Knowledge to make your life better. If you have some free time, check out some of these links this weekend.
Choosing an Instructor
Pay close attention to what Mas has to say. You should also read his thoughts on Powering Down.
Carry Options for Women
For those of you who need information about carrying guns while pregnant, I highly recommend this podcast.
How to Do Date Night At The Gun Range
The key to making this work is stepping away from the instructor role. Teach your date enough to be safe, but focus on fun. It’s a date, not a shooting class.
Lessons on Gunfighting from Wyatt Earp
An interview with this legendary old west gunfighter.
The 10-10-10 Drill: I Give it a 10 – Inside Safariland
Here is one of my favorite shooting drills. When you finish shooting that one, try a piece of history with Pistol Basics: El Presidente.
January Rangemaster Newsletter
Your must-read monthly newsletter.
Massad Ayoob: One-Handed Reload Tactics
I don’t make this a dedicated segment of my practice sessions. Instead, I work it in to my range training by doing a one-handed reload whenever I am shooting one handed and run out of ammo. A couple reps each training session keeps the skill fresh in my mind.
Should I “Clean” My Airgun?
This is a topic that doesn’t get much press. Read the article for advice about cleaning and preventative maintenance for your air rifles.
20-25% of all ‘homeless’ actually have housing
What the news media and politicians aren’t telling you.
Gangster Hunters: How Hoover’s G-men Vanquished America’s Deadliest Public Enemies
What I’m reading…
Minimum Gear You Need to Compete in Steel Challenge
Interested in shooting Steel Challenge? Here is the gear you need.
Why Mass Shootings Keep Happening
An insightful interview with a man who was arrested as he was carjacking a vehicle in route to commit a mass killing. The man served 10 years in prison for his crime and provides a glimpse into the mindset of an active killer.
“I’d be lying in bed wondering what I was doing wrong. Why didn’t anybody like me? Why was everybody against me? I could have thought, Well, I’m a loser. But I didn’t want to think that. So I started thinking they were losers. I started thinking that they didn’t like me because they were afraid of me—because I had power and they didn’t. Because I was special. And that’s when it all really got started:
“When I began thinking I was special.”
It’s a very long read, but it’s quite useful for anyone interested in stopping rampage killings.
Decoding the ARCH Triad: Spotting the Next School Shooter
An article discussing things we’ve known for a long time, but using the latest impressive psychological jargon.
An Official Journal Of The NRA | Online Ammo Buyers Beware
A caution for those of you who buy ammo via social media sites.
Staying Safe During Vehicle Attacks
I’ve never stopped banging the drum about the dangers of vehicle attacks. I’ve written thousands of words on the topic and my articles go generally unnoticed. Maybe if someone else discusses the issue, more folks will pay attention.
Some information about the history of Israeli (chamber empty) carry and why it isn’t the best choice for most individuals.
Hock’s Elbow Hyper-Extension, Grappling Armbar Session
Hock teaches elbow snaps. You might also like his article about Innovating and Re-Inventing the Basics.
An Official Journal Of The NRA | Handguns: Cold Weather Carry
For those of you who are living in climates with winter weather. On the same topic, you might also like to read Tips on Winter Wear for Concealed Carry from Chris Cerino.
Be Honest! How Often Do You Carry?
I spent 25 years working as a cop in a state that had mandatory notification of concealed carry when contacted by a law enforcement officer. I made contact with a lot of CCW licensees. It was rare I encountered one carrying a gun. The only way these statistics are accurate is if the folks considered throwing a gun in a car glove compartment “carrying.”
The Squib Load
A very well written article on an important topic that doesn’t get as much coverage as it should. Ammo manufacturers are cranking out cartridges faster than ever. The hectic production schedule leads to lapses in quality control. If you shoot enough, I promise you will encounter a squib.
How Misleading Data Could Change Tourniquet Protocols
For those of you who are into medical research and teaching medical classes, this article is well worth your time.
So you wanna de-bog yourself
Some very useful life coaching advice.
SIG Academy Pistol Mounted Optics Instructor Review and some feedback on gear.
I get a lot of questions about pistol mounted optics. That’s not my wheelhouse. I don’t even own a pistol with a red dot sight. If you want good info on that topic, listen to folks like Shane.
Requisite level of skill
Claude discusses the idea of minimum defensive competency standards and comes to a conclusion that will surprise many of you.
Handgun Training, DIY-Style
Some great thoughts about devising a personal training program along with a sample qualification course.
The Inside Story
True firearms training legends discuss the evolution of the training industry.
Reflections on 2024: Confronting Cult-Like Behaviors in Law Enforcement Training
Have you considered that your firearms training may contain some cult-like features?
Some of the above links are affiliate links. I earn a small percentage of the sale price from qualifying purchases at no additional charge to you.