now and doesn’t write too many articles. You would be wise to pay attention when you see his byline. On the topic of the old timers in the firearms training industry, you might want to watch the fourth and final installment of INSIDE STORY, Episode 4, Part 4: The OG Gathering.
The Rise of Nitazenes: Chinese Suppliers Behind Ads for Deadly Opioids Targeting Europe
For those of you interested in future drug abuse trends.
Concealed Carry at the Gym: Things to Consider
I carry a pistol in a fanny pack every time I go to the gym. A long time ago, I once had to draw the gun to defend myself against three Ohio State University football players (one of whom I had previously arrested) who attacked me when I was working out. The entire incident was masterfully swept under the rug by both my police administration and the university. Justice was not served on that day, but I learned an important lesson that I had to be prepared to take care of myself because my bosses at the police department certainly wouldn’t take care of me.
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