Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week and want to share. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend.
The 4 Survival Skills Every Kid Should Know
For those of you who have kids, here is a short but important article about the skills you should teach them at an early age.
M-1911 Animation
Last week I linked to an interactive diagram showing the function and firing cycle of the Glock pistol. I don’t want to leave you 1911 shooters out, so here’s a similar one for 1911s. Please pay attention. You’ll need this diagram when your 1911 pukes!
One Handed Shooting
Todd Green takes a look at the NYPD’s shooting data and analyzes how much time one should spend training in one-handed shooting techniques.
Oddest AR Jam I’ve ever seen
Look at the picture and try to figure out what caused this malfunction before you read the text (If you can’t tell, it’s an AR-15 receiver turned upside down).
I got it right away, but it’s a rare one. I’ve only seen it a couple times in my career. If you ever have this happen in your gun, be certain to check the chamber and barrel for obstructions before shooting it again!
Ever since first working with a military unit in a wooded environment and seeing how badly the Army’s camouflage worked, I just don’t understand why they chose this pattern. It sucks in nearly every environment. It stands out in urban and wooded areas and glows at night. It’s horrible! I’m glad they are changing it. Don’t ever buy this pattern of camo. Stick to the older woodland style or the new multi-cam.
Rattlesnake Bite
Concise and accurate advice about field treatment of snake bites. Don’t cut the wound and try to suck out the venom. Don’t use the Sawyer extractor. Immobilize the limb and get the patient to a hospital. The pressure immobilization technique he briefly mentioned is likely to be more effective for wounds created by snakes in Asia or Australia.
Revolver malfunctions, Part Three.
Grant Cunningham has an excellent series of articles about revolver malfunctions on his blog. What? You didn’t know revolvers could malfunction? They can. Check out Grant’s articles to see how to prevent or fix the problem.