Here are a few links to articles and videos I found interesting this week. Some are intellectual. Some are informative. Some are just fun. If you have some free time, check them out this weekend.
Start Living a Warrior Lifestyle
“I also believe even with more conviction that if your career revolves around saving lives or defeating bad guys than your primary hobbies shouldn’t be golfing, watching reality TV, or sitting your fat ass on a bar stool at a sports bar.
If you carry a gun for a living, that is a lifestyle, and it should be treated as such because people’s lives depend on it.
Your hobbies should be things that strengthen you as a warrior. Get into IDPA or 3 gun competitions. Start learning a mixed martial art. Get your families into outdoor activities like camping, fishing or hunting. If you have a son or daughter that is old enough to play sports and they don’t know how to handle a weapon, than you should have your ass kicked! I mean that literally.”
The Squib Round
Learn to recognize the sound and feel of a squib round being fired!
An Unexpected Range Lesson
Something that makes almost the exact same noise as a squib round is a smaller caliber round being fired out of a larger caliber gun. The article and picture above show a .40 round fired in a .45. The empty case is shoved down the barrel and causes an obstruction much the same way as the bullet does in a squib round. I’m amazed that this 1911 held together. Every one of these that I have seen has caused the gun to blow up.
Are your kids equipped to handle these 7 scary scenarios?
I get lots of questions about family defense, but I’m far from an expert in that field. I generally defer to someone who actually has kids! Here is a good list of scenarios for which to prepare your children.
Lisa’s book Survival Mom is a great read as well.
Sandbags for stopping bullets
Interesting video of how sand bags will stop bullets.
Winchester Ranger 38 Special +P 130 Grain Bonded Ammo Test
Some test results of my personal choice of carry rounds for the .38spl. These are a great choice. The other load mentioned in the article (Speer 135 grn Gold Dot) would be equally as good. It’s tough to beat .60 expansion and 12.75″ of penetration in a 2″ .38 spl!
Rack Hip Thrusts
The hip thruster is the best glute exercise you can do. Most people have weak glutes from sitting too much. When the glutes get weak, back and knee problems start to crop up. Do your butt exercises! Besides improving your appearance, you will reduce injuries and increase your deadlift. It’s a win all around!
This modification to the traditional hip thrust will work well for guys with big legs who can’t slide the bar over their thighs. Another option is to do what I do…use a curved Buffalo Bar.
30-Day Glute Challenge
And speaking of hip thrusts, I regularly see people doing all sorts of 30-day “challenges” on Facebook…pullup challenges, pushup challenges, burpee challenges, squat challenges. It’s never ending. The fact is that most people have tremendous muscular imbalances. We work the front of the body much harder than we work the back of the body. You likely don’t need more pushups and squats! Work your backside! Here’s a good challenge for those of you who need a little kick start to look and feel better.
If you want a longer term workout plan by the same author, I highly recommend Brett’s book Strong Curves. It’s well researched and provides great workout ideas.
The White Report
Any of you interested in learning about “real life” gunfighters will find this webpage useful. It chronicles the life and some of the gunfights of retired DEA agent Frank White. Frank put 33 bullets into bad guys during his career. Not many folks get the opportunity for such action these days. We’d all perform better if we learned from guys like him.
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